Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter

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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by Jusme »

treadlightly wrote:
parabelum wrote:Get ready. Even some talk show hosts I like are now in favor of "gun control". Sickening.
Curious as to who's on board with gun control.

Gun control seems to have actually worked in Las Vegas. It would have been insane, er, problematic to return fire at a hotel, but that doesn't seem to have been a problem. From what I've heard, the crowd wasn't armed, complying with event rules that prohibited guns.

The only non-LEO with a gun was the shooter, and how does a regulation stand up against what he was willing to do?

It doesn't and that's why there is such a knee jerk reaction to blame gun control laws. Evidently this guy had access to almost limitless funds, had no criminal record, and from some reports was a left winger. His father, was reported to be a psychopathic criminal, is that hereditary? I can't say. The left hopes that the shooter was a gun nut, right wing, psycho, but so far nothing is coming forward to show that. If they can point to rediculous ideas that they think would have prevented this, and have MSM be complicit, then they can get their message out long before the truth emerges.JMHO
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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by parabelum »

It doesn't. That's why bringing up so called "gun control" is absurd.

This maniac had 72 minutes. Had he been trained he could have killed more with a dang musket in that amount of time.
Thank the Lord it appears he was not a trained shooter. That large of a crowd, packed so closely together, 72 minutes to rain bullets onto them, I'm greatful more people didn't get killed.

These stupid arguments about bump slide, "automatic" guns etc. and how "we" need to regulate these, coming from some so called "conservatives" is nauseating. Makes me want to puke.

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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by powerboatr »

Prayers to the family of the fallen and injured. ATTA BOY to the LEOs' and responders.

scanned through and have a few questions. Not to irritate, just to clarify or get my head around how this dude felt to be this evil.

he was up on 32nd floor (320 to 400 feet up). that put him at what 1000 to 1500 yards from the people.
So you think he planned this long before the weds before he checked in? i bet at least 6 months ago, he was planning .

If i call the hotel and request room X on floor X, will it be honored? Most likely ??? i am not a first time guest. obviously research was done on which rooms or elevations provided the best vantage point.
easy to see what venues are in town any day of the week.

when i traveled every week for the Big G, i could ask a hotel for a particular room or floor with no problems. Especially if i was a frequent visitor.

its reported he stayed in this hotel OFTEN, he knew the lay out, he had money to buy as many weapons as he needed.
thank GOD he was not a better marksman or the death toll would be much higher.

getting rifles in is easy as walking. Golf bags and fishing gear containers are a very easy way to go. i have never had a hotel ask if firearms were in my gear. As part of my travel gear, along with my personal suitcases, I rolled a huge pelican case we affectionately named the body bag, as it was big enough for two carcasses. No one ever questioned it. except TSA, and the poor guy that had to load it in the plane. But this guy drove in.

72 minutes, barricaded doors, set up his own cameras...lots of work for one guy to do in 3.5 days... how much if any was pre-positioned? did he do a spy thing and hide items in a hole in a wall or ceiling? from a previous trip?
its easy to hide "things" in a room away from prying eyes of housekeepers, in a suite.
just saying he would have been busy busy busy for three days setting up.

so many questions for this event. I have trouble thinking it was a one man job to set up.
sure would like to see the hotel cameras footage..i bet its very revealing.
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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

powerboatr wrote:Prayers to the family of the fallen and injured. ATTA BOY to the LEOs' and responders.

scanned through and have a few questions. Not to irritate, just to clarify or get my head around how this dude felt to be this evil.

he was up on 32nd floor (320 to 400 feet up). that put him at what 1000 to 1500 yards from the people.
So you think he planned this long before the weds before he checked in? i bet at least 6 months ago, he was planning .

If i call the hotel and request room X on floor X, will it be honored? Most likely ??? i am not a first time guest. obviously research was done on which rooms or elevations provided the best vantage point.
easy to see what venues are in town any day of the week.

when i traveled every week for the Big G, i could ask a hotel for a particular room or floor with no problems. Especially if i was a frequent visitor.

its reported he stayed in this hotel OFTEN, he knew the lay out, he had money to buy as many weapons as he needed.
thank GOD he was not a better marksman or the death toll would be much higher.

getting rifles in is easy as walking. Golf bags and fishing gear containers are a very easy way to go. i have never had a hotel ask if firearms were in my gear. As part of my travel gear, along with my personal suitcases, I rolled a huge pelican case we affectionately named the body bag, as it was big enough for two carcasses. No one ever questioned it. except TSA, and the poor guy that had to load it in the plane. But this guy drove in.

72 minutes, barricaded doors, set up his own cameras...lots of work for one guy to do in 3.5 days... how much if any was pre-positioned? did he do a spy thing and hide items in a hole in a wall or ceiling? from a previous trip?
its easy to hide "things" in a room away from prying eyes of housekeepers, in a suite.
just saying he would have been busy busy busy for three days setting up.

so many questions for this event. I have trouble thinking it was a one man job to set up.
sure would like to see the hotel cameras footage..i bet its very revealing.
He wouldn't have even had to ask for a specific suite. There aren't too many corner suites in a hotel, and they usually have different types. Just book an X corner suite, with a strip view. And if necessary, specify that you don't want to be too low since the street noise bothers you. This guy was apparently a high roller, so it may have been a comped suite, and his host could easily have accommodated his "quirky" request for a suite that matched his "lucky" numbers, or whatever.

As far as timing, I realize the guy was 64, but absent a physical disability, it isn't that hard to carry a bunch of bags up to your room over the course of several days. I'm assuming he used furniture in the room to barricade the door and that tables and chairs formed the basis of his shooting platforms, possibly with a few sandbags or just bipods. It doesn't surprise me in the least that he was able to get everything set up in a matter of 3 days. I know nothing about setting up cameras, but I'll assume he did that last to minimize the chance of them being discovered.

