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Trump Supports Gun Ban for Fly/Terror List

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 10:35 am
by locke_n_load ... n-control/

Despicable but expected. Cruz wouldn't have supported this.

And I will officially renounce my lifetime NRA membership if they go along with this.

Re: Trump Supports Gun Ban for Fly/Terror List

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 10:49 am
by RoyGBiv
The opportunity for abusing such a list.... To be denied a Natural and Enumerated Constitutional Right without due process.


Re: Trump Supports Gun Ban for Fly/Terror List

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 10:55 am
by ELB
Give him 15 minutes. If he gets enough blowback, he will change his mind.

This is the problem with the Trump, who is really a Democrat running as a Republican. We know where Hillary stands, and it is on the wrong side of everything. Trump goes whatever way he thinks brings him the most attention, thus there is a chance that with enough noise -- and just to be different -- he will do the right thing. But he won't do it because it's right, like Cruz, he will do it because it helps Trump.

It's nice that once Trump handshakes on a deal that the doesn't go back on his business deals -- but he hasn't shook hands on any deal during his campaign, he's made it clear that the he is just staking out negotiating positions, which he will walk away from in heart beat.

By all means vote for Trump over Hillary, but he will require close watching, and if he gets in the White House I don't expect him to have any more respect for the Constitution or the law than Obama, but maybe he will push things in a different direction.

Re: Trump Supports Gun Ban for Fly/Terror List

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:15 am
by Pariah3j
RoyGBiv wrote:The opportunity for abusing such a list.... To be denied a Natural and Expressed Constitutional Right without due process.


Re: Trump Supports Gun Ban for Fly/Terror List

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:27 am
by parabelum
locke_n_load wrote: ... n-control/

Despicable but expected. Cruz wouldn't have supported this.

And I will officially renounce my lifetime NRA membership if they go along with this.
He said he will meet with NRA to discuss.

Let me ask, if you are in charge and you are approached by someone who is on watch list due to being an ISIS sympathizer who has not yet done anything to break the law per se but he/she wants to come in and buy a gun from you now, what would you do in all honesty?

Re: Trump Supports Gun Ban for Fly/Terror List

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:29 am
by K.Mooneyham
And when the members who make up the NRA let the leadership of the organization know they don't like this proposal, and WHY they don't, then that will be relayed to Mr. Trump. And the Democrat Party will still be angry at Trump and the NRA, for not disarming Americans. The difference between Trump and Hillary, the real difference, is that he actually bothers to go out and hear some non-liberal opinion on a subject, and perhaps learns something in the process. Hillary's way is the crooked Democrat way, no ifs, no ands, no buts. The NRA will set him straight on this one.

Re: Trump Supports Gun Ban for Fly/Terror List

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:33 am
by ScottDLS
The first step will be to take the NRA membership list and put it into the "watch list". :shock:

Re: Trump Supports Gun Ban for Fly/Terror List

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:40 am
by The Wall
I would have thought this was already being done. If you're being investigated by FBI or any other law enforcement entity wouldn't it show up when purchasing a gun or getting a LTC? I think most people are under the impression this is already in play. That's why they are questioning how this Orlando terrorist was able to easily purchase guns. I heard the FBI took him off of the watch list after their investigation.

Re: Trump Supports Gun Ban for Fly/Terror List

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:47 am
by AJSully421
Without a rock solid base, like conservatism, to build on, he will be blown this way and that on the issues.

He does not understand how dangerous this could be. He does not see that the liberals would declare all NRA members as terrorists. He does not see how all Conservatives could be maliciously placed on a list, or all white people, or all rich people.

He does not see that this will be misused, and not by the right wing. What he will be swayed by is the notion of "well, we have to do SOMETHING!" He is not going to handle standing by and being slammed and being resolute and not at least be perceived as going after both terrorists and guns.

This is going to be the problem with Trump.

Re: Trump Supports Gun Ban for Fly/Terror List

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:53 am
by ScottDLS
The Wall wrote:I would have thought this was already being done. If you're being investigated by FBI or any other law enforcement entity wouldn't it show up when purchasing a gun or getting a LTC? I think most people are under the impression this is already in play. That's why they are questioning how this Orlando terrorist was able to easily purchase guns. I heard the FBI took him off of the watch list after their investigation.
Because it would take Federal legislation to invoke this. You are "under investigation" by any law enforcement agency? So what? It doesn't make you a prohibited person. I don't want the Feds getting a new excuse to take away people's rights. Maybe DHS shouldn't hire you as a contractor though...

Re: Trump Supports Gun Ban for Fly/Terror List

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:56 am
by locke_n_load
parabelum wrote:
locke_n_load wrote: ... n-control/

Despicable but expected. Cruz wouldn't have supported this.

And I will officially renounce my lifetime NRA membership if they go along with this.
He said he will meet with NRA to discuss.

Let me ask, if you are in charge and you are approached by someone who is on watch list due to being an ISIS sympathizer who has not yet done anything to break the law per se but he/she wants to come in and buy a gun from you now, what would you do in all honesty?

Let me ask, are you ok with Americans having their rights stripped from them without the due process of law? Guilty until proven innocent?
You don't agree with the current administration, you get put on the secret list. You don't know you are on the list. You don't know who put you on the list. And you don't know how to get off of the list.
Secret Courts, McCarthyism, Salem Witch Trials, then the Terrorist and No Fly List. Pretty much all the same thing.

Re: Trump Supports Gun Ban for Fly/Terror List

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 12:02 pm
by psijac
parabelum wrote:
locke_n_load wrote: ... n-control/

Despicable but expected. Cruz wouldn't have supported this.

And I will officially renounce my lifetime NRA membership if they go along with this.
He said he will meet with NRA to discuss.

Let me ask, if you are in charge and you are approached by someone who is on watch list due to being an ISIS sympathizer who has not yet done anything to break the law per se but he/she wants to come in and buy a gun from you now, what would you do in all honesty?
I would say you have the right to refuse a sale. But that was before someone was forced to bake a gay cake

Re: Trump Supports Gun Ban for Fly/Terror List

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 12:05 pm
by FastCarry
ScottDLS wrote:The first step will be to take the NRA membership list and put it into the "watch list". :shock:
I can see that happening, but that would be the fastest way to repeal any related legislation.

Re: Trump Supports Gun Ban for Fly/Terror List

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 12:07 pm
by Solaris
I will be meeting with the NRA, who has endorsed me, about not allowing people on the terrorist watch list, or the no fly list, to buy guns
Nowhere does he say he is in favor of it. He is meeting to discuss it.

Maybe he is uniformed about the Watch List and NRA will point out to him it is an arbitrary list and supporting legislation of this kind is unacceptable.

Re: Trump Supports Gun Ban for Fly/Terror List

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 12:11 pm
by Solaris
The Wall wrote:I would have thought this was already being done. If you're being investigated by FBI or any other law enforcement entity wouldn't it show up when purchasing a gun or getting a LTC?
No LE investigations are generally confidential so nobody would know.