Today in Trump's 1st term as President

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philbo »

flechero wrote:So Yes, it's mainly Trump as the engine.
And there is an example of buying the hype that ignores the past and plenty of facts in the process. It's not just the market that's fickle, but trump himself. In August of 2016 trump was attacking the second longest bull market in history. It was a market that was enjoying a 227% increase since it's low after the election in 2008. He said the long multi-year increase was a bubble, that he didn't believe in the market too much and cautioned others against investing in the market.

Donald Trump on the stock market: 'It's all a big bubble' Aug 2016 ... ubble.html

Compare that with a year later:
Trump thought stocks were 'a big bubble' last year. Not anymore ... ymore.html

In 2016 trump was quick to attack the market, the Fed and chair Janet Yellin... what changed in a year? Nothing except trumps ability to personally profit from the same people and policies a year later. Now with a new trump advisor in place the market experiences a serious stumble. Do I blame trump for this exclusively? Nope... but at least have the intellectual honesty to recognize that if you (and trump) say trump is the economic engine you claim him to be, you have to be prepared to take responsibility for the bad along with the good. Do I expect trump to have that kind of honesty? Of course not, since he seems to lack any sort of honesty about even the smallest things which can be objectively proven... and someone who can't be honest about even the smallest things should be watched closely when he makes claims about the big things.

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Abraham »


Miss Obama doncha?

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 »

philbo wrote:Another record setting day in Trump's presidency as the Dow plunges 1,600 points at lows, marks worst intraday point drop in history. ... 2018-02-05
Trump previously owned the Stock market. Never a good idea as the market can go up or down despite anything a president does.

Market was way over bought. I'm a chartist and it told me to sell 3 months ago, as it went above the line, so I played it safe and left some money on the table.

My friends who are much smarter, correctly picked the top about a week ago when the new fed guy said something about the dollar, which they viewed as a bad thing.

With the market you never know as it is a random walk. This could just be a hiccup on a continual rise, or a change in direction. It was a pretty fun ride from Obama at 9,000 to 26,000, with only a small dip when everyone thought Hillary would win.

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philbo »

Abraham wrote:philbo,

Miss Obama doncha?
Now you resort to name calling :biggrinjester:

That's another part of the problem, question trump and you must be a liberal, tree hugging, part of the deep state out to sink trump at any cost, perhaps even guilty of treason to the country (yes, trump used that term this week) For some there is no middle ground.
Trump Accuses Democrats of ‘Treason’ Amid Market Rout ... -rout.html

Or perhaps I'm as skeptical of this white house as I was the last, and the next... to question authority isn't a crime... at least not yet.

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 »

philbo wrote:
Abraham wrote:philbo,

Miss Obama doncha?
Now you resort to name calling :biggrinjester:

That's another part of the problem, question trump and you must be a liberal, tree hugging, part of the deep state out to sink trump at any cost, perhaps even guilty of treason to the country (yes, trump used that term this week) For some there is no middle ground.
Trump Accuses Democrats of ‘Treason’ Amid Market Rout ... -rout.html

Or perhaps I'm as skeptical of this white house as I was the last, and the next... to question authority isn't a crime... at least not yet.
I call them as I see them. I was banned from The_Donald after I said the tax cut would raise mine, which it will.

Trump right now is a better President than Hillary would have been, I feared for our Democracy if Hillary had been elected. I don't worry about guns or ammunition like before. To me his biggest mistake has been appointing Jeff Sessions. Who knew.

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Abraham »


Let's see: If it walks like a duck and it quacks..., but wait, you're merely performing the citizen service of being a cross examiner of government actions...ok, gotcha...whew, for a minute there I thought we'd a new leftist on board the forum, good to know I'm wrong.

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by flechero »

philbo wrote:
flechero wrote:So Yes, it's mainly Trump as the engine.
And there is an example of buying the hype that ignores the past and plenty of facts in the process..

You were 1/2 right- it was a bubble back then because it was up on little to no real growth. Now there is growth and foundation to support the climb.

Yep, I'm sure Hillary would have impacted your 401k about the same. OK- Same amount- different direction!! "rlol" "rlol" "rlol"

I've actually been pretty critical of him. But the market jumped on election optimism- and and has ridden on things Trump or the R's have done since. That's not my opinion, that's just what happened. The credit goes to Trump, as the leader of the R's whether you [& I] like it or not.

There are plenty of things I don't like about Trump (policy and personally) but the reality is that he has jump started the economy... and I think he should get credit for everything he does, including the good.

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philbo »

flechero wrote:You were 1/2 right- it was a bubble back then because it was up on little to no real growth. Now there is growth and foundation to support the climb.
Little or no real growth??? Get real, in March 2009 the market was below 6600. By November of 2016 the market was over 18000. As stated this was the second longest bull run in US history. Was it related to Obama's presidency? Not in my book, but to say there was no growth over a 7 year period is to deny the facts. Your analysis is just wrong, possibly blinded by Sycophantic Trump Disorder, a STD that seems to cause situational blindness if left untreated and may be highly contagious like other STD's unless proper protection is exercised. Just because trump said it don't make it so. ... t-10-years

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by flechero »

Funny you chose that graphic... because in real life we are actually off the chart!

I'll concede that there was significant growth in the market alone... but in the last 12 months, we've grown the equivalent to the last 6-7 years. And considering the train wreck in the lead up to the election in which most saw/predicted a depression coming, I think Trump absolutely deserves some credit.

I bet you think your cute with your little std references, don't you? Bless your heart. :roll:
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by carlson1 »

I hate to see this thread locked! Nothing wrong with posting facts or your opinion, but you will not continue to attack each other because of an opinion.

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by dale blanker »

How about these "intelligence" committee memos? Duh... Congress can't work across the aisle or across town (FBI/DOJ) and Kelly does not seem to be helping the cause. Can things get any worse in DC???
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by bblhd672 »

dale blanker wrote:Can things get any worse in DC???
Yes, much worse. Fixing the mess made by Obama and his cronies will require things to get very ugly. Then fixing the mess made by GW Bush and his cronies will be ugly as well.

Or, nothing can be done about it and the country can finish the slide into banana republic status.
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Pawpaw »

dale blanker wrote:How about these "intelligence" committee memos? Duh... Congress can't work across the aisle or across town (FBI/DOJ) and Kelly does not seem to be helping the cause. Can things get any worse in DC???
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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by Bitter Clinger »

dale blanker wrote:How about these "intelligence" committee memos? Duh... Congress can't work across the aisle or across town (FBI/DOJ) and Kelly does not seem to be helping the cause. Can things get any worse in DC???
Don't die a Schiff head.

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Re: Today in Trump's new term as President


Post by philip964 »

Pawpaw wrote:
dale blanker wrote:How about these "intelligence" committee memos? Duh... Congress can't work across the aisle or across town (FBI/DOJ) and Kelly does not seem to be helping the cause. Can things get any worse in DC???
It seems they think to them selves, what bad thing can we say Trump has done. They think and can only come up with bad things they have done and so they go, "yeah let's accuse him of that".
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