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Re: Crowder destroys Sky News talking head

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 8:27 am
by Wag2323
Well they won't be putting him on TV again. He says to many factual things for the media. :thumbs2:

Re: Crowder destroys Sky News talking head

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 8:33 am
by joe817
Excellent! The talking head didn't realize he had a George Jones "Tiger By The Tail" until it was to late! :lol: I like that guy!

Re: Crowder destroys Sky News talking head

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 9:05 am
by Wag2323
I just noticed at the end he said he hoped he had his safety on, on his weapon. I guess he thinks guns just go off by themselves randomly.

Re: Crowder destroys Sky News talking head

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 9:07 am
by rentz
to give the reporter the benefit of the doubt i did see the police say assault rifle and ar15 several times, though automatic wasnt mentioned to my knowledge.
i think crowder articulated his point well but it wasnt being received

Re: Crowder destroys Sky News talking head

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 8:03 pm
by dragun
Crowder is great. It's clear as usual that the media sticks to their talking points and have no desire to have the "common sense" dialog, just the usual ignorant comments.

Re: Crowder destroys Sky News talking head

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 7:46 am
by Abraham
The 'talking head' wasn't able to refute anything Crowder had to say thus his anger was just barely under control.

The 'talking head' snarkily thought he was being witty ending the conversation with "I hope your safety catch is on, on your weapon" reveals even more ignorance regarding guns, as many handguns don't come with safeties i.e., revolvers, Glocks, etc.

So his last words nailed the lid on his ignorance.

Re: Crowder destroys Sky News talking head

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 9:08 am
by PhilBob
By focusing on the gun in the Orlando or any other mass shooting, these gun control fanatics seem to be missing the point that if a semi-automatic rifle or handgun were not available these jihadists would find other means to inflict mass casualties. The Tsarnaev brother didn't use guns they used pressure cooker bombs. Are we looking forward to the sale of pressure cookers being controlled?

Re: Crowder destroys Sky News talking head

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 9:20 am
by Liberty
PhilBob wrote:By focusing on the gun in the Orlando or any other mass shooting, these gun control fanatics seem to be missing the point that if a semi-automatic rifle or handgun were not available these jihadists would find other means to inflict mass casualties. The Tsarnaev brother didn't use guns they used pressure cooker bombs. Are we looking forward to the sale of pressure cookers being controlled?
Actually the Tsarnaev brothers had guns, but they chose to use explosives for the a bigger effect.

Re: Crowder destroys Sky News talking head

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 9:10 pm
by TreyHouston
Soooooo..... Sky News has NO security in the building??

Also this reminded me of another post that is on this forum that I did with my son. I took my Springfield XD Mod2 and put it on the table and we watched it for 30 minutes. Surprisingly it didn't start shooting! Guns are safe, it's the people behind them that you have to watch out for. And the. We talked about "finding" a handgun.
Sorry I got a little off topic but it reminded me about "Are you saying there is a SAFE gun"

:roll: :roll: