Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton
Is Trump trying to give the election away? Can he not keep his foot out of his mouth? Was his intention to sabotage the Republicans for HC all along? I personally have trouble with his flippant remarks about earning a Purple Heart. I have an Uncle who gave his life to earn his Purple Heart. I don't like a coward who received 5 deferments opening his mouth concerning sacrifice.
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Authoritarians like Trump live most of their lives where no one dares to challenge, and no one dares to call him out. He has never learned how the real world works, or to respect the common mans sensitivities. He honestly believes he is a great man, and that he has lived the life of sacrifice because he had done few nice things. Everyone close to him continue to tell him how wonderful and noble he his. Its obvious that Trump won't tolerate people who say things that he doesn't like. He can make them go away and is willing to go to great lengths to destroy people who displease him. The main difference between Clinton and Trump is people who are a threat to Clinton mysteriously die. People who displease Trump get fired and verbally trashed .. He has the news cycle and is devastating.
Liberty''s Blog
"Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom." John F. Kennedy
"Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom." John F. Kennedy
Hey, why don't you talk about Khan's association with Muslim Brotherhood, his law firm with intention on specifically abusing the EB5 visas bringing in more Muslims, a website that he took down once the word got out?
Or how about starting a "Hillary" thread? There's plenty to talk about there.
If you people want to lose this election and elect that witch, just keep it up. Trump is a loose cannon, yes. But he is perhaps this Nation's last chance before you truly start living under subversion, no 2A rights, press censorship (4'th column has already become the 5'th estate), and pretty soon a Sharia compliant judiciary.
It's a non-story, grow thick skin. It was not aimed nor intended as you took it. This constant Trump bashing is getting on my last nerv, and it's always eminating from the same DNC operatives flying under the guise of being pro-2A.
Moreover, what is your personal threshold? Your "this is it for me, the invaders and Islamic crusaders must be stopped from killing us at all costs, even if it means shutting your mouth for one week about Trump. Right ,wrong or indifferent, we can hash some things out after this election is over."...
For me the last straw was throat cutting of catholic priest in Normandy. They are coming. Many are here already and your posts are continually resembling the polite saboteur's intent. I'm not going to be polite about Trump bashing anymore.
Or how about starting a "Hillary" thread? There's plenty to talk about there.
If you people want to lose this election and elect that witch, just keep it up. Trump is a loose cannon, yes. But he is perhaps this Nation's last chance before you truly start living under subversion, no 2A rights, press censorship (4'th column has already become the 5'th estate), and pretty soon a Sharia compliant judiciary.
It's a non-story, grow thick skin. It was not aimed nor intended as you took it. This constant Trump bashing is getting on my last nerv, and it's always eminating from the same DNC operatives flying under the guise of being pro-2A.
Moreover, what is your personal threshold? Your "this is it for me, the invaders and Islamic crusaders must be stopped from killing us at all costs, even if it means shutting your mouth for one week about Trump. Right ,wrong or indifferent, we can hash some things out after this election is over."...
For me the last straw was throat cutting of catholic priest in Normandy. They are coming. Many are here already and your posts are continually resembling the polite saboteur's intent. I'm not going to be polite about Trump bashing anymore.
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He has to learn to stop being such a horse's rear end. If he continues then Hillary will win this November. The GOP is still split, it's his job to bring them back together. A house divided will not stand.
Last edited by nightmare69 on Wed Aug 03, 2016 7:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
2/26-Mailed paper app and packet.
5/20-Plastic in hand.
83 days mailbox to mailbox.
5/20-Plastic in hand.
83 days mailbox to mailbox.
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I agree completely, I am sick and tired of fair weather Republicans like Paul Ryan, John McCain, and several on this board who fall for the media trap and trash Trump. They deserve what Hillary will bring, however my family and I do not.parabelum wrote:Hey, why don't you talk about Khan's association with Muslim Brotherhood, his law firm with intention on specifically abusing the EB5 visas bringing in more Muslims, a website that he took down once the word got out?
Or how about starting a "Hillary" thread? There's plenty to talk about there.
If you people want to lose this election and elect that witch, just keep it up. Trump is a loose cannon, yes. But he is perhaps this Nation's last chance before you truly start living under subversion, no 2A rights, press censorship (4'th column has already become the 5'th estate), and pretty soon a Sharia compliant judiciary.
It's a non-story, grow thick skin. It was not aimed nor intended as you took it. This constant Trump bashing is getting on my last nerv, and it's always eminating from the same DNC operatives flying under the guise of being pro-2A.
