TX: Sutherland Springs church 26 dead 20 injured in mass shooting

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Re: TX: Sutherland Springs church 27 dead 20 injured in mass shooting


Post by JustSomeOldGuy »

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Re: TX: Sutherland Springs church 27 dead 20 injured in mass shooting


Post by Killadocg23 »

What's new here ? Just another Caucasian/white man doing a mass shooting. Nothing new or to be surprised at. R.I.P to all the victims and I hope the idiot burns in hell. This is like Chicago were there is black on black shootings everyday. Tired of all this bull going on in this country and gun control is not the issue !

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Re: TX: Sutherland Springs church 27 dead 20 injured in mass shooting


Post by rp_photo »

According to the Daily Mail, the shooter had been dishonorably discharged from the Air Force, which would make him a prohibited person.
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Re: TX: Sutherland Springs church 27 dead 20 injured in mass shooting


Post by carlson1 »

From the news report a neighbor seen the shooting and engaged the suspect.

Thank the Lord for a neighbor with a gun or there would have likely been more killed.

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Re: TX: Sutherland Springs church 27 dead 20 injured in mass shooting


Post by CoffeeNut »

Confirmed at press conference by Homeland: Resident grabbed his rifle and engaged the shooter which forced the shooter to drop his Ruger Ar15 and flee.
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Re: TX: Sutherland Springs church 27 dead 20 injured in mass shooting


Post by SewTexas »

carlson1 wrote:From the news report a neighbor seen the shooting and engaged the suspect.

Thank the Lord for a neighbor with a gun or there would have likely been more killed.
I don't understand why people go to a church that they can't carry in....course I don't understand why people don't carry, so....
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Re: TX: Sutherland Springs church 27 dead 20 injured in mass shooting


Post by mojo84 »

CoffeeNut wrote:Confirmed at press conference by Homeland: Resident grabbed his rifle and engaged the shooter which forced the shooter to drop his Ruger Ar15 and flee.
Sounds like we may have a true hero. Hope to hear him interviewed at some point when appropriate.
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Re: TX: Sutherland Springs church 27 dead 30 injured in mass shooting


Post by OneGun »

This is just a heartbreaking story. Last time there was a mass causality shooting it was because of racism and bigotry. Today, who knows. In today's shooting, the Church's Pastor said his 14-year old was one of the victims. The press conference said the victims were as young as 5 years-old. What has our country become?

The shooter has been identified as a dishonorably discharged Airman (USAF). He was 26, male and Caucasian. I won't list his name because i don't want to give him any recognition. He was busted in the past for Marijuana possession. Some people on social media have suggested that the shooter was a member of ANTIFA. This is how we resolve differences, now?

A community member with a shotgun engaged the shooter as he exited the church. The community member gave chase until the shooter crashed his car. There is no information if the shooter died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, a wound from the community member or police gun-fire.

This is just a horrible story all the way around.
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Re: TX: Sutherland Springs church 27 dead 20 injured in mass shooting


Post by NotRPB »

CoffeeNut wrote:Witness on CBS that gave first aid, reports that someone inside the church returned fire and continued firing as the shooter got into his truck, shattering his window.

Its a witness report so you know how those go but he seemed extremely credible and he moved in to render immediate assistance.
news report I saw > it was a neighbor to the church "grabbed my rifle, fired back, he dropped his gun and ran away, got in his car, several of us neighbors followed, he crashed"

either way
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Re: TX: Sutherland Springs church 27 dead 30 injured in mass shooting


Post by mojo84 »

http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/11 ... -law-guns/

Devin Kelley was court martialed in 2014 after a dishonorable discharge.
Here is the case number:
No. 14-0387/AF. U.S. v. Devin P. KELLEY. CCA 38267.

According to McMilitary Law: States have laws for gun control for court martial cases.
Will I be able to own firearms?
Federal and state laws do place restrictions on the purchase of firearms by those convicted of felonies. 18 USC § 922(b). Many jurisdictions distinguish between violent and non-violent offenses.

It was against the law for Devin to own firearms.
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Re: TX: Sutherland Springs church 27 dead 30 injured in mass shooting


Post by LTUME1978 »

Replying to the comment by carlson1 on training for Response to Active Shooter.

You are most likely correct that many have not had this training. I attended a three day class on this that was primarily aimed at law enforcement. Very intense training, like drinking from a fire hose for a civilian but well worth the time and money. It is something that I want to repeat every couple of years with what is going on now. I would encourage all that can attend a class like this to do so. I don't know if anything can really prepare you for the real thing but this was a big help and will show you the gaps in your skills/ability. You will also learn a lot about gunshot wound medical.
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Re: TX: Sutherland Springs church attacked 16 shot breaking


Post by Vol Texan »

treeman wrote:I am saddened but also shocked that there was not one or more concealed carry folks in attendance. I see no way a rural church like this was posted. Of course more will come out in time.
https://heavy.com/news/2017/11/devin-ke ... ick-kelly/
The horrific mass shooting wounded almost everyone inside the small country church building, which held only about 50 people in the town of only a few hundred people.
Yes, this was a rural area, but there are some things to consider:
  • Only a small percentage of Texans have an LTC
  • Only a percentage of those actually do carry regularly
  • Of those who do carry, there is a subset that actually carries in church
So now, given a small group of only 50 people, with the factors above considered, it is quite possible that nobody was carrying

Now, pure speculation here: even if there was a carrier, it is always possible that he or she could have been one of the first people engaged by the shooter, which would result in no armed resistance from that carrier.
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Re: TX: Sutherland Springs church 27 dead 30 injured in mass shooting


Post by Vol Texan »

1911 Raptor wrote:This is horrible. I can tell you this that every Catholic Church in the Fort Worth and Dallas Diocese is posted 30.06 and 30.07. I haven’t seen every one but the ones I have seen are. It is my understanding that this was a directive from the Dallas and Fort Worth Bishops.
I've heard the same. The day that the Houston Galveston Diocese makes that decision is the day I stop attending my church. That would break my heart - I am and shall always be Roman Catholic - but my choice of faith should not be a potential death sentence for my family.
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Re: TX: Sutherland Springs church 27 dead 30 injured in mass shooting


Post by parabelum »

The man who engaged this piece of trash should be commended for his action. Who knows how many lives he saved by engaging him.
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