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Obama and Guns

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 8:39 pm
by glockstero
He isn't dumb enough to attempt any gun control legislation before the election but you can count on Obama trying something if he is re-elected. Remember this is the guy whose Chief of Staff said "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste " and has been governing that way ever since.

"Obama: America needs "soul searching" on gun violence" ... 6120120806" onclick=";return false;

Re: Obama and Guns

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:53 pm
by Poldark
Previously unknown program of strict gun control made public by news agency ... ews-agency" onclick=";return false;

Sure looks like they are going to come after them in 2013 in some form and it will be Obama and Romney which ever wins the election. :shock:

Re: Obama and Guns

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:20 pm
by The Annoyed Man
Poldark wrote:Previously unknown program of strict gun control made public by news agency ... ews-agency" onclick=";return false;

Sure looks like they are going to come after them in 2013 in some form and it will be Obama and Romney which ever wins the election. :shock:
Quoting your Examiner article:
Not mentioned in this column’s first paragraph: The report was filed by the Yonhap News Agency about a law enacted in North Korea “to tighten control over the society…” as a protective measure to prevent "chaos" after Kim Jong-Il had a stroke and was lining up tyrant-in-waiting son Kim Jong-un to succeed him.
I have no doubt that Obama will try to destroy the 2nd Amendment once and for all if reelected, but I don't think it helps us to look very smart when we hyperventilate over a new gun law in North Korea—of all places—as if it were actually happening here. Liberals are already convinced we are stupid (because that's what it takes for them to feel better about their pitiful lives), we don't need to be feeding them any ammunition. I normally have no issue with the Examiner, but I think they struck out on this one. It is irresponsible to suggest that another level of insanity happening in North Korea is actually happening here in the U.S. They could have included the information that it was North Korea in the first sentence. Instead, they put it in the next to last paragraph, and it had the result they apparently intended.

Re: Obama and Guns

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 12:51 am
by Texas Dan Mosby
"Obama: America needs "soul searching" on gun violence"
America needs "soul searching" on electing communists as POTUS, and individuals with no moral character as legislators.

Re: Obama and Guns

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:01 am
by sjfcontrol
The Annoyed Man wrote:
Poldark wrote:Previously unknown program of strict gun control made public by news agency ... ews-agency" onclick=";return false;

Sure looks like they are going to come after them in 2013 in some form and it will be Obama and Romney which ever wins the election. :shock:
Quoting your Examiner article:
Not mentioned in this column’s first paragraph: The report was filed by the Yonhap News Agency about a law enacted in North Korea “to tighten control over the society…” as a protective measure to prevent "chaos" after Kim Jong-Il had a stroke and was lining up tyrant-in-waiting son Kim Jong-un to succeed him.
I have no doubt that Obama will try to destroy the 2nd Amendment once and for all if reelected, but I don't think it helps us to look very smart when we hyperventilate over a new gun law in North Korea—of all places—as if it were actually happening here. Liberals are already convinced we are stupid (because that's what it takes for them to feel better about their pitiful lives), we don't need to be feeding them any ammunition. I normally have no issue with the Examiner, but I think they struck out on this one. It is irresponsible to suggest that another level of insanity happening in North Korea is actually happening here in the U.S. They could have included the information that it was North Korea in the first sentence. Instead, they put it in the next to last paragraph, and it had the result they apparently intended.
TAM -- I suspect that Poldark knew it was N.K., thus the "it will be Obama and Romney which ever" part. Had me going for a minute as I had heard those claims somewhere, but couldn't immediately place it. I do think it is irresponsible for a supposed news agency to be purposefully deceitful and bury the lead. I actually checked the article's date, thinking maybe April 1st.

Re: Obama and Guns

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:11 am
by C-dub
glockstero wrote:He isn't dumb enough to attempt any gun control legislation before the election but you can count on Obama trying something if he is re-elected. Remember this is the guy whose Chief of Staff said "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste " and has been governing that way ever since.

"Obama: America needs "soul searching" on gun violence" ... 6120120806" onclick=";return false;
Even if he is not re-elected. Lame duck president's are the most dangerous.

Re: Obama and Guns

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:25 am
by Kythas
The White House said yesterday Obama is in favor of an assault weapons ban. ... eapons-ban

Re: Obama and Guns

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:02 am
by C-dub
Kythas wrote:The White House said yesterday Obama is in favor of an assault weapons ban. ... eapons-ban
He always has been. He's just been quiet about it to try and sneak something in without the general public's knowledge.

