Oh those elephants are sneaky and creep up slowly but forcefully.Scott Farkus wrote:I hear you. I haven't followed the legislative stuff as closely this session as I usually do but this whole CC issue has been confusing to me. I had pretty much assumed that after the knock-down drag-out it took to get OC last time, there wouldn't be any political capital left for another high-profile fight, and so an HB560 type bill could quietly slip in under the radar. I guess since several other states have adopted CC in the interim, we decided the time was right? I don't know, but I trust our political folks who know what to push and when and this is where we are right now. I do wish there would have been some kind of compromise package presented that would get some other things (like closing the government building loophole), but we'll see.ralewis wrote:Oh, I also specifically months ago sent a note requesting sponsorship/support for HB560.
And I'm skeptical we'll clear the deck if unlicensed, constitutional carry passes. I can't really understand why broadly reducing off limits locations doesn't get traction. Maybe licensed folks like me need to be more politically vocal/active.
Absent some sort of compromise/amendment to address licensed carry off-limits locations, I can't see how HB1911 helps my ability to protect my family, and might actually further constrain it.
What else could possibly be "on deck" if we get constitutional carry? We already knocked out Open Carry and Campus Carry - I can't think of any other elephants in the room.

I spend a month in PA every year, and carry while there every day. I just wish TX would aspire to this usually blue (but thankfully RED this cycle) state off limits locations where you can carry in a bar and sporting event. Also, signs have no force of law there, and you have to be asked to leave before it's a crime. I understand why we did what we did here in TX, but my PA data point influences my opinion on where I'd prefer TX end up.