Daily Kos Article Sets Open Carry Disaster Timeline

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Daily Kos Article Sets Open Carry Disaster Timeline


Post by oljames3 »

Daily Kos: Gunsmoked or would you like to play a game? A realistic preview of open carry in Texas.
https://m.dailykos.com/story/2015/12/14 ... y-in-Texas

Mark your calendars. Dec 14, 2015 12:34pm CST by Patience John

"So to wrap it all up, here is my Gunsmoked pool:

First Time an Open Citizen is deholstered as prank or criminal act:

0-1 days : 1 in 2

1-3 days : 3 in 4

1 Week: 9 in 10

First Time an Open Citizen is deholstered and robbed:

0-1 days : 1 in 10

1-3 days : 2 in 7

1 Week: 1 in 3

First Time an Open Citizen is deholstered and killed:

0-1 days : 1 in 25

1-3 days : 1 in 20

1 Week: 1 in 10

First Time an Open Citizen is deholstered and used in another crime:

0-1 days : 1 in 2

1-3 days : 4 in 5

1 Week: 10 in 11

Mark my words, open carry in Texas is supposedly nice thing we will never do again because idiots do not allow for nice things."
O. Lee James, III Captain, US Army (Retired 2012), Honorable Order of St. Barbara
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Re: Daily Kos Article Sets Open Carry Disaster Timeline


Post by Glockster »

If I’ve learned anything in my time on this Earth is you can’t tell a bunch entitled old white dudes what to do, especially if they are armed. But a lot of old white dudes are about to die. Seriously. Old men with ancient reflexes appear to be one of the biggest supporters of open carry, which is the main engine in the very slow moving train wreck about to unfold.
I must have missed that particular study of who the biggest supporters of OC were. Speaking on my own behalf, I didn't get asked at all. :fire
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Re: Daily Kos Article Sets Open Carry Disaster Timeline


Post by Nuts »

As far as I'm concerned "old white dudes" is a racist comment and my feelings ar hurt.
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Re: Daily Kos Article Sets Open Carry Disaster Timeline


Post by VoiceofReason »

Carry a backup gun. I would repeat this 150 times if I thought it would convince just a few. This idiot doesn’t seem to take into account many people carry back up guns.

This is more garbage from the left. I am 69 and I admit my reflexes have slowed a little. They are however still faster than a lot of 25 year olds.

I will carry concealed 99% of the time. If I see someone open carrying and someone snatches his gun I will drop the snatcher. This idiot doesn’t seem to take this scenario into account either.
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Re: Daily Kos Article Sets Open Carry Disaster Timeline


Post by VMI77 »

That's probably based on all the incidents where these events have occurred in states that already allow open carry. "rlol" Evidence and reality are anathemas to liberals.
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Re: Daily Kos Article Sets Open Carry Disaster Timeline


Post by RoyGBiv »

Nuts wrote:As far as I'm concerned "old white dudes" is a racist comment and my feelings ar hurt.
I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
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Re: Daily Kos Article Sets Open Carry Disaster Timeline


Post by VMI77 »

Nuts wrote:As far as I'm concerned "old white dudes" is a racist comment and my feelings ar hurt.
Not just racist, also ageist. We're just differently aged. Where's our safe space?
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Re: Daily Kos Article Sets Open Carry Disaster Timeline


Post by locke_n_load »

From the article:
Don’t get me wrong! I am huge 2nder. My cousin’s daughter just bagged her first buck, a beautiful and healthy 9-pointer and so goes the cat and the cradle of hunting in my family. But we can’t have nice things because of idiots, and this is Texas.
Sure you are. Idiot.
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Re: Daily Kos Article Sets Open Carry Disaster Timeline


Post by VMI77 »

locke_n_load wrote:From the article:
Don’t get me wrong! I am huge 2nder. My cousin’s daughter just bagged her first buck, a beautiful and healthy 9-pointer and so goes the cat and the cradle of hunting in my family. But we can’t have nice things because of idiots, and this is Texas.
Sure you are. Idiot.

