Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Post by Jusme »

Jim Beaux wrote:Funny story.

My 13-14 yr old son asked if he could pierce his ear. I told him sure, but since I was worried about the dangers of letting someone else do it, he would have to let me do it. He lit up with a big grin.

I told him to get a hammer and a finishing nail - be sure its a finishing nail cuz I just cant imagine the tissue damage that a big ole 16d would do....And While youre at it get a 2X4 block. What we will do is lay you on your back on the floor, and put the block under your ear lobe ....then I will whack the nail real hard so the pain wont be so bad...oh yeah, dont forget we will need a towel to catch all the blood! I then said, man, hmmmm, its gonna be tough trying to pull the nail out of the wood...:anamatedbanana

You may be able to get some leverage by prying against his nose, just have him turn his head toward the sore ear and then start prying. "rlol"
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Post by DocV »

Pop, RevV, pierced my older brother's (SmellsLikeAMonkeyV) ear. It looked really good to me. Then Pop got out the pliers and removed the fishhook from SmellsLikeAMonkeyV's ear. SmellsLikeAMonkeyV never went fishing again.
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Post by Ryan »

Judgmental much...

I've got pierced ears and tattoos. Lots of them. And I OC all the time. I bet that drives some of y'all batty huh? ;-)
I'm glad times have changed. Some of y'all just sound bitter. Lighten up. Let people live their lives and be happy.
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Post by LAYGO »

Ryan wrote:Judgmental much...

I've got pierced ears and tattoos. Lots of them. And I OC all the time. I bet that drives some of y'all batty huh? ;-)
I'm glad times have changed. Some of y'all just sound bitter. Lighten up. Let people live their lives and be happy.
To quote some of these fellas . . .

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Post by The Annoyed Man »

LAYGO wrote:
Ryan wrote:Judgmental much...

I've got pierced ears and tattoos. Lots of them. And I OC all the time. I bet that drives some of y'all batty huh? ;-)
I'm glad times have changed. Some of y'all just sound bitter. Lighten up. Let people live their lives and be happy.
To quote some of these fellas . . .

Hey, I truly don't care what y'all do with y'all's bodies. If you can afford it, and that's what floats your boat, then go head on, brother. It just holds no charms for me.

But I will say this...... I know that tattoos can be very expensive. I don't know what it costs to get a piercing, but if you get enough of them, it has to add up......and then there's the cost of the metal bits that will fill the piercings. Now, I don't really care if an otherwise self-sufficient person wants to ink and pierce his/her body. But if you're on the dole, you can't afford that stuff. If I'm ever made king of the world, I'm going to deduct the cost of tattoos and piercings from the aid checks, because I don't think the taxpayer ought to foot the bill for those things.......and too often, that's the case.

I'm not saying YOU guys are on the dole, but I have seen a LOT of welfare queens and gangbangers sporting tattoos that I doubt were paid for by honest jobs.
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Post by Jusme »

The Annoyed Man wrote:
LAYGO wrote:
Ryan wrote:Judgmental much...

I've got pierced ears and tattoos. Lots of them. And I OC all the time. I bet that drives some of y'all batty huh? ;-)
I'm glad times have changed. Some of y'all just sound bitter. Lighten up. Let people live their lives and be happy.
To quote some of these fellas . . .

Hey, I truly don't care what y'all do with y'all's bodies. If you can afford it, and that's what floats your boat, then go head on, brother. It just holds no charms for me.

But I will say this...... I know that tattoos can be very expensive. I don't know what it costs to get a piercing, but if you get enough of them, it has to add up......and then there's the cost of the metal bits that will fill the piercings. Now, I don't really care if an otherwise self-sufficient person wants to ink and pierce his/her body. But if you're on the dole, you can't afford that stuff. If I'm ever made king of the world, I'm going to deduct the cost of tattoos and piercings from the aid checks, because I don't think the taxpayer ought to foot the bill for those things.......and too often, that's the case.

I'm not saying YOU guys are on the dole, but I have seen a LOT of welfare queens and gangbangers sporting tattoos that I doubt were paid for by honest jobs.


I also don't care how someone wants to express themselves with tats or piercings. It's just not my thing. But I agree with TAM, I have stood in line behind people with thousands of dollars worth of ink, using food stamps at the grocery store. Don't know if I subsidized the art or not, but it sure seemed like their priorities differed greatly from mine. Tattoos and piercings are becoming so common place, that I rarely notice them anymore, so to each their own. I have several friends though, who got tattoos in their youth, and now regret the message they may be sending to others, now that their outlook has changed. I don't judge anyone's choices, God hasn't given me that authority. Everyone has the option to do what they want, and they don't owe me an explanation for it.
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Post by bblhd672 »

Ryan wrote:Judgmental much...

