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No increase in social security this year

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:29 pm
by couzin
Just got my SS benefit letter for 2010. It says: "Based on the Consumer Price Index (pub by Dept Labor), there was no rise in the cost of living (emphasis mine) during the past year, so your benefit will remain the same in 2010." Do you think the Fed government used the same folks as the climate warming scientists for their data? Bet Congress votes itself a pay raise based on the Cost of Living data...

Re: No increase in social security this year

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:34 pm
by AEA
Worst economy since the depression and there is no cost of living increase warranted? There is a couple of words I would like to say about this, but I would be banned from here if I did.

We will ALL soon be in soup lines due to the Administration and their ideals.

Get year your letter may say "Due to the decrease in the COL, you benefit will be reduced by xxx.xx dollars for 2011". This will be calculated the same way they calculate everything else (any way that makes them look good to the rest of the fools on the wagon).

Re: No increase in social security this year

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:44 pm
by marksiwel
makes you wish they would have let you KEEP that money you've been paying into your whole life. This is why I've had a 401k since I was 21, I aint depending on uncle same to help me at all

Re: No increase in social security this year

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:55 pm
by AEA
Yep, but........

You have already seen how they can also mess up your 401K value! So, there is really no way to prevent them from doing whatever they want!


Re: No increase in social security this year

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 4:10 pm
by ammo two
There is also NO Cost of Living Increase this year for military retirees. I guess with that extra money we aren't getting we'll have to figure out where we are going to pull the money from to pay for our property tax which DID go up. And didn't I hear Obama saying that we needed to go out and spend more?? Can't spend what you don't have to begin with.... :???:

Re: No increase in social security this year

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 4:20 pm
by Oldgringo
couzin wrote:Just got my SS benefit letter for 2010. It says: "Based on the Consumer Price Index (pub by Dept Labor), there was no rise in the cost of living (emphasis mine) during the past year, so your benefit will remain the same in 2010." Do you think the Fed government used the same folks as the climate warming scientists for their data? Bet Congress votes itself a pay raise based on the Cost of Living data...
You obviously noticed the part about NO INCREASE in our SS payments but did you also notice a real hefty INCREASE in your Part B prescription drug cost? I did, and it really makes me :mad5 ; however, nobody cares.

Re: No increase in social security this year

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 4:24 pm
by longtooth
They got there raise though. :smash:

Re: No increase in social security this year

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 4:27 pm
by Oldgringo
marksiwel wrote:makes you wish they would have let you KEEP that money you've been paying into your whole life. This is why I've had a 401k since I was 21, I aint depending on uncle same to help me at all
Have enough diversity in your various savings accounts so that something like an Enron or Lehman Bros., etc. collapse doesn't have you looking for the nearest high bridge or tall building to leap from. :cryin Ker-Splaaat!

Re: No increase in social security this year

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 2:33 am
by Alex_A
couzin wrote:Just got my SS benefit letter for 2010. It says: "Based on the Consumer Price Index (pub by Dept Labor), there was no rise in the cost of living (emphasis mine) during the past year, so your benefit will remain the same in 2010." Do you think the Fed government used the same folks as the climate warming scientists for their data? Bet Congress votes itself a pay raise based on the Cost of Living data...
Funny how the government gets to measure the CPL, and they're also the ones writing checks based on what those numbers say...

Look on the bright side: at least you get a check. I'll be paying into that system for the next 4 decades and I'll never see a dime. Even worse, it's illegal for me to opt out >.<

Re: No increase in social security this year

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 9:30 am
by Oldgringo
Congress doesn't have to vote itself a raise, it's automatic.

Furthermore, check this out - ... mpaign=DPD" onclick=";return false;

Everthing we consume INCLUDING our supplemental health insurance has increased but not the SS that we've paid into for some half century!!! Where is my bailout? I say fire 'em all and let's start over.

Yes, I am upset. Why do you ask?

Re: No increase in social security this year

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 6:37 pm
by tacticool
couzin wrote:Based on the Consumer Price Index (pub by Dept Labor), there was no rise in the cost of living (emphasis mine) during the past year
Thinking about what it costs for clothes and groceries and gasoline and gadgets that sounds right.

Ammo is through the roof but I don't think that's included in the CPI numbers.

Re: No increase in social security this year

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:13 pm
by bizarrenormality
I actually think a lot of prices have gone down. That doesn't make be happy about the wage freeze at work but it does take away some of the sting.