Work carry VS off work carry

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Work carry VS off work carry


Post by cmgee67 »

Do y’all have different carry guns for work and when your off? My job let’s me carry but it must be very concealed. So for work I choose my S&W 642 airweight and carry a back up speed loader or strip. When I’m off I tend to carry a larger gun like my Glock 19 and soon 1911 once my holster gets here.
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Re: Work carry VS off work carry


Post by oljames3 »

cmgee67 wrote: Wed Jul 25, 2018 7:40 am Do y’all have different carry guns for work and when your off? My job let’s me carry but it must be very concealed. So for work I choose my S&W 642 airweight and carry a back up speed loader or strip. When I’m off I tend to carry a larger gun like my Glock 19 and soon 1911 once my holster gets here.
While carrying where I work, both openly and concealed, is legal, the company by which I am employed prohibits weapons. So I shall not respond.
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Re: Work carry VS off work carry


Post by Tex1961 »

This is what I carry at work... Still having problems finding a holster though.... :tiphat:
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Re: Work carry VS off work carry


Post by C-dub »

While at work the only guns I'm allowed to have are my right and left biceps. The only weapon is my brain. They have some cwazy rules and company policy says we aren't even allowed to have a pocket knife of ANY length. Yet there are knives of various lengths in all the break rooms to cut cakes and other food items brought in or made in our cafeteria. Not to mention whatever cutlery they have in the kitchen and other areas. BTW, I work in a hospital. :banghead:

Off work, I add a knife or two and a Glock 21SF with a TLR1 light as much as I can. The only time I change the handgun is when riding. Then if I'll be going someplace that will allow me to carry I'll trade the Glock for a Colt GC in a shoulder rig. I don't like having to leave my Glock in my truck, but will when required. However, there's NO WAY I'm leaving my GC in my bike anywhere for any amount of time, so if I'm going anywhere that prohibits it I have to leave it at home and go with only a knife. And due to only recently being made aware of various restrictions for specific locations on knives, I sometimes have to even leave the Cold Steel Recon at home and only carry the Kershaw Blur.
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Re: Work carry VS off work carry


Post by Allons »

I can not carry at work either, but I can keep in my car in the parking lot. I carry my CZ P01 since it is the only IWB holster I have and the belt that I have to wear to work is too small to carry my OWB holsters. When I'm on my way to work sometimes I stop and get something to eat or lunch for work so, I can carry IWB with no problem. When not at work I rotate my other three carry options which are below in the signature section.
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Re: Work carry VS off work carry


Post by jadoti »

cmgee67 wrote: Wed Jul 25, 2018 7:40 am Do y’all have different carry guns for work and when your off? My job let’s me carry but it must be very concealed. So for work I choose my S&W 642 airweight and carry a back up speed loader or strip. When I’m off I tend to carry a larger gun like my Glock 19 and soon 1911 once my holster gets here.
I don't carry at work, when I get to my desk I'm pulling my holster and setting everything on my desk. I switch between a G43 and G23, but based on desire, not where I'm working.

*I work at home, so I might have some liberties to keep my weapon on my desk. YMMV.
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Re: Work carry VS off work carry


Post by Lynyrd »

I carry a Ruger LC9S while at work. We have to be very discreet and conceal well. I wear a Cross Breed IWB holster with my shirt untucked. When I am not going to the plant, I opt for something larger and move to OWB. I rotate between a 1911 .45, an M&P .45, and my trusty old S&W 28 .357. None of those conceal as well as the little Ruger.
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Re: Work carry VS off work carry


Post by flechero »

I also have to be extremely concealed when working off site... so I alternate between a pf-9 when off site... and a 1911 the rest of the time.
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Re: Work carry VS off work carry


Post by PriestTheRunner »

Unfortunately I can't carry at work at all.....

However, the handbook doesn't say anything about OC spray and pocket knives are "normal", so those are my options. I did discuss it with my supervisor and was permitted to carry after hours, however. For some of you, that may be an acceptable compromise. Anytime I am up at work late (and my car is sitting lonely and cold in the parking lot, asking to be broken in too), it has been arranged that I can keep my tools on my person.

Doesn't make a lot of sense but it is what it is.

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Re: Work carry VS off work carry


Post by striker55 »

Don't ask and don't tell, I carried a full size 1911 45 acp while at work. Front desk customer service at a hotel, night shift. Luckily our dress code was a long shirt worn untucked.
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Re: Work carry VS off work carry


Post by ELB »

I carry (concealed) the same on and off work, a Glock 19 (19X now) AIWB. My employers don't mind, but they did not know I was carrying for the first five years I worked for them, and they were in and out a lot during that time, just never discerned I was carrying.
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Re: Work carry VS off work carry


Post by orangetx »

My job is relaxed on carrying. So I carry my Taurus PT111 in alien gear 4.0 outside or inside depending on how I felt that morning.
A co worker carry 1911 iwb and another carry glock 19.
We do have clients that come so it’s just a matter of respect to go concealed when they in the office.
But the PT is my only carry so it stays on me till I go to bed.
Reading the other comments, I’m lucky that my job is relaxed to allowing us to carry. Besides those that work from home of course, they win no matter what.
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Re: Work carry VS off work carry


Post by RPBrown »

I carry an XD45 at work and a 1911 of some sort elsewhere
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Re: Work carry VS off work carry


Post by bblhd672 »

Tex1961 wrote: Wed Jul 25, 2018 7:49 am This is what I carry at work... Still having problems finding a holster though.... :tiphat:


If you haven't guessed yet.. I work from home.... :hurry:
I have 7 rifles and pistols within 5 feet of me while at work, and a couple more in the next room. from home too.
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