I've got pierced ears and tattoos. Lots of them. And I OC all the time. I bet that drives some of y'all batty huh? ;-)
I'm glad times have changed. Some of y'all just sound bitter. Lighten up. Let people live their lives and be happy.
I'd rather have 5 tattooed and pierced defenders of the Constitution around me than 100 liberals.
The left lies about everything. Truth is a liberal value, and truth is a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. People on the left say whatever advances their immediate agenda. Power is their moral lodestar; therefore, truth is always subservient to it. - Dennis Prager

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Post by Abraham »

I've come to terms when I see this kind of desperate attention need.

The punctures with metal bits and tats all over don't get me upset anymore.

They sadden me as they tell me the person desperately seeks attention, any attention, even or maybe especially disapproving attention.

A projected state of never ending adolescence.

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Post by goose »

Abraham wrote:I've come to terms when I see this kind of desperate attention need.

The punctures with metal bits and tats all over don't get me upset anymore.

They sadden me as they tell me the person desperately seeks attention, any attention, even or maybe especially disapproving attention.

A projected state of never ending adolescence.

Hahahha. Holy crumb. Mind reader much? Blanket stereotype much? There is sadness in this post but I'm not sure it lies completely where you think it does.
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Post by Abraham »


We all have our opinions.

And no, we can't always tell what a persons character is by their appearance, but yeah, generally we can.

If you don't believe that, ok by me.
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Post by goose »

Abraham wrote:Goose,

We all have our opinions.

And no, we can't always tell what a persons character is by their appearance, but yeah, generally we can.

If you don't believe that, ok by me.
Especially choice of religion. I'll agree if you will.
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Post by Ryan »

Abraham wrote:Goose,

We all have our opinions.

And no, we can't always tell what a persons character is by their appearance, but yeah, generally we can.

If you don't believe that, ok by me.
Well, I spent this weekend handing out water, toiletries, and food to the homeless in downtown Ft. Worth. I spend a significant amount of my time rescuing dogs from terrible conditions. Spending my hard earned money to get them healthy again and adopted out to a family who will love them and care for them. Last month I spent time at a soup kitchen in Dallas feeding the homeless.

How's that for character? ;-)

I like how you can judge people without knowing them. That "does" show us YOUR true character. You have a good day sir!
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Post by LAYGO »

Since ya'll rarely travel in those circles, tattooing is one of a few places I know that you can still barter goods/services for a tattoo. Maybe you can't walk into any ol' shop & barter, but if you know someone that does tattoo, they are typically willing to.

My tattoos are probably worth $2000-$2500, but my 1st three were by a guy that was dating my cousin & I maybe spent $200-$300 on, FOR ALL THREE, which my back piece is probably worth $500-$700+. My fourth was a good friend's wife's boss. He cut me a heck of a deal. My 5th tattoo I went into a shop that a coworker recommended & paid full price. My next tattoo coming in Sept is yet to be determined where I'll get it, but I want a good shop/artist. I've got plans for another tattoo after that, but will require a specific type of artist & I'm wiling to pay to have it done right.

Some of us choose to spend their money on what makes them happy. That & tattoos are like a potato chip, you can't have just one . . .

Dare we ask what you've spent on guns/ammo/supplies?
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Post by Abraham »


Why do you think LE performs profiling?

I'm happy you do good works, but if your appearance is one of an outlaw biker type, you know you're going to be profiled/judged by other than LE too...

No, we can't always judge correctly as to someone's character, but as I said earlier, generally you can.

Example: A middle age, bifocal wearing, well groomed and dressed guy vs. an outlaw biker looking type, all tatted up and punctured.

Which one is more likely thought to be a criminal by LE and/or even an ordinary citizen?

The world does judge what someone presents themselves to be even if that someone does good deeds, is law abiding and has great character.

The book titled "The Gift of Fear" written by Gavin de Becker helps explain this very human response (and what to do about it) when one encounters folks who look like they could possibly be criminals.

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Post by earlwb »

It does tend to leave one speechless. But I can see him getting shot one day by a jittery trigger happy cop though.
He also will be banned from most all of the leftist liberal schools as such things are forbidden at schools anymore.
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