I want to keep my guns.

CHL discussions that do not fit into more specific topics

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Re: I want to keep my guns.


Post by montgomery »

bblhd672 wrote:
TheFriscoKid wrote:Here's the thing - the changes coming are going to happen regardless of what we debate and divide upon.

I've spent $3000 on G&A since Valentine's day in anticipation of those changes.

One thing I find astonishing within this thread is those that bury their heads in the sand and label others as trolls or liberal gun grabbers instead of staying focused on the topic or confronting ideas, opinions and facts they don't agree with.

Many of these same people are the brave 'fight to their death cold dead hands' advocates that become cowards at the mere whisper of an idea that confronts their current perceptions.

This forum would benefit - we would benefit - from having more liberals and democrats and anti-gun people come in and have respectful considerate discussions not with the expectation that either side will change the others mind but from the benefit of understanding the other side and then being able to create strategies and compromises that allow us to keep our guns and allow the majority of Americans to feel safe again.

I believe a good guy with a gun is the only thing stops a bad guy with a gun. But that doesn't address the root cause. What we need to do is try to prevent the number of bad guys with guns before they even have a chance to kill 10 or 20 or 50.
Provide us an example of one place on the internet you can have respectful considerate discussions with anti-gun people? They aren't capable of it.
If you want that, go find a forum that's what you're looking for instead of trying to change this one to match your agenda.

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Re: I want to keep my guns.


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

montgomery wrote:
TheFriscoKid wrote:
1911 Raptor wrote:i Think we have an anti in our midst.
Would a photo of my guns clear the air ? A recent target ?

No sir. You made it quite clear that this is not your fight. If you are not willing to stand and fight, then you are part of the problem. And that IS the problem.
The phrase "I am not a racist since I have several black friends" comes to mind.

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Re: I want to keep my guns.


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

TheFriscoKid wrote:
montgomery wrote:
TheFriscoKid wrote:
1911 Raptor wrote:i Think we have an anti in our midst.
Would a photo of my guns clear the air ? A recent target ?

No sir. You made it quite clear that this is not your fight. If you are not willing to stand and fight, then you are part of the problem. And that IS the problem.
I have a life, loved ones, people that I love and love me. A lot to live for and a lot of life lived. The only thing I'd kill or die for would be to protect my wife and son.

Guns are a part of my life, they are not my life.
Frisco -

You have repeatedly said that you would not kill or die to protect the rights and freedoms that Americans hold sacred. That's your choice. But realize that there are many, many others who have fought and died to protect those freedoms, and there are many others including a large percentage of the folks you are talking to who have fought and would be willing to die if necessary to ensure that you continue to enjoy all of those rights and freedoms.

You ask why we can't understand your viewpoint? The answer is that we do understand what you are saying. We understand that there are those who are unwilling to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect the rights and freedoms of others. To paraphrase a line from "A few good men", we would just prefer that you simply said "thank you" and went on your way.

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Re: I want to keep my guns.


Post by montgomery »

Soccerdad1995 wrote:
montgomery wrote:
TheFriscoKid wrote:
1911 Raptor wrote:i Think we have an anti in our midst.
Would a photo of my guns clear the air ? A recent target ?

No sir. You made it quite clear that this is not your fight. If you are not willing to stand and fight, then you are part of the problem. And that IS the problem.
The phrase "I am not a racist since I have several black friends" comes to mind.
:lol:: :iagree: :cheers2:

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Re: I want to keep my guns.


Post by TheFriscoKid »

Provide us an example of one place on the internet you can have respectful considerate discussions with anti-gun people? They aren't capable of it.

You have a good point. We all like to be on extreme sides anymore.

Look - I am who I say I am. I have a slingshot, a straw and some restaurant napkins. I like shooting as a hobby and believe that my chances of defending myself and family are better with weapons in the house.

Maybe I am the 'loaded liberal' but I can assure all of you I hate the Clinton's as much as anyone here. Even have and read the Hitchen's book 'No one left to lie to'.

I think we are better off understanding each other so I am sticking around.
Last edited by TheFriscoKid on Wed Feb 21, 2018 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: I want to keep my guns.


Post by jason812 »

That's twice you've used hillbilly despairingly. Do you have a problem with people living in the country not surrounded by asphalt and tall buildings who enjoy a simpler way of living? Do you even live in Texas? If so, it doesn't appear you were raised here. Slowly but surely the facade is coming down and your true feelings and thoughts are being exposed. The hillbilly comment makes you come off as a pretentious elitist usually found in higher academia who have no clue how the real world works because all you know is what you've been indoctrinated to believe. Clearly you've never been in the armed forces or been close to anybody that has or you would know what Patriotism, courage, and sacrifice really looks like. There are plenty on this forum that have volunteered and some that didn't volunteer to go do things you couldn't fathom. You have no idea who's behind the keyboard that you are insulting.