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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by philip964 »

Are there any outdoor sports arenas where there are tall buildings nearby where one could see the crowd? ( Minute Maid Park in Houston?)

It may be that security for those events may now require snipers on the roofs of those venues to return fire.

Even if the armed LEOs at the Vegas event had known where the fire was coming from, their handguns would be useless at the range he was firing from. Suppressing fire might have gotten him to duck, but it would have injured many in the hotel. How much drop is there in handgun bullets at 500 yards?

I suspect devices that allow for rapid fire of semi automatic rifles will be outlawed in the future, even if this guy didn't use one.
Last edited by philip964 on Tue Oct 03, 2017 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by powerboatr »

tucker just had some info, that hit me odd.
the rifles were different brands, i think he said nine different brands.
I am brand loyal, Springfield or colt. but i could see many different brands.

hopefully we as the sheep get to see all the evidence and tapes.

still want to know what was on the note on the table.
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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by philip964 » ... s-weapons/

Odd about the Las Vegas shooters weapons, from some one that knows a lot more than me. My knowledge about rifles still will fit in a thimble.

Please debunk for me.

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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by stroo »

He used bipods so he didn't have to shoulder it.
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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by Lynyrd »

powerboatr wrote:tucker just had some info, that hit me odd.
the rifles were different brands, i think he said nine different brands.
I am brand loyal, Springfield or colt. but i could see many different brand
hopefully we as the sheep get to see all the evidence and tapes.

still want to know what was on the note on the table.
Call me a cynic, and maybe I am, but I don't think the public will ever know the story. The feds will disseminate what fits the narrative they want to put out. Too many things don't add up here.
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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by stroo »

I don't understand the ak 47. They generally are said to have an effective range of 300 yards well short of the ranges here. Maybe if he aimed it real high he could rainbow the rounds onto target.
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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by SewTexas »

stroo wrote:I don't understand the ak 47. They generally are said to have an effective range of 300 yards well short of the ranges here. Maybe if he aimed it real high he could rainbow the rounds onto target.
they haven't said which ones were used yet, just that they've found all of these guns. I don't think they even know which ones were used.
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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by treadlightly »

stroo wrote:I don't understand the ak 47. They generally are said to have an effective range of 300 yards well short of the ranges here. Maybe if he aimed it real high he could rainbow the rounds onto target.
About 26 inches drop at 300 yards - ... ics-chart/

There is a funny thing about shooting on slopes, though. Shooting either uphill or downhill raises the point of impact. It's a little hard to wrap your head around it, but it's true. Here's one explanation - ... wnhill.pdf

You can also consider drag on the x and y axes as velocity is moved from the x axis to the y as the angle is changed. Being a fairly dense lad, it always takes me a few moments with scratch paper to work out the forces.

But the main thing is 300 yards is lethal for a 9mm, 3/4's the weight and maybe 3/8's the velocity of a 7.62.

Edited to add - it's been a long day, and I'm tired. I fixated on 300 yards, when the range was more like 500. The drop is maybe ten feet at 500 yards on a level shot.

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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by Rex B »

I saw one report that said he had two tripod-mounted guns. Maybe reporters don't know the diff between bi-pods and tripods, but it's an order of magnitude difference in firearms.
Onefriend who is very knowledgeable recent ex-military said he was sure it was belt-fed based on the audio.
Has the full firearms inventory been released?
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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by jmra »

powerboatr wrote:Prayers to the family of the fallen and injured. ATTA BOY to the LEOs' and responders.

scanned through and have a few questions. Not to irritate, just to clarify or get my head around how this dude felt to be this evil.

he was up on 32nd floor (320 to 400 feet up). that put him at what 1000 to 1500 yards from the people.
So you think he planned this long before the weds before he checked in? i bet at least 6 months ago, he was planning .

If i call the hotel and request room X on floor X, will it be honored? Most likely ??? i am not a first time guest. obviously research was done on which rooms or elevations provided the best vantage point.
easy to see what venues are in town any day of the week.

when i traveled every week for the Big G, i could ask a hotel for a particular room or floor with no problems. Especially if i was a frequent visitor.

its reported he stayed in this hotel OFTEN, he knew the lay out, he had money to buy as many weapons as he needed.
thank GOD he was not a better marksman or the death toll would be much higher.

getting rifles in is easy as walking. Golf bags and fishing gear containers are a very easy way to go. i have never had a hotel ask if firearms were in my gear. As part of my travel gear, along with my personal suitcases, I rolled a huge pelican case we affectionately named the body bag, as it was big enough for two carcasses. No one ever questioned it. except TSA, and the poor guy that had to load it in the plane. But this guy drove in.

72 minutes, barricaded doors, set up his own cameras...lots of work for one guy to do in 3.5 days... how much if any was pre-positioned? did he do a spy thing and hide items in a hole in a wall or ceiling? from a previous trip?
its easy to hide "things" in a room away from prying eyes of housekeepers, in a suite.
just saying he would have been busy busy busy for three days setting up.

so many questions for this event. I have trouble thinking it was a one man job to set up.
sure would like to see the hotel cameras footage..i bet its very revealing.
Based on what I’ve read the base of the hotel was about 500 yards from the concert. He was maybe at a height of 120 yards. Using Pythagoreans theorem that would put the shots just over 500 yards (514 I believe).
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Re: Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Active Shooter


Post by Mike S »

philip964 wrote: ... s-weapons/

Odd about the Las Vegas shooters weapons, from some one that knows a lot more than me. My knowledge about rifles still will fit in a thimble.

Please debunk for me.
Sorry, there's too much in this article to debunk in one sitting. Safe to say, though, that this isn't credible.
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