mojo84 wrote:Speaking of rushing to judgement and jumping on any negative nugget that could be used to do harm to the administration, here's a fine example. These are people that are leading our country. ... count.html
Just some food for thought. It is time we all slow down a little and verify what we are reading before we react and condemn someone. Trump is going to make some misteps and he isn't going to do what we agree with 100%. Let's not condemn his whole body of work before he really gets started based on a couple misteps. We need to remember, the progressive dems give their leaders more than plenty of leeway and grace. Turning on our leadership at the drop of a hat is much of the reason the pendulum of power swings so widely.

There is no indication, that Flynn did anything illegal, or outside the bounds of his job description. All we know is that he misled the POTUS and the VP,
either through deception or omission, regarding his communications with foreign ambassadors. Trump felt that he needed to fully trust his NSA, which is a logical thing to want to do, and he asked for his resignation. The talking heads, and the left wing mafia in the Senate, are just grasping at straws to find a culprit, to a non-existent, crime. Meanwhile Trump is continuing his work while everyone is standing around ringing their hands and looking even more foolish.