You started this thread after a few meaningless posts and the fact you are so admittedly trying to plea your case that we should cave or give into your new idea of gun control doesn't pass the smell test.

You should have titled it "I want to keep my guns as long as the government tells me it's ok." Have fun digging your hole to bury the guns you claim you have.
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Re: I want to keep my guns.


Post by Keith B »

Stop the personal attacks and discuss civilly, or the topic will be locked. :rules:
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Re: I want to keep my guns.


Post by Mxrdad »

montgomery wrote:
bblhd672 wrote:
TheFriscoKid wrote:

Many of these same people are the brave 'fight to their death cold dead hands' advocates that become cowards at the mere whisper of an idea that confronts their current perceptions.
Calling folks Cowards and Hillbillies is not a productive discussion.

For what its worth, I have personally met Soccerdad and I assure you, he is neither a Coward or a "Hillbilly". Not that there's anything wrong with a Hillbilly. You are insulting many a good men on this forum and I hope you see it will not be tolerated.
Just some guy's opinion.

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Re: I want to keep my guns.


Post by montgomery »

Mxrdad wrote:
montgomery wrote:
bblhd672 wrote:
TheFriscoKid wrote:

Many of these same people are the brave 'fight to their death cold dead hands' advocates that become cowards at the mere whisper of an idea that confronts their current perceptions.
Calling folks Cowards and Hillbillies is not a productive discussion.

For what its worth, I have personally met Soccerdad and I assure you, he is neither a Coward or a "Hillbilly". Not that there's anything wrong with a Hillbilly. You are insulting many a good men on this forum and I hope you see it will not be tolerated.
Amen brother. :txflag:

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Re: I want to keep my guns.


Post by BBYC »

TheFriscoKid wrote:No one here, no group of people here are capable of winning against the govt. During the revolution it only took a few rifles and a few good men. What is your 5,000 acre hillbilly compound going to do against an army equipped with tanks, blackhawks and warthogs?
What if some of us live in the suburbs or (gasp!) urban areas. What are they going to do with those things, level an entire cul de sac or apartment building? Do you think "'It became necessary to destroy the town to save it" will go over better if the town is Bellaire rather than Bến Tre?
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Re: I want to keep my guns.


Post by ninjabread »

TheFriscoKid wrote:I've spent $3000 on G&A since Valentine's day in anticipation of those changes.

I only spent $300 but one thousand rounds of green tip goes a long way.
This is my opinion. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

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Re: I want to keep my guns.


Post by Chaparral »

Flightmare wrote:
bblhd672 wrote:
Chaparral wrote:I certainly want to keep my guns. Our country is under attack by a foreign enemy, and our democracy is under threat.
FOR CRYING OUT LOUD WE DON’T LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY!! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
...and to the republic, for which it stands...

The same people that would have you believe we live in a "democracy" are the same ones who believe an AR-15 is an "assault rifle".
de·moc·ra·cy. dəˈmäkrəsē. noun
a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
synonyms: representative government, elective government; self-government, government by the people; republic, commonwealth

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Re: I want to keep my guns.


Post by Chaparral »

The term “Republic” has historically been used to distinguish an elected government from a monarchy, and was very appropriate at the time of or country’s founding, especially since the original Constitution left the issue of eligibility to vote to the States; most only allowed white, male, property owners to vote. It was a Republic, but not a Democracy. However, with the transition to universal adult suffrage with the 15th, 19th, and 26th Ammendments, our Republic is also now a Democracy.
Last edited by Chaparral on Wed Feb 21, 2018 8:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I want to keep my guns.


Post by bblhd672 »

ninjabread wrote:
TheFriscoKid wrote:I've spent $3000 on G&A since Valentine's day in anticipation of those changes.

I only spent $300 but one thousand rounds of green tip goes a long way.
Sounds like you need more standard capacity magazines :biggrinjester:
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Re: I want to keep my guns.


Post by philip964 »

philip964 wrote:18 years old for bolt action rifle or 2 barrel shotgun.

21 years old for semi automatic handgun, pump shotgun

25 years old semi automatic rifle, automatic shotgun

No bump stocks or other rapid fire devices

50 state plus D.C. CHL license.

No off limits for CHL, except NFL stadiums, and businesses who post.
Trump signed off on no bump stocks

Trump says NRA will support age restrictions.
https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-predic ... 04955.html

Trump did say something about CHL in school

But we are so far not getting reciprocity.

Get in front of it and propose a bill. Make Nancy not vote for a bump stop ban. Time is short. Act.
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