walmart asking for chl

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Re: walmart asking for chl


Post by anygunanywhere »

How many times have members here talked about proudly showing their CHL (now LTC) as a form of ID but now members are complaining about a business asking for LTC to prove they are OCing legally?

Does not make sense to me.

If you OC and are proud, show the proof. Be considerate and polite.

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Re: walmart asking for chl


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

anygunanywhere wrote:How many times have members here talked about proudly showing their CHL (now LTC) as a form of ID but now members are complaining about a business asking for LTC to prove they are OCing legally?

Does not make sense to me.

If you OC and are proud, show the proof. Be considerate and polite.

Prove we are the good guys.
You raise excellent points! Why indeed?

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Re: walmart asking for chl


Post by mojo84 »

anygunanywhere wrote:How many times have members here talked about proudly showing their CHL (now LTC) as a form of ID but now members are complaining about a business asking for LTC to prove they are OCing legally?

Does not make sense to me.

If you OC and are proud, show the proof. Be considerate and polite.

Prove we are the good guys.
I agree. Seems like a lot of folks are looking for something to grinch about.
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Re: walmart asking for chl


Post by mojo84 »

suthdj wrote:This would involve any place that has alcohol sales not just walmart so something is fishy.
Nothing fishy. Not everyone is as well educated on what their responsibility and liability Is.
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Re: walmart asking for chl


Post by TexasTornado »

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
anygunanywhere wrote:How many times have members here talked about proudly showing their CHL (now LTC) as a form of ID but now members are complaining about a business asking for LTC to prove they are OCing legally?

Does not make sense to me.

If you OC and are proud, show the proof. Be considerate and polite.

Prove we are the good guys.
You raise excellent points! Why indeed?

I have no problem showing mine at Walmart or anywhere else. It's pretty much interchangeable with my DL when I'm asked for ID, whichever happens to be on top is fine.
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Re: walmart asking for chl


Post by locke_n_load »

OC'ed in Walmart tonight - not a word was said.
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Re: walmart asking for chl


Post by mojo84 »

tlt wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:Apparently, they are trying to protect their liquor license. No rational person could fault them for doing so. The fact that Grisham and OCT are making an issue of this could well result in Walmart posting 30.07 signs.

The political reality is this. Open-carry has passed and it is no longer unlawful, except under limited circumstances. TPC §30.07(e) provides the same protection afforded to concealed-carry. In 2017, the "Fines for Signs" law will likely be amended to include 30.07 notices and signs. In short, the state and local governments are removed from the open-carry issue.

Not satisfied, the more ardent open-carry supporters now want to force private individuals and companies to accept open-carry. These same people often claim to be the strongest supporters of private property rights, yet when it comes to open-carry, they are quick to abandon that position. As a result of OCT and other "all or nothing folks," many businesses are posting 30.07 signs. Some are also posting 30.06 signs meaning open-carry has cost almost 1 million LTCs the ability to carry self-defense handguns where they have been able to do so for two decades. The more harassment businesses receive, the more 30.07 signs will be posted and, unfortunately, more 30.06 signs also. Now who is the true enemy of the Second Amendment, the company that prohibits open-carry but allows concealed-carry, or the open-carry supporters who's conduct ultimately results in more business banning all handguns?

Please NRA,TX step up outreach by contacting some of these folks and drown out the NUTS who are the only folks being quoted here.

"I find it offensive,” said C.J. Grisham, president of gun-rights group Open Carry Texas, who has heard from members who shop at Wal-Mart that they have been asked for permits. “I don’t want to be treated suspect by a place that I’m shopping at.”

He does not speak for me, and 99% of other CHL Holders, heck, hasn't it been established he does not even have a TX LTC? How could he possible speak for TX CHL/LTC holders?

As an Aside, if Walmart has concerns, all they need to do is a simple Attorney General Opinion request to satisfy their concerns. I am betting they will be told to call LEO if they have a concern and not to ask for licenses. This process puts everyone at a disadvantage. In the mean time, if you choose to OC in WM, then simply comply what's the big deal, don't make it worse by antagonizing employees.

Thank you Walmart for at least trying to do the right thing.

A private company is not an authorized requestor of an AG opinion. People that want to OC in their store needs to cooperate if asked to verify they have a valid license.
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Re: walmart asking for chl


Post by gljjt »

winters wrote: ... -tote-guns

Since when does walmart have any legal right to even ask to see someones chl even if they have a liquor license? I could care less if they ask me to leave but asking for my chl crosses the line. I own supressors and you would be surprised by the people who think they have some legal right to inspect my paper work.
They have the right to ask. You have the right to show it or leave. Free speech is a constitutionally protected right. Can you go into Wal-Mart and start yelling? No. Freedom of assembly is a constitutionally protected right. Can you go into Wal-Mart with your 50 best friends and block the aisles? No. This is pretty simple. I really don't know why some aren't getting it.
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Re: walmart asking for chl


Post by WinoVeritas »

gljjt wrote:
winters wrote: ... -tote-guns

Since when does walmart have any legal right to even ask to see someones chl even if they have a liquor license? I could care less if they ask me to leave but asking for my chl crosses the line. I own supressors and you would be surprised by the people who think they have some legal right to inspect my paper work.
They have the right to ask. You have the right to show it or leave. Free speech is a constitutionally protected right. Can you go into Wal-Mart and start yelling? No. Freedom of assembly is a constitutionally protected right. Can you go into Wal-Mart with your 50 best friends and block the aisles? No. This is pretty simple. I really don't know why some aren't getting it.
I suspect many gun owners are obtuse....................................or that's the impression I get from reading the myriad threads regarding OC. :deadhorse:

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Re: walmart asking for chl


Post by parabelum »

WinoVeritas wrote:
gljjt wrote:
winters wrote: ... -tote-guns

Since when does walmart have any legal right to even ask to see someones chl even if they have a liquor license? I could care less if they ask me to leave but asking for my chl crosses the line. I own supressors and you would be surprised by the people who think they have some legal right to inspect my paper work.
They have the right to ask. You have the right to show it or leave. Free speech is a constitutionally protected right. Can you go into Wal-Mart and start yelling? No. Freedom of assembly is a constitutionally protected right. Can you go into Wal-Mart with your 50 best friends and block the aisles? No. This is pretty simple. I really don't know why some aren't getting it.
I suspect many gun owners are obtuse....................................or that's the impression I get from reading the myriad threads regarding OC. :deadhorse:


Just obey the law and private property rights. You don't like the businesses decision, go elsewhere and move on.
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Re: walmart asking for chl


Post by ScottDLS »


I don't get it either... :???: Show the card or leave. If they ask 15 times, then definitely leave.
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Re: walmart asking for chl


Post by Abraham »

On a side note: 92% of what Walmart sells is NOT Chinese made.

They sell tons of U.S. goods from automobile oil to Colt AR's and ammo.

Someone dreamed up that bogus percentage...

As to Walmart not producing a livable wage - They hire a lot of folks who couldn't/wouldn't be hired elsewhere, as in, handicapped and/or elderly door greeters and cashiers.

Yes, the pay is low and so are the responsibilities.

And no, I don't have stock in Walmart, just a satisfied customer.
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Re: walmart asking for chl


Post by Lena »

which stores have the AR 15's ?
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Re: walmart asking for chl


Post by Abraham »


You have a PM.
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Re: walmart asking for chl


Post by anygunanywhere »

Lena wrote:which stores have the AR 15's ?
La Grange.
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