How Far Would You Go To Help?

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Re: How Far Would You Go To Help?


Post by K.Mooneyham »

The incident in the video brings to mind several things for me personally. First, though I didn't move to a rural area because of multiple assailant crimes, it certainly lowers the chances to be the victim of such. Second, I tend to stay out of large, Democrat Party-controlled cities due to that sort of thing. I am convinced that the Democrat Party cares more about criminals than they do about the average law-abiding citizen. I operate on the assumption that they will always take the side of the criminal(s), if I were forced to defend myself. Third, I simply will NOT use public transportation, call me paranoid, I don't care. Lastly, on the occasions that I go to a city, I carry a semi-automatic pistol in 9mm loaded with +P rated bonded hollow-points, and spare magazine(s). You are still free, at this point in our nation, to disagree with me or believe what you wish.

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Re: How Far Would You Go To Help?


Post by steveincowtown »

Based on the video there are far to many questions to intervene. The victim said he just asked them to stop smoking pot, but how do we know this is true.

Maybe the victim had just flashed a weapon?

Maybe it was a "jump in" for a gang?

Maybe the victim had stolen something from one of the "fine upstanding" citizens seen attacking him?

Maybe there are 2 other people from the group standing away from the fight, as they are armed and don't want to be involved? What happens when you pull your gun.

The question here is why hasn't DART released any video?
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Re: How Far Would You Go To Help?


Post by bdgyeah »

I see a lot of justification not to intervene, based on fear... and a whole bunch of stupid hypotheticals. In this country, you do have the right to be afraid, or to cower, and not to come to aid a 50's/60's yr old man , and go to help him or not help him based on your own circumstances.

What if you had just entered the situation with beating already in progress? Would there still be comments like "not my monkey, not my circus," or "maybe he deserves it", or "my EDC is to protect my own , and he's not part of it."

The reality is, after reading this thread, if I'm not present and a family member or more of mine needs help from members of this forum, I can count on a bunch of highfalutin, armed LTC holders who love showing pictures of their EDC's and acting like a bunch of teenage girls discussing the latest fashion trend, to call 911.

Not that calling 911 isn't doing anything. It is something. In fact, it's exactly one more action that would have been taken, recently, by a bunch thugs who watched a disabled man drown, and laugh about it, and videotape it.

I guess here in Texas, I am only my brothers keeper if the circumstances are perfectly legible, and if the stars are aligned in such perfect harmony where as not to cause me to crap my pants while being frozen with fear.

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Re: How Far Would You Go To Help?


Post by rotor »

bdgyeah wrote:I see a lot of justification not to intervene, based on fear... and a whole bunch of stupid hypotheticals. In this country, you do have the right to be afraid, or to cower, and not to come to aid a 50's/60's yr old man , and go to help him or not help him based on your own circumstances.

What if you had just entered the situation with beating already in progress? Would there still be comments like "not my monkey, not my circus," or "maybe he deserves it", or "my EDC is to protect my own , and he's not part of it."

The reality is, after reading this thread, if I'm not present and a family member or more of mine needs help from members of this forum, I can count on a bunch of highfalutin, armed LTC holders who love showing pictures of their EDC's and acting like a bunch of teenage girls discussing the latest fashion trend, to call 911.

Not that calling 911 isn't doing anything. It is something. In fact, it's exactly one more action that would have been taken, recently, by a bunch thugs who watched a disabled man drown, and laugh about it, and videotape it.

I guess here in Texas, I am only my brothers keeper if the circumstances are perfectly legible, and if the stars are aligned in such perfect harmony where as not to cause me to crap my pants while being frozen with fear.
You interpret this as fear. I don't see it as fear. If I pull my gun it is to use it and I don't see that I am ready to use it in this situation. Does that mean you are prepared to shoot what looks like 6 or 7 teens? Because that is what the situation might come down to.

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Re: How Far Would You Go To Help?


Post by bdgyeah »

Could one intervene and not use a firearm? Yes.
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Re: How Far Would You Go To Help?


Post by aaangel »

first of all living in the slums of rego park, Queens NY for 20 yrs taught me not to swim where the sharks are! is it really smart to tell a bunch of pot smoking degenerates on the train to stop???? just move to another car or get off on the next stop.
as for stepping in, yeah good luck with CNN and the BLM circus when you shoot one of the "good kid/A+ student" (said by the crying mom) that just got in with the wrong crowds that night. is it really worth it? no thanks! i'll be a good witness though.
Last edited by aaangel on Thu Aug 03, 2017 3:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How Far Would You Go To Help?


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

bdgyeah wrote:I see a lot of justification not to intervene, based on fear... and a whole bunch of stupid hypotheticals. In this country, you do have the right to be afraid, or to cower, and not to come to aid a 50's/60's yr old man , and go to help him or not help him based on your own circumstances.

What if you had just entered the situation with beating already in progress? Would there still be comments like "not my monkey, not my circus," or "maybe he deserves it", or "my EDC is to protect my own , and he's not part of it."

The reality is, after reading this thread, if I'm not present and a family member or more of mine needs help from members of this forum, I can count on a bunch of highfalutin, armed LTC holders who love showing pictures of their EDC's and acting like a bunch of teenage girls discussing the latest fashion trend, to call 911.

Not that calling 911 isn't doing anything. It is something. In fact, it's exactly one more action that would have been taken, recently, by a bunch thugs who watched a disabled man drown, and laugh about it, and videotape it.

I guess here in Texas, I am only my brothers keeper if the circumstances are perfectly legible, and if the stars are aligned in such perfect harmony where as not to cause me to crap my pants while being frozen with fear.
You see fear. I see a lot of rational, mature discussion about the many things that should be considered before getting involved in the assistance of others. I don't think it makes one a "coward" or a "teenage girl" if you pause before getting involved in a situation that could easily escalate to the use of deadly force. I also don't think that name calling is helpful to this discussion.