Moreover, what is your personal threshold? Your "this is it for me, the invaders and Islamic crusaders must be stopped from killing us at all costs, even if it means shutting your mouth for one week about Trump. Right ,wrong or indifferent, we can hash some things out after this election is over."...
For me the last straw was throat cutting of catholic priest in Normandy. They are coming. Many are here already and your posts are continually resembling the polite saboteur's intent. I'm not going to be polite about Trump bashing anymore.
NRA/LTC Instructor
NRA Patriot Life- Endowment Member
NRA Patriot Life- Endowment Member
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parabelum wrote:Hey, why don't you talk about Khan's association with Muslim Brotherhood, his law firm with intention on specifically abusing the EB5 visas bringing in more Muslims, a website that he took down once the word got out?
Or how about starting a "Hillary" thread? There's plenty to talk about there.
If you people want to lose this election and elect that witch, just keep it up. Trump is a loose cannon, yes. But he is perhaps this Nation's last chance before you truly start living under subversion, no 2A rights, press censorship (4'th column has already become the 5'th estate), and pretty soon a Sharia compliant judiciary.
It's a non-story, grow thick skin. It was not aimed nor intended as you took it. This constant Trump bashing is getting on my last nerv, and it's always eminating from the same DNC operatives flying under the guise of being pro-2A.
Moreover, what is your personal threshold? Your "this is it for me, the invaders and Islamic crusaders must be stopped from killing us at all costs, even if it means shutting your mouth for one week about Trump. Right ,wrong or indifferent, we can hash some things out after this election is over."...
For me the last straw was throat cutting of catholic priest in Normandy. They are coming. Many are here already and your posts are continually resembling the polite saboteur's intent. I'm not going to be polite about Trump bashing anymore.

I would much rather have a unpolished Trump than the mealy mouthed liars such as McCain, Romney, Ryan, McConnell! If hillary is your idea of presidential material then this quote is for you " go home from here in peace, we seek not your counsel, nor your arms, crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you, may your chains sit lightly upon you and may posterity forget you were our countrymen"
Government, like fire is a dangerous servant and a fearful master
If you ain't paranoid you ain't paying attention
Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war let it begin here- John Parker
If you ain't paranoid you ain't paying attention
Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war let it begin here- John Parker
Vote Trump or reap Hillary.
All the complaining about Trump helps insure Hillary will win.
Yes, he's flawd, but Hillary is much, much more flawed.
Now, quit complaining about about Trump flaws and remember he's better in office than Hillary will ever be.
All the complaining about Trump helps insure Hillary will win.
Yes, he's flawd, but Hillary is much, much more flawed.
Now, quit complaining about about Trump flaws and remember he's better in office than Hillary will ever be.
From my review of the news, postings on Facebook etc. There was a concerted effort to end Trumps campaign this week. Hillary is almost absent from the news as if she does not exist.
I am amazed at all the Republicans who came out this week supporting Hillary.
I'm sorry I will vote for the devil to avoid a Hillary presidency. Trump may just be the devil. I don't care. He is not Hillary. I will vote for the devil I don't know, over the Satan I do know.
Trump has said he will support gun rights, Hillary said she will take our guns away. I don't need any other reason.
I am remembering names, these turn coats on Trump, now no longer exist for me. All of them.
I am amazed at all the Republicans who came out this week supporting Hillary.
I'm sorry I will vote for the devil to avoid a Hillary presidency. Trump may just be the devil. I don't care. He is not Hillary. I will vote for the devil I don't know, over the Satan I do know.
Trump has said he will support gun rights, Hillary said she will take our guns away. I don't need any other reason.
I am remembering names, these turn coats on Trump, now no longer exist for me. All of them.
parabelum wrote:Hey, why don't you talk about Khan's association with Muslim Brotherhood, his law firm with intention on specifically abusing the EB5 visas bringing in more Muslims, a website that he took down once the word got out?
Or how about starting a "Hillary" thread? There's plenty to talk about there.
If you people want to lose this election and elect that witch, just keep it up. Trump is a loose cannon, yes. But he is perhaps this Nation's last chance before you truly start living under subversion, no 2A rights, press censorship (4'th column has already become the 5'th estate), and pretty soon a Sharia compliant judiciary.
It's a non-story, grow thick skin. It was not aimed nor intended as you took it. This constant Trump bashing is getting on my last nerv, and it's always eminating from the same DNC operatives flying under the guise of being pro-2A.