Re: Obama and Guns

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:36 am
by Purplehood
The Annoyed Man wrote:
Poldark wrote:Previously unknown program of strict gun control made public by news agency ... ews-agency" onclick=";return false;

Sure looks like they are going to come after them in 2013 in some form and it will be Obama and Romney which ever wins the election. :shock:
Quoting your Examiner article:
Not mentioned in this column’s first paragraph: The report was filed by the Yonhap News Agency about a law enacted in North Korea “to tighten control over the society…” as a protective measure to prevent "chaos" after Kim Jong-Il had a stroke and was lining up tyrant-in-waiting son Kim Jong-un to succeed him.
I have no doubt that Obama will try to destroy the 2nd Amendment once and for all if reelected, but I don't think it helps us to look very smart when we hyperventilate over a new gun law in North Korea—of all places—as if it were actually happening here. Liberals are already convinced we are stupid (because that's what it takes for them to feel better about their pitiful lives), we don't need to be feeding them any ammunition. I normally have no issue with the Examiner, but I think they struck out on this one. It is irresponsible to suggest that another level of insanity happening in North Korea is actually happening here in the U.S. They could have included the information that it was North Korea in the first sentence. Instead, they put it in the next to last paragraph, and it had the result they apparently intended.
They know that most readers fail to get to the end of a "News" article. Readers tend to jump to conclusions and summarize once they have seen what they are looking for.

Much like many of us do on this forum. I include myself in that category.

Re: Obama and Guns

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 5:32 pm
by Poldark
Sorry team,trying to run with one boot still in the stirrup, I was so cranked reading the article I did miss the last lines. The last few weeks have been rough with all the incoming from the gun grabbers, Bloomburg et al and bull from the hyped up media . O is keeping his cards close to his chest and agree will go after the 1st and 2nd amendments if reelected.

Re: Obama and Guns

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:43 pm
by Matto79
At the risk of being labeled a dirty liberal or a "commy lover," I kinda feel the need to speak up.

I've spend a good amount of time researching this topic of Obama coming after our guns and his hidden agenda to destroy the 2nd Amendment right we all love and cherish. I'm confident that this conspiracy theory is false and doesn't hold water.

The President has stated he is in favor of reinstating the assault weapon ban. Will it Despite the two recent tragic mass shootings in Colorado and the Wisconsin Sihk Temple, I don't believe there is enough negative sentiment towards guns and assault rifles that the sale of such and possession should, or worse, will get banned. Even with the Brady Bill, it said the sale of assault rifles were illegal. Those who already owned them, and didn't break the law, could keep them. And its not like I'm not worried because it doesn't affect me. I own an assault rifle. But I'm not worried that President Obama is coming after it. I'm sure many of you will call me naive, but there really isn't any real evidence to support it.

Mitt Romney, as Governor of Massachusettes, signed an assault weapons ban into law. There is no expiration of that ban. Its still in effect. And I haven't heard, unless I missed it, Mitt come out and say his home state should repeal that law that he signed. He didn't call for it during his time at Governor.

Wayne LaPierre of the NRA is convinced that Obama will come for our guns if re-elected. But to me, it seems that Romney has done (as in completed actions in the past) more to infringe on gun owners rights as a politician with executive experience than President Obama has in the last 3 and a half years as President. Only recently has Mitt Romney started to change his tune on gun rights. Now, I won't call Mitt a "flip flop." I'll give him credit and say his views have evolved over time, regardless of the reason. But honestly, I'd be a a little fearful of a candidate who actually signed bills into law that restricted gun owners rights over what they can and can't buy/own and changed his mind all of a sudden than a President who has been more or less "on the fence" on the whole issue, but really has never come out and signed or championed any laws that directly infringed our rights as active gun owners. In fact, you could make the conspiracy claim that since Mitt signed into law his own Assault Weapons Ban, that his recent turn around was to create this idea that he's "seen the light" to get us all to vote for him, and when he becomes President, he turns his back on his campaing promise to protect our rights and instead enacts his not-so-secret plan to re-enact the Federal Assault Weapons ban, similar to the Massachusetts ban, that we should have all seen coming. (I'm sorry for that long, and probably gramatically incorrect sentence, but hopefully you get the gist) As stupid as that claim is, so to is the one about President Obama. But, Romney is a recently paid in life-time member of the NRA, an organization that at one point Romney wanted nothing to do with, but the past is the past, and I really do mean that sincerely. But like Romney said, you got to give a little to get a little. The NRA probably appreciates the endorsement of a Republican Candidate for President, just like a Presidential Candidate enjoys the return big endorsement from the NRA.