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Re: How Far Would You Go To Help?


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

aaangel wrote:first of all living in the slums of rego park, Queens NY for 20 yrs taught me not to swim where the sharks are! is it really smart to tell a bunch of pot smoking degenerates on the train @ 2am to stop???? just move to another car or get off on the next stop.
as for stepping in, yeah good luck with CNN and the BLM circus when you shoot one of the "good kid/A+ student" (said by the crying mom) that just got in with the wrong crowds that night. is it really worth it? no thanks! i'll be a good witness though.
I think they would also play up the fact that you shot an unarmed girl. After all, what man is in fear from a little girl. Must be racially motivated, or maybe you just hate females.

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Re: How Far Would You Go To Help?


Post by Cacciato »

I would assess the scene and gain distance, I would quickly call 911 while exposing my firearm if it wasn't already and I would verbally yell as loud as possible for them to stop. If they don't or they choose to involve me I'll drop them like a bag hammers. I'm not letting anyone get beat unconscious or killed by a bunch of thugs. Yeah, I carry to protect my family and myself but I'm also a human and no other human deserves that. PS no one wants to deal with the repercussions of a legal use of deadly force either but sometimes life just stinks and you do the right thing anyway.
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Re: How Far Would You Go To Help?


Post by carlson1 »

Soccerdad1995 wrote:
bdgyeah wrote:I see a lot of justification not to intervene, based on fear... and a whole bunch of stupid hypotheticals. In this country, you do have the right to be afraid, or to cower, and not to come to aid a 50's/60's yr old man , and go to help him or not help him based on your own circumstances.

What if you had just entered the situation with beating already in progress? Would there still be comments like "not my monkey, not my circus," or "maybe he deserves it", or "my EDC is to protect my own , and he's not part of it."

The reality is, after reading this thread, if I'm not present and a family member or more of mine needs help from members of this forum, I can count on a bunch of highfalutin, armed LTC holders who love showing pictures of their EDC's and acting like a bunch of teenage girls discussing the latest fashion trend, to call 911.

Not that calling 911 isn't doing anything. It is something. In fact, it's exactly one more action that would have been taken, recently, by a bunch thugs who watched a disabled man drown, and laugh about it, and videotape it.

I guess here in Texas, I am only my brothers keeper if the circumstances are perfectly legible, and if the stars are aligned in such perfect harmony where as not to cause me to crap my pants while being frozen with fear.
You see fear. I see a lot of rational, mature discussion about the many things that should be considered before getting involved in the assistance of others. I don't think it makes one a "coward" or a "teenage girl" if you pause before getting involved in a situation that could easily escalate to the use of deadly force. I also don't think that name calling is helpful to this discussion.

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Re: How Far Would You Go To Help?


Post by parabelum »

I think this discussion is slowly drifting away.


I would not intervene in this case.
If however I happen to walk upon someone trying to sexually assault a little girl, beat an elderly person into oblivion, I might see those as scenes where intervention need is immediate, and would act accordingly given those particular circumstances.

Again, in this case, I would only intervene if I detected imminent threat to me.
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Re: How Far Would You Go To Help?


Post by aaangel »

Soccerdad1995 wrote:
aaangel wrote:first of all living in the slums of rego park, Queens NY for 20 yrs taught me not to swim where the sharks are! is it really smart to tell a bunch of pot smoking degenerates on the train @ 2am to stop???? just move to another car or get off on the next stop.
as for stepping in, yeah good luck with CNN and the BLM circus when you shoot one of the "good kid/A+ student" (said by the crying mom) that just got in with the wrong crowds that night. is it really worth it? no thanks! i'll be a good witness though.
I think they would also play up the fact that you shot an unarmed girl. After all, what man is in fear from a little girl. Must be racially motivated, or maybe you just hate females.
yup :iagree: 100%!
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Re: How Far Would You Go To Help?


Post by bblhd672 »

Paul Kersey is never around when you need him....
The left lies about everything. Truth is a liberal value, and truth is a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. People on the left say whatever advances their immediate agenda. Power is their moral lodestar; therefore, truth is always subservient to it. - Dennis Prager

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Re: How Far Would You Go To Help?


Post by Jay2121 »

After reading this string I could not agree more with bdgyeah who posted:

"The reality is, after reading this thread, if I'm not present and a family member or more of mine needs help from members of this forum, I can count on a bunch of highfalutin, armed LTC holders who love showing pictures of their EDC's and acting like a bunch of teenage girls discussing the latest fashion trend, to call 911.

Not that calling 911 isn't doing anything. It is something. In fact, it's exactly one more action that would have been taken, recently, by a bunch thugs who watched a disabled man drown, and laugh about it, and videotape it.

I guess here in Texas, I am only my brothers keeper if the circumstances are perfectly legible, and if the stars are aligned in such perfect harmony where as not to cause me to crap my pants while being frozen with fear."

And his follow up : "who said there needs to be a weapon used. "

The entries here are troubling. I see almost no one willing to help a helpless individual. I see excuses ,rationalizations, fear and let me say it, cowardice.

I could go on but I will leave it there.

Let me end with of course I would have interceded, no question, no rationalization. It was a human being that needed help from the evil that was attacking him. He could have easily died.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing- Edmund Burke.

Evil triumphed that day gentlemen as there were no good men there willing to do anything.

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Re: How Far Would You Go To Help?


Post by parabelum »

Yes, you do what you must and what you believe is right and just. Hope that you'll get financial help for yourself and your family should you find yourself in a tiny legal conundrum.
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