Today in Trump's 1st term as President

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by TreyHouston »

You had 2 choices, choice A or B. Write your congress and rep.
"Jump in there sport, get it done and we'll all sing your praises." -Chas

How many times a day could you say this? :cheers2:

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 » ... ed-Nations

Trump gives a great or crazy speech at the U N today.

Your view depends on if your the Washington Post or me.

Called Kim Jung Un "Rocketman".

Colbert hosted the Emmy's on Sunday. One Trump joke after another followed by presenters piling on. Lowest ratings for the Emmy's in history.

Rumors Trump leaning left on many items now. Including: the wall, DACA and the Paris Accord.

Crazy as it sounds Merkel may end up Germany's head again.

To be fair here is the other side's views from Gov Jerry Brown. I'm a cave dweller now. ... 3famp=true

Or ... 42725.html

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 » ... index.html

Obama wiretapped Trump's campaign chairman before the election. So assuming Trump and his campaign chairman ever talked by phone before the election this would mean that the Trump Tower was wiretapped. Sounds pretty "banana republic" to me. Oh it gets better, his campaign chairman even has an apartment in Trump Tower.

News reports from March of this year. ... /98734316/

CNN wiggling. ... index.html

Washington Post says no proof Obama knew about it. No actual wires were tapped, and if Trump's conversations were recorded, it was unintentional, so Trump still lied.

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 »

Trump praises health care of Nambia, a nonexistent African country - CNN

CNN has nothing better to do than this on a day when Trump took real action on North Korea.

BTW Trump mentioned Namibia a real country in Africa, but apparently he prounced it without the extra i. ... -says.html

Can do business with North Korea or United States, but not both. So if your a shipping company, your in trouble if you stop in North Korea.

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Redneck_Buddha »

philip964 wrote: ... ed-Nations

Trump gives a great or crazy speech at the U N today.

Your view depends on if your the Washington Post or me.

Called Kim Jung Un "Rocketman".

Colbert hosted the Emmy's on Sunday. One Trump joke after another followed by presenters piling on. Lowest ratings for the Emmy's in history.

Rumors Trump leaning left on many items now. Including: the wall, DACA and the Paris Accord.

Crazy as it sounds Merkel may end up Germany's head again.

To be fair here is the other side's views from Gov Jerry Brown. I'm a cave dweller now. ... 3famp=true

Or ... 42725.html
I was hoping he'd call him "The Fat Kid".

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by ninjabread »


Meanwhile, today I heard a coworker say if Trump cured cancer, the Democrats would say it discriminates against people with a cold.
This is my opinion. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 » ... story.html

France threatening to pull out of South Korea Winter Olympic Games.

So will this be viewed as Trump's fault for his rhetoric?

Or was it a dumb idea to have the Olympics in an area that essentially is still at war.

I'd say if the Olympics is cancelled a point would go in Rocketman's or fat kids column. Extra points if this issue continues with country by country pulling out one at a time until it is moved.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by bblhd672 »

France can't guarantee the safety of their athletes in their own country. But it figures they would be first to "surrender" the Olympics.
The left lies about everything. Truth is a liberal value, and truth is a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. People on the left say whatever advances their immediate agenda. Power is their moral lodestar; therefore, truth is always subservient to it. - Dennis Prager

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 » ... nthem.html

Trump says boycott NFL teams where a player won't stand for the national anthem. Leave the game if it happens. Owner's should fire the player. ... ite-house/

Trump rescinds Stephen Curry's invitation to the White House. Apparently the winning basketball team has been invited to the White House. The team votes on whether they will accept the invitation. Curry said publicly he would vote against it. So the White House has rescinded his invitation.

Some of us only dream of a Presidential invitation to the White House for something we had done. Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump wouldn't have mattered. For 99.9% of us it is something that will never happen. It is hard to even imagine that kind of attitude.

Me thinks sports salaries are way too high. If I was a billionaire and owned a sports franchise, I would be worried about my "investment". Especially if it was a football franchise in a blue state.

I pay a special higher federal tax rate due to my type of job. Seems to me, although I'm never a supporter of higher federal taxes, we could have a special excess sports income tax. A special higher rate for sports income. How about a 75% rate above 1 million. Ear mark the tax to feeding the poor. Seems only fair. Hmm, a special tax rate for actors and late night talk show hosts.... Ear mark it for healthcare for the poor.

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Abraham »

"Me thinks sports salaries are way too high."


No one is forced to follow sports...or watch hollywood movies or listen to someone sing, act or dance, but if the public is gullible enough to provide astronomical wealth to athletes and other entertainers because they like what these folks have to offer...great.

Me, I have almost zero interest in sports, singers, and most movies. So, I've nothing to complain about regarding those who fund these entertainers - it's the free enterprise system.

P.S. These entertainers and their political or religious or fill in the blank opinions mean nothing to me. If the world fell apart (as in the after math of hurricane destruction) who do you think would be in demand, entertainers or people who can fix things...? Entertainers are only for amusement, but are completely useless otherwise...

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 »

Wow Trumps remarks on disrespecting the United States has really hit a nerve with the NFL.

They have gone all in. Apparently the whole team took a knee in a game in England.

N.F.L. Owners Support Kneeling Players in Protest of Trump Comments - The New York Times

Steelers wont have a national anthem anymore before the game.

Trump has suggested a boycott of the NFL. ...

Team owners are arm in arm with players taking a knee.

In first NFL game since Trump remarks, Jaguars owner links arms with players taking knee during anthem - The Washington Post

Won't affect me I stopped watching NFL after Colin started doing it. I'll let the globalist liberals watch all they want.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by spectre »

Only in America could millionaires claim they're oppressed and be taken seriously.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Pilgrim »

This is the last part of our national anthem:

O thus be it ever when freemen shall stand
Between their lov'd home and the war's desolation!
Blest with vict'ry and peace may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the power that hath made and preserv'd us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto - "In God is our trust,"
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

People against our national anthem are protesting against GOD who blessed America. They disrespect those who died in service for our country. This is more than political but a battle between good and evil. :patriot:
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by anygunanywhere »

I stopped watching sports and all the overpaid prima donnas years ago. I have better things to do than sit in front of the idiot box and go brain dead.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by tbrown »

Should I expect to see more SJW wearing team jerseys as a political statement against Trump?

Or is it still primarily a way for herd animals to self identify their herd affiliation? :mrgreen:
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