Moreover, what is your personal threshold? Your "this is it for me, the invaders and Islamic crusaders must be stopped from killing us at all costs, even if it means shutting your mouth for one week about Trump. Right ,wrong or indifferent, we can hash some things out after this election is over."...
For me the last straw was throat cutting of catholic priest in Normandy. They are coming. Many are here already and your posts are continually resembling the polite saboteur's intent. I'm not going to be polite about Trump bashing anymore.

The left lies about everything. Truth is a liberal value, and truth is a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. People on the left say whatever advances their immediate agenda. Power is their moral lodestar; therefore, truth is always subservient to it. - Dennis Prager
Right!philip964 wrote:From my review of the news, postings on Facebook etc. There was a concerted effort to end Trumps campaign this week. Hillary is almost absent from the news as if she does not exist.
I am amazed at all the Republicans who came out this week supporting Hillary.
I'm sorry I will vote for the devil to avoid a Hillary presidency. Trump may just be the devil. I don't care. He is not Hillary. I will vote for the devil I don't know, over the Satan I do know.
Trump has said he will support gun rights, Hillary said she will take our guns away. I don't need any other reason.
I am remembering names, these turn coats on Trump, now no longer exist for me. All of them.
Where are the loudmouths on the illegitimate importation of third world diseases into this Country under this tyrant, with direct support of that witch? Those are crimes against the American people. Zika, Measels, Tuberculosis, Mumps etc. all coming in, compliments of the Islamic traitor and that witch.
Where are they on the slaughter of innocent people at the hands of the subhuman Islamofascist regime?
Rapes of young girls by slime?
The rise of female genital mutilation in this Country?
That despicable propaganda magazine of the Islamofascist still operating?
Pimpelberg's continuance of terror tolerance on FB, but soft oppression and censorship of those who love this Country?
Where are they on these monopoly organization like FB and Google?
So much to fume over yet "some" are determined in undermining Trump at all cost. Do I agree with his approach? Doesn't matter. Average blimp could care less incidentally.
The only thing that matters is stopping the witch from taking WH.
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When you voted for Trump in the primary, you voted for Hillary, since he was probably the only one running who could lose to her. The press is always all in for the Democrat, so the Republican candidate needs to take that into account.
Instead of articulating a conservative positions (or ANY positions) he meanders from one incoherent rant to another, usually aimed at his own party. He has no grasp of the issues, nor interest in gaining any. His stream of consciousness speeches repeat a few phrases and then generally degenerate into name calling and childish or obscene references. He doesn't prepare for debates and since he has no discernible principles to articulate, I think he'll get destroyed by Hillary. This even though she will be making abhorrent policy arguments. He could help Republicans lose the Senate as he gets decimated by the weakest Democrat candidate since Mondale.
This is my opinion as someone who will vote for him, since my fellow Republicans have left me no choice. Even Jeb! probably would have been better on ISIS, foreign policy, defense, gun rights, taxes, and the economy...But Trump promises a WALL...which will never be built when he loses, and Hillary naturalizes 11 million new Democrat voters.
Instead of articulating a conservative positions (or ANY positions) he meanders from one incoherent rant to another, usually aimed at his own party. He has no grasp of the issues, nor interest in gaining any. His stream of consciousness speeches repeat a few phrases and then generally degenerate into name calling and childish or obscene references. He doesn't prepare for debates and since he has no discernible principles to articulate, I think he'll get destroyed by Hillary. This even though she will be making abhorrent policy arguments. He could help Republicans lose the Senate as he gets decimated by the weakest Democrat candidate since Mondale.
This is my opinion as someone who will vote for him, since my fellow Republicans have left me no choice. Even Jeb! probably would have been better on ISIS, foreign policy, defense, gun rights, taxes, and the economy...But Trump promises a WALL...which will never be built when he loses, and Hillary naturalizes 11 million new Democrat voters.

4/13/1996 Completed CHL Class, 4/16/1996 Fingerprints, Affidavits, and Application Mailed, 10/4/1996 Received CHL, renewed 1998, 2002, 2006, 2011, 2016...). "ATF... Uhhh...heh...heh....Alcohol, tobacco, and GUNS!! Cool!!!!"
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The Wall wrote:SCOTUS. Enough said!
This is probably the biggest concern of mine.
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This year I have made my decision on who I am voting for. This year I am voting for Pedro as I cant stand for kilary and have lost faith in trump.
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