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Post by SigM4 »

Made you look. But seriously, I've been carrying my Sig 239 in a C-Tac for a while now, and use an Underarmour shirt as a layer between myself and the gun/holster. Has anyone else found anything else/other brand that works any better than this set up? The reason I went for the Underarmour was this it is realitivly thin, light weight, and somewhat controls moisture. It also doesn't become too much of a hassle when I'm wearing another t-shirt and polo/button down shirt over it. Thoughts?
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Post by Crossfire »

IMO, you can't do much better than UnderArmour. It's lightweight, it's cool, it's snug, and it lasts.

5.11 also has a holster shirt that is like UnderArmour, but not quite as thin. You can see it here.

Just be sure to order a larger size than you think you need. This shirt fits tight!
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Post by KBCraig »

I'd look like a sausage in UnderArmor. :grin:

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Post by Xander »

SigM4 wrote:Has anyone else found anything else/other brand that works any better than this set up?
Nope, not in the summer, anyway. I have other wicking t-shirts that I like just as well as my Under Armour shirts, but nothing that works appreciably better. I do tend to switch to primarily using my REI MTS undershirts in the winter, however.

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Post by stroo »

Underarmour is great but I also buy the more generic stuff at Target. It isn't quite as good, but still good, and is about half the cost.
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Post by nitrogen »

I find that underarmor or its knockoffs make me itch like crazy, but I'm sure that some weird allergic reaction.
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Post by RubenZ »

That 5.11 one looks GREAT for winter/cool weather carry. Anyone here have experience with it. I really don't like holster carrying that much because I already have too much on pants and when I have to tuck in my shirt its a pain and I'm too young to wear vest :).

Hmm They should make BLUE JEANS with a built in Holster like device.

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Post by chewy555 »

RubenZ wrote:That 5.11 one looks GREAT for winter/cool weather carry. Anyone here have experience with it. I really don't like holster carrying that much because I already have too much on pants and when I have to tuck in my shirt its a pain and I'm too young to wear vest :).

Hmm They should make BLUE JEANS with a built in Holster like device.
They make some jeans with a holster built in. Here is one website

I have not tried them, but am thinking about it.
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Post by seamusTX »

The problem I see with those is that they cost $75 and wear out like any other pair of pants. A holster that costs that much will last a lifetime.

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Post by Quick6 »

KBCraig wrote:I'd look like a sausage in UnderArmor. :grin:

I find good old-fashioned wife-beaters suffice.
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Post by Skiprr »

RubenZ wrote:That 5.11 one looks GREAT for winter/cool weather carry. Anyone here have experience with it.
I have one, and use it from time to time. The two biggest drawbacks I see are weapon access time (with a buttoned shirt over the top, you have to do some work to get to the velcro-fastened pistol pocket. Second, and maybe most importantly, is that it's a $45 undershirt...meaning that you either need several of them, or your one or two will have to undergo a lot of washings and may not last very long. Mine is used only once in a while when I have to go deep concealment. But it does function, and the fact that the pouches are the same size on either side make it ambidextrous, and gives plenty of room for spare mags on the off-hand side.
RubenZ wrote:Hmm They should make BLUE JEANS with a built in Holster like device.
They do. :grin: http://www.511tactical.com/index.asp?dl ... mber=74002
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Post by Fosforos »

I have both UnderArmor and 5.11 hot weather shirts. They are both great, but don't try putting one of the snug fit ones on with damp skin... it just won't work...
I found some UnderArmour loose shirts, and they are the same material, but a relaxed fit like a normal t-shirt.
I got the shirts mainly for use with my c-tac, but found that the hot weather shirts just feel so good, that I wear them under my normal dress shirts at the office. I am actually cooler (sweat less) with them on than without. Or I'm just sold on the hype and it's all placebo effect.

Mrs Fosforos has a pair of the 5.11 pants with a built in holster pouch. She likes them, and they also feature a small pouch for a spare magazine.
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Post by age_ranger »

I thought this was going to be a thread on "Hey, guess what holds your pistol up in the stall while......" Underwear has many uses. :grin:

I like the underarmor stuff as well. Great undershirt and good for wear for matches as well. Cool under a hot vest in the summer.
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Post by Abraham »

Academy sells knockoffs called "BCG" and so far I've found them indestructible and very affordable.

$10.00 for either the T-shirt style and same price for the muscle head version.

In the summer, I prefer the muscle head version as I wear short sleeve outer shirts and this style under shirt doesn't have sleeves to get in the way of the outer shirt.

The T-shirt style is great in the winter under long sleeve shirts.
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Post by stevie_d_64 »

Quick6 wrote:
KBCraig wrote:I'd look like a sausage in UnderArmor. :grin:

I find good old-fashioned wife-beaters suffice.
If I had one on...And I stood about 2 miles from you, my wife would say I look pretty good in it...

She'd also say if you squint your eyes, I look just like Antonio Bandaras...But who needs to squint...really... ;-)

Maybe I should post a picture of myself over in that other thread...

I feel "llwatson" is going to dispel any myth-eh-logical picture postings of mine anyway... :roll: :lol:
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