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Here We Go Again...

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:00 pm
by StewNTexas
It appears what we call the 'right' is never going to get it right.

After Obama first got elected, we had two full years to find our own silver tounged devil that might be able to level the playing field with the king of the teleprompter. FAIL. We went back to what has not been working, and brought out what might have been called an old political hack, overlooking all the problems McCain had in trying to get his message out.

So, Romney gets a chance, and his lack of personality and poor speaking style along with huricane Sandy sunk us again.

Now I hear that Jeb Bush is considering a 2016 run.

We need to hold a talent show similar to American Idle to see if we can find a new name and a new face that can actually perform under pressure. Hold TV shows, have potential candidates work through various problems both foreign and domestic, news events, maybe both feast and famine. Show they can adapt promptly, act with authority, be decisive, and STAY ON MESSAGE.

On the Sunday shows, each and every spokesperson on the left has no more than four talking points. The same points on each and every show. If one of them has an issure of their own, they do not mention it. They stick to message no matter what.

On our side, each person has their own points, not coordinated with anyone on another show. We might wind up with a total of 25 things talked about, fragmenting our overall message, as well as diluting it. Those other people do not break ranks, saying the same thing over and over.

What we are doing is not working. Lets try something else.

Re: Here We Go Again...

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:03 pm
by mamabearCali
NO MORE BUSH! I am done with with that bit. they out him up they deserve to go the path of the Whigs.

Re: Here We Go Again...

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:05 pm
by Grillmark55
If Jeb Bush even THINKS of running, the Republican party is sunk. Come to think of it, what would be the down side of that?

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Re: Here We Go Again...

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:38 pm
by EconDoc
We do not need political dynasties in this country. It doesn't matter if the name is Bush or Kennedy. That is the sort of thing that leads to aristocracies.

:patriot: :txflag:

Re: Here We Go Again...

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:50 pm
by RoyGBiv
Rand Paul 2016

By the time 2014 rolls around, America will be weary of the lies and hypocrisy and Mr. Paul's style will be fresh air.


If not, we have Ted Cruz' style... And by 2014 he'll have about as much experience in the Senate as did Obama.

Re: Here We Go Again...

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 8:13 pm
by Keith B
I would like to see Bobby Jundal as a possible candidate. He is conservative and very pro 2A.

Re: Here We Go Again...

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 8:38 pm
by suthdj
Cruz for pres

Re: Here We Go Again...

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 9:15 pm
by punkndisorderly
Another establishment "made man" and a Bush to boot. I can hardly contain my enthusiasm. Or is it, hardly contain my sarcasm.

Just what the Republicans need to drive even more people to sit at home on election day.

Re: Here We Go Again...

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 9:34 pm
This is why Republicans lose. They believe that the perfect is the enemy of good, pretty good, darn good, and everybody else. "Boo, hoo, hoo, hoo! I didn't like Romney, he was to dull, too rich, too Mormon, too blond, too this, too that, not tough enough on immigration, not tough enough on taxes, spending, abortion, etc. for me, so I just sat home and glowered!"

The Communists formerly known as Democrats, OTOH, are so enthusiastic, even after cutting each others throats over the nominations, that even their dead guys get up and vote, and some of the live ones vote 2,3,4 even 6 or 8 times!

All your ideas, values, principles, hopes and dreams are WORTHLESS if your guys aren't in office, control the House, the Senate, the White House, the State House, as many as possible.

Re: Here We Go Again...

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 9:38 pm
by G26ster
JALLEN wrote:This is why Republicans lose. They believe that the perfect is the enemy of good, pretty good, darn good, and everybody else. "Boo, hoo, hoo, hoo! I didn't like Romney, he was to dull, too rich, too Mormon, too blond, too this, too that, not tough enough on immigration, not tough enough on taxes, spending, abortion, etc. for me, so I just sat home and glowered!"

The Communists formerly known as Democrats, OTOH, are so enthusiastic, even after cutting each others throats over the nominations, that even their dead guys get up and vote, and some of the live ones vote 2,3,4 even 6 or 8 times!

All your ideas, values, principles, hopes and dreams are WORTHLESS if your guys aren't in office, control the House, the Senate, the White House, the State House, as many as possible.

Re: Here We Go Again...

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 9:43 pm
by mamabearCali
JALLEN wrote:This is why Republicans lose. They believe that the perfect is the enemy of good, pretty good, darn good, and everybody else. "Boo, hoo, hoo, hoo! I didn't like Romney, he was to dull, too rich, too Mormon, too blond, too this, too that, not tough enough on immigration, not tough enough on taxes, spending, abortion, etc. for me, so I just sat home and glowered!"

The Communists formerly known as Democrats, OTOH, are so enthusiastic, even after cutting each others throats over the nominations, that even their dead guys get up and vote, and some of the live ones vote 2,3,4 even 6 or 8 times!

All your ideas, values, principles, hopes and dreams are WORTHLESS if your guys aren't in office, control the House, the Senate, the White House, the State House, as many as possible.

Do you think for one second that this country will vote for another Bush?! I don't care if he is perfection on every issue. The media has so completely destroyed that name that there is no way he would be elected. It is precisely because of this that I do not want another Bush. We cannot win with him. Is that pragmatic enough for you?

Re: Here We Go Again...

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:05 pm
by G26ster
mamabearCali wrote:
JALLEN wrote:This is why Republicans lose. They believe that the perfect is the enemy of good, pretty good, darn good, and everybody else. "Boo, hoo, hoo, hoo! I didn't like Romney, he was to dull, too rich, too Mormon, too blond, too this, too that, not tough enough on immigration, not tough enough on taxes, spending, abortion, etc. for me, so I just sat home and glowered!"

The Communists formerly known as Democrats, OTOH, are so enthusiastic, even after cutting each others throats over the nominations, that even their dead guys get up and vote, and some of the live ones vote 2,3,4 even 6 or 8 times!

All your ideas, values, principles, hopes and dreams are WORTHLESS if your guys aren't in office, control the House, the Senate, the White House, the State House, as many as possible.

Do you think for one second that this country will vote for another Bush?! I don't care if he is perfection on every issue. The media has so completely destroyed that name that there is no way he would be elected. It is precisely because of this that I do not want another Bush. We cannot win with him. Is that pragmatic enough for you?
I think you missed the point. I do not believe it was an endorsement of Bush at all. I believe the point was that Democrats unite behind a candidate and VOTE!. Republicans, who do not get everything they want, pout, lose interest, and stay home. That's why we lose. Democrats run some of the worst candidates there possibly can be and still win, because they VOTE and don't stay home. I think his point was Republicans stay home if they can't have the exact person they want, and their reasoning is that the candidate is no better than the Dem running, but it never is true. Then we cry about it when it's too late.

Re: Here We Go Again...

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:12 pm
by SATX-Scrub
I'd throw Cruz's name into the hat too, except he was born in Canada. Crap. Someone, oh please someone, correct me if I'm wrong, and I'd like to be wrong on this one!

Re: Here We Go Again...

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:14 pm
by G26ster
SATX-Scrub wrote:I'd throw Cruz's name into the hat too, except he was born in Canada. Crap. Someone, oh please someone, correct me if I'm wrong, and I'd like to be wrong on this one!
Sorry, Cruz was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. :cryin

Re: Here We Go Again...

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:17 pm
by mamabearCali
Well I have never missed a state or national election since I was 18. I think I have voted for one independent and that was in a local election where there was only a choice between a D and an I. So I have been a steady R vote for 14 years. Someday I hope to see some good from that faithfulness.