What Trump said is utterly low and unacceptable, period. When I read the transcript yesterday, toes curled up in my boots. Not good at all.
I talked to my wife and two of her female friends about what their opinion is on this. My wife and her friend who has been Trump supporter from day 1 both said the same thing, namely what Trump
said is bad, but what that witch and her sleezeball husband have
done is 100 times worse. They will not only not reconsider their support (pardon the double negative), but will actually double down and reach out to more friends to pursuade them into Trump/Pence corner. Her undecided friend, appalled at both the witch and Trump will sit it out. That's that.
In my opinion, if Trump doesn't come out as both humble and aggressive tomorrow (I have no idea if or how he'd do that), he is finished. There are simply too many Lib idiots who don't know nor care about Soros (they think you meant to say "Cheerios" but mispronounced it

), his connections to the witch, NWO (they think that's a rap band from 90's), 2A, 1A, 4A or any other "A" etc.
And as far as Benedict Arnold's who are now, 4 weeks until election, calling on him to step down...to quote what Yugoslav old folk would say (loosely translated), "I spit on them!".