Still won't vote for Trump?

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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by mojo84 »

bblhd672 wrote:
mojo84 wrote:
bblhd672 wrote:On Sat Oct 01, 2016 11:33 pm you wrote:
NiMexicatl wrote:To put it simply, I honestly don't think there's much at this point that can convince me to vote Trump.
Now, on Tue Oct 04, 2016 3:32 pm you wrote:
NiMexicatl wrote:However, based on what I know and think I have to vote for Trump.
I guess we have accomplished something, since now you are convinced to vote for Trump.
That second comment about voting for Trump is mine. It appears he didn't feel like using the quote function or "".
Ah..well don't I look like a dummy!
No comment. :lol:
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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by Abraham »

I think "troll alert" is the most accurate.

Crazy liberals, tricks are for kids!
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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by Bitter Clinger »

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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by 2farnorth »

Sent my vote for Trump in the mail Monday. Think this is the first time i have ever voted a straight party ticket. Don't any of you dare cancel my vote ;-) :patriot:
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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by mojo84 »

The Trump loss carry forward and Clinton Foundation are evidence of just how complicated and skewed the tax code is in favor of the uber wealthy. It's pretty easy to avoid paying any or very little taxes when one can afford a team of tax attorneys and CPAs.

I'm aware of several multimillionaires that pay a much lower effective tax rate than me. A couple haven't paid taxes in years due to business net income losses and loss carry forward.
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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by NiMexicatl »

Be wary of echo chambers. They can make moderation look like liberalism and the loudest idiot gains the most confidence.
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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by mojo84 »

NiMexicatl wrote:Be wary of echo chambers. They can make moderation look like liberalism and the loudest idiot gains the most confidence.
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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by mojo84 »

NiMexicatl wrote:Be wary of echo chambers. They can make moderation look like liberalism and the loudest idiot gains the most confidence.
I noticed you are going back and deleting your posts. Why do you feel the need to do that? Do you think I would go unchallenged if I went to a predominantly liberal forum and voiced my conservative views?
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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by Abraham »

"5. My political stances fall to the liberal side often. And often they don't."

Here's a correction of your statement: "5. My political stances fall to the liberal side.

Yeah sure, your original statement creates the sound of credibility, but it's another liberal smokescreen/lie to make liberals sound moderate and reasonable...right out of the pages of Saul Alinsky. Someone revered by liberals. One of his principles: Lie, lie, lie, long as it gets you power.

Sorry chum, but very few here are buying what you're selling.

Go peddle that nonsense to those that are fleeceable conservatives with that Alinsky propaganda.

You'll find those here laughing at liberal crackpottery statements...

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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by philip964 »

So a private conversation between Donald Trump and Billy Bush (no relationship that I know with the former Presidents) was recorded with a hot mike. This occurred over ten years ago. Donald said some very crude things about his groping abilities with women since he is a "star".

I have heard conflicting reports about whether he had married his current wife at the time.

The audio was released as an October Surprise just two days before the next debate with Hillary. They seem to be blaming corrupting the morals of children to Trump, not to the media who released it. Julian Assange's release of Hillary's speeches to banks fell on deaf ears. Sex sells much better than fraud.

To me it is not a shock at all. Its sort of what you get when you pick someone like Donald Trump for the Republican nominee. I would have preferred Ted Cruz, but he didn't win.

Donald said earlier he could kill someone in Times square and his supporters would not care. I still think that holds. I'm voting for anyone who can beat Hillary, as I am primarily a one issue voter - the second amendment.

What has been surprising today is all the discussion by the pundits on cable news of Trump resigning.


What would they have to find out that Trump has done to drop him below the level of Hillary Clinton.


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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by parabelum »

What Trump said is utterly low and unacceptable, period. When I read the transcript yesterday, toes curled up in my boots. Not good at all. :banghead:

I talked to my wife and two of her female friends about what their opinion is on this. My wife and her friend who has been Trump supporter from day 1 both said the same thing, namely what Trump said is bad, but what that witch and her sleezeball husband have done is 100 times worse. They will not only not reconsider their support (pardon the double negative), but will actually double down and reach out to more friends to pursuade them into Trump/Pence corner. Her undecided friend, appalled at both the witch and Trump will sit it out. That's that.

In my opinion, if Trump doesn't come out as both humble and aggressive tomorrow (I have no idea if or how he'd do that), he is finished. There are simply too many Lib idiots who don't know nor care about Soros (they think you meant to say "Cheerios" but mispronounced it :banghead: ), his connections to the witch, NWO (they think that's a rap band from 90's), 2A, 1A, 4A or any other "A" etc.

