Badger Gun Shop Loses Suit

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Re: Badger Gun Shop Loses Suit


Post by cprems »

I see this being reversed on appeal. You can't hold a car manufacturer or a dealership responsible for a drunk driver killing a family.

There is also that pesky Federal law that prohibits suits against firearms dealers and manufacturers.
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Re: Badger Gun Shop Loses Suit


Post by C-dub »

Weren't we discussing this in another thread? If what I've read about this case is correct, then I'm not so sure I disagree with them losing this suit. If the guy who the gun was really for was feeding the guy filling out the form and purchasing it then it really was a straw purchase and the shop shouldn't have sold it to them. Not based on any theory that the real buyer was going to do something bad, but just that it was obvious that this was a straw purchase. No?

Didn't the purchaser also require another form because he mistakenly put down the other guy's address? There must have also been other signs.
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Re: Badger Gun Shop Loses Suit


Post by longhorn86 »

I saw something on the news last night that the purchaser apparently answered no on the first question on the 4473. That should have stopped the sale..
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Re: Badger Gun Shop Loses Suit


Post by b4aftr »

"Authorities have said more than 500 firearms recovered from crime scenes had been traced back to Badger Guns and Badger Outdoors, making it the "No. 1 crime gun dealer in America," according to a 2005 charging document from an unrelated case.

Norberg and Kunisch cited that detail in their lawsuit, saying it showed a history of negligence"

Seems like the gun shop does whatever to make a sale. Article also stated they are on their third name change. Places like this can get away with it in a sense over and over and if it were me I'd been nailed to the wall the first time. ... 77065.html

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Re: Badger Gun Shop Loses Suit


Post by Swoops1 »

From what little bit I've read and saw on the news they shouldn't have sold the gun and evidently the evidence was there for the jury. Sounds like they should have lost their license a while back.

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Re: Badger Gun Shop Loses Suit


Post by ron_houston »

I read a very long detailed article in Google news today about this case and all of you above that agree with this ruling are basically correct.
This dealer was dealing through straw purchasers and the documented +/- 500 guns from this store used in crimes.
I think the obvious question should be "how the hell did they do it for so long?" without BATF revoking their license. I'm thinking that particular BATF agent is now in an office in Van Horn, TX.
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Re: Badger Gun Shop Loses Suit


Post by VMI77 »

ron_houston wrote:I read a very long detailed article in Google news today about this case and all of you above that agree with this ruling are basically correct.
This dealer was dealing through straw purchasers and the documented +/- 500 guns from this store used in crimes.
I think the obvious question should be "how the heck did they do it for so long?" without BATF revoking their license. I'm thinking that particular BATF agent is now in an office in Van Horn, TX.
You're talking about the ATF....maybe this is one of their gun walking stores. The Obama administration intervened in the suit on behalf of the gun store. They say they were just upholding the law as written...... "rlol" Yeah, the Obama administration is all about upholding the law. :smilelol5: ... adger-guns
For an administration that has vowed to end the scourge of gun violence, this is the last place you'd expect to find the Obama Justice Department: coming to the aid of one of the nation's most notorious gun dealers. But this is precisely what's happening in Wisconsin, where the Obama administration, in defending a federal statute, has wound up on the side of a gun shop that is being sued by police officers injured by firearms illegally purchased from the store.
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Re: Badger Gun Shop Loses Suit


Post by jimlongley »

OK, now I am looking for an attorney to represent me in my suit against the car dealership that sold the car to the drunk that hit me and left me with permanent damage to my left hand. Anyone catch the name of the lawyer in this case??? :biggrinjester:
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Re: Badger Gun Shop Loses Suit


Post by Taypo »

jimlongley wrote:OK, now I am looking for an attorney to represent me in my suit against the car dealership that sold the car to the drunk that hit me and left me with permanent damage to my left hand. Anyone catch the name of the lawyer in this case??? :biggrinjester:
Unless the car dealership is participating in a plan to let drunks buy cars so the ATF can do what they do, you're probably out of luck ;)
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Re: Badger Gun Shop Loses Suit


Post by b4aftr »

Think of a bar that knowingly over sells to a drunk then said fellar hits and seriously injured/kills someone. Bar gets in serious trouble if there are witnesses, etc.

If I were a betting man id put money on the straw purchasers aren't the only ones getting paid a kickback to buy the gun.
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Re: Badger Gun Shop Loses Suit


Post by E10 »

ron_houston wrote: I'm thinking that particular BATF agent is now in an office in Van Horn, TX.
Some of us might consider Van Horn a vast improvement over Milwaukee, and maybe even Houston, too.
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