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An Opinion from Pravda, Russia

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:55 am
by DEB
This is from Stanislav Mishin a commenter from Pravda. It seems that there are many outside of the US that get it.

I also read a story from a Pole from the Ukraine that gave a story about the Partisans fighting the Soviets until the late 1950s, who also has a very strong pro-gun opinion. ... ns_guns-0/" onclick=";return false;

Some of the comments have bad language within them, so be warned. I wish I could just cut and paste the story instead of the URL.

Re: An Opinion from Pravda, Russia

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 2:54 pm
Good article.

Re: An Opinion from Pravda, Russia

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 3:04 pm
by longtooth
We are headed there in the fast lane & politicians laugh at the ones that do not believe it.

Re: An Opinion from Pravda, Russia

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 3:57 pm
Frau Feinstein, and company exhibit the epitomy of elitism. Californians also have a propensity to view the inhabitants of the other 49 states as ne'er -do-well barbarians who require their elitist guidance into the realm of proper decorum.

In the unlikely event that her wish list of AW/mag bans were to be enacted or decreed by the Ubermeister-IN-CHIEF - I would exhibit the same level of respect for their " law" as they have exhibited for my Constitution .

To those concerns that AR-15's , and >10 + round mags are no match for heavy weaponry available to tyrannts - I would offer up the axiom that the weapon that you HAVE is merely an interim tool intended for the purpose of acquiring the weapons that you NEED.

Would be tyrannts will be constrained as much by the POTENTIAL as the present response to their mischief lest they choose to believe the ongoing gun buying spree merely reflects a surge in target shooting interest.