And as far as Benedict Arnold's who are now, 4 weeks until election, calling on him to step quote what Yugoslav old folk would say (loosely translated), "I spit on them!". :mad5

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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by TreyHouston »

I'm not concerned one bit. Any real woman knows that man talk trash when they're together. And so do other guys. If this hurts trump any, it will be in the polls. But once people get behind the curtain of a voting booth they will vote for Trump. I read that Trump will be focusing on Hillary's open borders, two face speackrs, her taxes (if she brings his up again) , and BILL. I think Trump learned a lot from watching the last debate (VP) and I don't think he will be cutting her off like he did the first time.

But yes, I agree with y'all he must have a great debate. Of course the media will say he lost regardless but he needs to get his point out and come across as less aggressive. I don't understand it, I think we need a very aggressive president in today's world with Russia moving nukes, Russia doing patrols with China in the South China Sea , And terrorism. We need someone strong very strong
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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by mojo84 »

TreyHouston wrote:I'm not concerned one bit. Any real woman knows that man talk trash when they're together. And so do other guys.
Some do but not all men "talk trash' about women when they are together. I would prefer one that doesn't as my president.

Clayton Williams comes to mind. I just hope this isn't just the first of many bombs to drop.
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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by Mxrdad »

NiMexicatl wrote:
mojo84 wrote:
NiMexicatl wrote: I 100% understand where you're coming from. This election isn't ideal, for me or a lot of others. I struggle with the contradiction of my political stances and the anti-gun association that seems to be hard to avoid these days. All I can say is I put my votes where I feel I must, based on both personal importance and compromise where I feel it is either unavoidable or unlikely to to truly occur. I don't want this to be taken as a specific statment on the 2nd ammendment. It's just my approach in a general sense.

I try to make it as informed as possible. I try to urge moderation and education in my personal life. I've made the mistake of not being careful enough with my words on the internet before. I try to avoid it where I can, but admittedly that's not always the case.

Nuances of conversation can be lost on these forums, and a lot of people fall directly into attack mode when backed by the majority. So I'll stay out of this one and most others where I can help it.
If I voted base on how I feel about this election and the two main candidates, I wouldn't vote. Neither candidate is anywhere near ideal in my opinion. However, based on what I know and think I have to vote for Trump. Sometimes as adults, we can't just go along with what we "feel". Sometimes we have to make hard decisions and do what is right based on what we think and know.

We know Hillary's history and where she stands on most major issues. We know what Trump is saying his position is. That is what we need to make our decision on and do what is right for the country even if both candidates are less than palatable.

I also think a republican majority congress will be able to reign in Trump than they would Hillary. Hillary would just run over congress like Obama has.

I hope I spoke clearly enough so there are no nuances that get lost in my conversation as I do not intend this as nothing but a direct non beating around the bush pleading to vote based upon what you know and think and not so much what you "feel".

And this is why I try to stay out of it. I post something basically stating I have an opinion and respect yours, but want to stay out of the conversation because on internet people are just going to jump on anything I say.

You read too much into my choice of words. You're trying to discredit my point of view by implying I act on emotion instead of reason. An opinion is nothing more than a feeling backed (and sometimes not backed) by observation.

If someone tries to harm you or your family I would assume you would FEEL the need to act. And what drives this feeling? Is it a purely irresponsible, emotional drive that compels you? Is it not possible that you could logically conculed based on reason and observation that there is a need to act to prevent something bad and/or facilitate something good? And through this could be compelled to FEEL the need to defend someone or yourself? Is your action negated because you felt something?

I would argue that if you felt nothing about "things you know" that you would not vote at all, or respond to my post, etc.

Me stating that I feel the need to do something does not necessarily imply that it is without thought. Again, I have done my research. My conclusion is very different from yours. You can say what you want, I'm just not going to get into it. We both have access to all the same information. Do what you will with it and I will do the same.

I FEEL that often people make up their mind before they even start the conversation.
NiMexicatl, I see nothing to argue about in the above and not real sure why your so defensive about, well, nothing. Its not surprising to hear peeps say they are voting for Trump no? Me personally? I cringe every time I see her (the liar and criminal) smirky grin. Sends a chill down my back every time I have to see her. I try to avoid eye contact when I have to see her on TV as I could turn to stone. A modern day Medusa.
Just some guy's opinion.

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Re: Still won't vote for Trump?


Post by WTR »

I use to hope that HRC would be indited for one of her numerous crimes. Now I find my self wishing for Trump to be indited on some type of fraud
charge in order for Pence to be moved to the top of the ticket and won this thing. Trump has proven to have zero moral fiber. Trump says BC has said worse on the golf course......woo hoo BC is a scum bag and I'm sure Trump has said worse while playing with BC.
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