I'm wondering what's the average wait time? There's nothing in my past to hold up the process...
Female 26yrs old Dallas - pretty squeaky clean record. Only time I have been in trouble is two tickets. One for going 7mph over limit & another for making a left turn (I thought it was a double turn lane)
Took CHL Test Oct 5th
Sent CHL passed test, application and payment online Oct 6th
Fingerprinting Oct 8th
Hoping to get it by Christmas as I'm looking at a Glock 43 as a gift to myself :)
This is what my status says since day 1, its never changed.
CHL APPLICATION STATUS: If you have a pending CHL application, please allow sufficient time for processing. If you have not already done so, please submit all of the items listed on the checklist you received. DPS will notify you by mail if further information or additional documents are required.
Start Application
Select the application you would like to complete at this time.
Apply for Instructor Certification (to teach CHL courses)