And as a person who owns more than a few guns myself, as much as the NRA is supposed to be about protecting the 2nd Amendment, its hard for me to pay for a membership to a group who's leader (Wayne) continues to spit inflamed and massively unsubstantiated claims about our Presient and his "secret agenda" to enact the worst gun control laws we've ever seen. On the issue of Gun Rights/Gun Control, when I see more facts and backed up statements made from the NRA, I'll probably get my membership. Until then, I guess I'll count myself out. Its hard for me to accept and take seriously people and/or groups that spread ignorant/false/inflamatory speech into the public dialog. Also, it just always seems that when scary statements like these are proposed, gun sales always seem to go way up. There just can't be any correlation between the two... :???: That was sarcasm.

Is President Obama a great President, no. Will Mitt Romney, if elected become a great President and the answer to our country's problems? I seriously doubt it. Singularly on the Gun issue, I really don't feel Mitt is any better than Barack. I know most or all of you disagree, and that's perfectly ok. But if were going to have a discussion about his, we have to look at the facts, and stop treating conspiracies like they're Bible. Calling President Obama a socialist, a communist, a secret hater of guns and gun owners is as bad (all of which are not true) as Wade Michael Page mistaking Sikh's as Muslims and shooting up one of their temples in revenge for 9/11. Spreading false ideas like these do harm, sometimes with the guns that we so desperately cherish.

Don't let these extreme right conservatives like Wayne LaPierre, Ted Nuggent, Sarah Palin, and others convince you our President is targeting you and our 2nd Amendment rights. I truly believe, after looking over the facts, not rumors, that he isnt. Now, if I'm proven wrong one day, I will surely eat crow over it for my defense of the President in regard to these attacks. However, (go ahead and call me naive) I doubt that day will come, and not because I think he won't get re-elected. If re-elected, I doubt we, as responsible gun owners, will feel any sting during his 2nd term.

Re: Obama and Guns

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:52 pm
by glockstero
So Matto,

Considering Obama's record of truth telling thus far, what makes you think he will keep his word on his views of the 2nd ammedment? Me thinks it will be like his promise to have the health care bill debated and discussed on CSPAN among a slew of other lies.

Re: Obama and Guns

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 7:17 pm
by gdanaher
Talk is cheap but actions are telling. Simply look at Massachusetts and what Romney did when he was there. Evidence can't be argued with. What I can't stomach from Romney is his willingness to twist in whatever direction the wind blows and claim it has always been his belief. The nation needs a statesman to provide direction. We haven't had that kind of leadership in quite some time. I read the comments here that he has to be better than Obama. Well, no, he doesn't. It's possible he could be a lot worse. Certainly he has no idea how I feel, and if he can sign a weapon ban in Mass. and then turn around and join the NRA for life, he might be selling snake oil from the back of a covered wagon. Thanks but no thanks. If he came out and said that he made a blunder, I might have some respect. I'm waiting.

Re: Obama and Guns

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 7:23 pm
by C-dub
The Obamanation has said that they are working on gun legislation quietly or something like that. He's said he's in favor of reinstating the misnamed "assault weapon ban." Matto79, you think he's lying about these things as he's lied about so many others?

He also said that he could not legally just magically make the illegal immigrants legal and then, what was it, about a month later he did. He knows that he can't get any gun legislation through congress and he knows that if he tried to jam it down our throats any other way, like the mandated unaffordable health care act, that his re-election chances would be nil at best.

We didn't know that Ronald Reagan was going to be as great as he was before he was elected. No one knew that Abraham Lincoln would either. I have said in another thread and many others have also said it before. No one picks the best President anymore. We pick the least worst and the Obamanation is easily the worst of these two, which by default makes Mitt the least worst.

I hope you have as much disdain for lies that Dingy Harry and the Obamanation have told about Mitt and Bain Capital as you do for theoretical concerns that conservatives do about the Obamanation base on his prior actions and statements. The latest is, of course, that Mitt is responsible for a woman's death from, undiagnosed while at Bain, cancer 7 years after he left the company and 5 years after she left another company where she did have health care coverage.

Personally, one thing alone does it for me against him. The man supported legislation that if a baby in IL survived a late term abortion it was illegal for a doctor to treat that baby the same as if it had been born naturally and could murder it by completing the abortion. He also picked a woman as HHS Secretary that protected a man that performed illegal late term abortions.

Re: Obama and Guns

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:17 pm
by gdanaher
He is quietly working to create anti gun legislation? He actually legalized illegal aliens? Really?? Is there any evidence of this at all? If so, quote it. Do not use the off the chart internet 'newspapers'. Try something like the WSJ, or the actual written legislation that was introduced and given a number. The POTUS might in fact be opposed to assault weapons, and everyone gets an opinion. He has made no effort to initiate legislation, and in the next 4 years if he is around you can bet it is a non issue. Please take what the folks at the big lobby in DC have to say about this with a grain of salt. They are selling memberships which means bucks. If they can get people all worked up, their pockets are enriched.