You don't believe him? Isn't that what the 2nd is all about...deer hunting? Well, and maybe skeet shooting. "rlol"
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Re: Daily Kos Article Sets Open Carry Disaster Timeline


Post by Middle Age Russ »

I am often amazed at hunting community folks, colloquially known as Fudds, who claim to be huge supporters of the Second Amendment, but who would be more than happy to "compromise" with the Bloombergers on any number of points so long as they can still use their bolt action deer rifle and their break action shotgun in appropriate seasons. Such huge supporters entirely miss the point of the Second Amendment, and I think a lot of them do so willfully all the while claiming to support it.
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Re: Daily Kos Article Sets Open Carry Disaster Timeline


Post by Ruark »

Middle Age Russ wrote:I am often amazed at hunting community folks, colloquially known as Fudds, who claim to be huge supporters of the Second Amendment, but who would be more than happy to "compromise" with the Bloombergers on any number of points so long as they can still use their bolt action deer rifle and their break action shotgun in appropriate seasons. Such huge supporters entirely miss the point of the Second Amendment, and I think a lot of them do so willfully all the while claiming to support it.
I've seen this, too - these guys who take down their bolt actions once a year for "goin' deer huntin' down at the lease" and otherwise never fire a shot and have no interest whatsoever in handguns. You mention some politician wanting to ban all handguns and they'll say "oh, yeah, they should ban them, too many people runnin' around shootin' each other." And that's as far as they think.
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Re: Daily Kos Article Sets Open Carry Disaster Timeline


Post by Jago668 »

Ruark wrote:
Middle Age Russ wrote:I am often amazed at hunting community folks, colloquially known as Fudds, who claim to be huge supporters of the Second Amendment, but who would be more than happy to "compromise" with the Bloombergers on any number of points so long as they can still use their bolt action deer rifle and their break action shotgun in appropriate seasons. Such huge supporters entirely miss the point of the Second Amendment, and I think a lot of them do so willfully all the while claiming to support it.
I've seen this, too - these guys who take down their bolt actions once a year for "goin' deer huntin' down at the lease" and otherwise never fire a shot and have no interest whatsoever in handguns. You mention some politician wanting to ban all handguns and they'll say "oh, yeah, they should ban them, too many people runnin' around shootin' each other." And that's as far as they think.
I grew up around people like that. I never understood why people would gladly give up parts of their freedom and never understand it wouldn't stop until they had none.
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Re: Daily Kos Article Sets Open Carry Disaster Timeline


Post by chandler583 »

This is what I think of whenever I hear someone say: "I support the 2nd A because I hunt."

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Re: Daily Kos Article Sets Open Carry Disaster Timeline


Post by Smokewagon »

And all this deholstering, has been a big problem in which of the other 40 some odd states that allow some form of open carry?
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Re: Daily Kos Article Sets Open Carry Disaster Timeline


Post by AJSully421 »

VMI77 wrote:That's probably based on all the incidents where these events have occurred in states that already allow open carry. "rlol" Evidence and reality are anathemas to liberals.
As it has been explained to me, Houston, TX is, by far, the largest city on the entire planet that will undeservedly allow righteous citizens the arcane privilege to openly carry their evil killing machines in public where precious children (who were not aborted by their mothers) will die at the mere sight of a holstered handgun. They tell me this is a grand social experiment that has never been tried before anywhere else, and if it has, then we are completely different.

When I bring up that the Phoenix Metro Statistical Area has a 2014 estimated population of nearly 4.5 million (Houston MSA is 6.5 million) and that Arizona has constitutional carry, so people are carrying guns without any training or background checks, and they seem to manage fine.

They retort that Arizona is "different", and they are not a "Southern City"... when I ask what that means, they never answer. I assume it means what this author said... the first black dude that open carries is going to get smoked by some racist.

I then bring up that the Atlanta MSA has about 5.5 million, and that they are a "Southern City" and that they have licensed only OC, and they seem to manage fine. They usually don't have a response to this... other than to call me a racist and imply that my pistol is a penis enhancement.
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