Interesting going out in public as a LTC

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Interesting going out in public as a LTC


Post by Tex1961 »

So this is my second day going out and about with my LTC. Yesterday was just plain weird feeling.. Both in having the new hardware attached and just the general overall feeling of carrying. Went out again today running errands and meeting up with a couple of friends who are also LTC for lunch. The whole getting in and out of the vehicle, making sure I wasn't imprinting while sitting down, looking for 30.06 signs on the doors, bending down at the office supply store to pick things up without being to obvious.

What struck me though was during lunch. I knew that I was probably printing but for some reason I realized that.
1. There was no signs on the door so I knew they welcomed CC.
2. I have that shiny new card in my wallet that says the Great state of Texas has approved me to carry. I wasn't uncomfortable at all. My gear felt good, and was overall pretty proud to know I was among a very select few who took the time, effort and $$ to protect themselves and if need be protect others.

I wonder what if anything y'all have come up with to say to anyone such as a store manager who approaches you and asks if your carrying. I've have already decided that my answer is YES.. I am a licensed concealed carry person. And leave it a that... I may ask them if my gun was showing somehow, or how they knew but other than that, be up front and proud of it.. Without of course any arrogance... That isn't my style anyway.

Just wanted to share...

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Re: Interesting going out in public as a LTC


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

Tex1961 wrote:So this is my second day going out and about with my LTC. Yesterday was just plain weird feeling.. Both in having the new hardware attached and just the general overall feeling of carrying. Went out again today running errands and meeting up with a couple of friends who are also LTC for lunch. The whole getting in and out of the vehicle, making sure I wasn't imprinting while sitting down, looking for 30.06 signs on the doors, bending down at the office supply store to pick things up without being to obvious.

What struck me though was during lunch. I knew that I was probably printing but for some reason I realized that.
1. There was no signs on the door so I knew they welcomed CC.
2. I have that shiny new card in my wallet that says the Great state of Texas has approved me to carry. I wasn't uncomfortable at all. My gear felt good, and was overall pretty proud to know I was among a very select few who took the time, effort and $$ to protect themselves and if need be protect others.

I wonder what if anything y'all have come up with to say to anyone such as a store manager who approaches you and asks if your carrying. I've have already decided that my answer is YES.. I am a licensed concealed carry person. And leave it a that... I may ask them if my gun was showing somehow, or how they knew but other than that, be up front and proud of it.. Without of course any arrogance... That isn't my style anyway.

Just wanted to share...
In the 9 years I have had my CHL/LTC I've never had anyone ask if I was carrying. Either no one has noticed my CC, or no one cared to ask. This is with everything up to and including a full size 1911.

I have had 2 people ask me if I was a LEO, while OC'ing (I'm not, BTW). In both cases that led to a discussion on LTC, but neither one was negative in any way.
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Re: Interesting going out in public as a LTC


Post by Lynyrd »

Welcome to the club!

In all my years I've only seen someone get asked one time if they were carrying. And that wasn't me. A friend and I were coming out of a store in a small town. One of the local cops was standing outside and saw us walking towards my truck, which happened to be parked right beside his patrol vehicle. The cop sort of gestured towards a bulge under my friends shirt and asked him if he was carrying. My friend lifted his shirt to show his insulin pump, and said, "Yeah, I'm carrying my pump." The cop was sort of embarrassed and apologized and turned away. :lol: I was carrying (legally) at the time but he never got around to asking me.

I do remember the odd feeling of my first few days of carrying. Let that feeling heighten your situational awareness. SA is your best friend.
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Re: Interesting going out in public as a LTC


Post by montgomery »

Been carrying for 30 years, all day, every day. Zero asks.

Your sensitivity to printing will diminish over time. Most folks today are either too busy staring at their phones to notice you or are carrying themselves.
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Re: Interesting going out in public as a LTC


Post by johncanfield »

I don't think I've ever had anybody ask if I was carrying in the seven or so years I've carried (every day.) Having my Sig on my hip is as natural as having my wallet or car keys in my pocket.
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Re: Interesting going out in public as a LTC


Post by oohrah »

What you will eventually become comfortable with - is that nobody notices.

Congrats on getting your LTC.
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Re: Interesting going out in public as a LTC


Post by Pariah3j »

Agree with what others have said. Only people who have asked me if I was carrying was my Wife and close friends/family that know I carry. And they were asking because they couldn't tell - wanted to make sure because I think the idea of one of us having a gun made them feel safer.

Funny thing is, yes when you first start, you will feel like others notice or can tell - eventually, that feeling goes away. Instead, it will be replaced with a feeling of being naked when you aren't carrying because of a situation that prevents it.

Had an encounter with a Leo just the other day, he didn't even realize I was carrying until I gave him my LTC - he noticed my esee knife sticking out of my front pocket :lol:
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Re: Interesting going out in public as a LTC


Post by TexasJohnBoy »

I've been carrying daily for over a year, and weekends/days off for a year or more beforehand. Never been asked. I agree with everyone else here, your self consciousness about printing will diminish over time. People don't notice.

I open carried on 1/1/2016 and a few other times, and no one noticed.
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Re: Interesting going out in public as a LTC


Post by cmgee67 »

November 28th marks 2 years of constant carry and no one has ever asked me if I was carrying. The only comments ever made to me was when I was OC but all good except one guy asked me who I thought I was walking around with a gun on my hip. I told him I am licensed to do so and it’s none of his business what I was doing. Soon you won’t ever realize your carrying and won’t even care if you print because you will realize most never notice. Even when OC nobody really notices. Carrying a gun isn’t supposed to be comfortable but it is a comforting thought knowing that you at least have a chance to defend your self with something other than a sharp stick. I get asked by my wife, close friends, and family members if I am carrying when we go places because it makes them feel better. (I’m the only licensed person in my whole family). Be careful stay safe!

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Re: Interesting going out in public as a LTC


Post by Ed4032 »

One day you will forget your wallet but you remembered to bring your gun. Done that a couple of times.
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Re: Interesting going out in public as a LTC


Post by Jusme »

I agree with all other posters, 99% of people will never notice, even if you OC as I do the majority of the time. Your SA will increase and you will be the one noticing others carrying. Even the folks who have noticed me OC, have all had positive comments, or were interested in getting their LTC. Even LEO have not had negative comments. Congrats on getting your plastic, and always be an ambassadors for the LTC community.
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Re: Interesting going out in public as a LTC


Post by bigity »

montgomery wrote:Been carrying for 30 years, all day, every day. Zero asks.

Your sensitivity to printing will diminish over time. Most folks today are either too busy staring at their phones to notice you or are carrying themselves.
This right here. At first you (at least I was and others I've talked to) are hypersensitive about carrying (can they see it? What if a kid sees it when I pick something up?, etc) and now I feel I could wear a gun on each hip OC in a gunslinger holster with tassels handing off the butt and nobody would even notice.

I think the only people who do notice either carry guns in their job (aka LEOs) or other LTC holders.
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Re: Interesting going out in public as a LTC


Post by montgomery »

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Re: Interesting going out in public as a LTC


Post by GreenMan0352 »

I remember the feeling! It was kind of like being a boot your first day back in the civilian world. :shock: thats the closest I can describe the feeling to.(not a bad thing btw)

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Re: Interesting going out in public as a LTC


Post by Crash »

The only person who has ever said anything about me carrying (whenever possible for more than 30 years) was my wife. I was wearing jeans with my shirt tucked in and she pointed at my right front pocket and said, "You're carrying, aren't you?" I pulled my wallet out of the pocket and said, "Yep."

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