Family pets?, Micorchip please
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Family pets?, Micorchip please
Kempner, Killeen, Lampasas, Copperas Cove, Fort Hood locals if you have a dog or cat that is in need of a Microchip, both my wife and I available to microchip pets....for just $10-12 cash.(depending on size chip needed)
That's $5 to 25 dollars cheaper then other facilities are offering.
Your pet has a much better chance of getting home.
We get many chipped pets with current contact info home in hours after being found.
If you have any questions on getting your pet chipped, or that chip info updated feel free to message me.
That's $5 to 25 dollars cheaper then other facilities are offering.
Your pet has a much better chance of getting home.
We get many chipped pets with current contact info home in hours after being found.
If you have any questions on getting your pet chipped, or that chip info updated feel free to message me.
Last edited by E.Marquez on Mon Dec 23, 2019 11:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
Companion animal Microchips, quality name brand chips, lifetime registration, Low cost just $10~12, not for profit, most locations we can come to you. We cover eight counties McLennan, Hill, Bell, Coryell, Falls, Bosque, Limestone, Lampasas
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Re: Family pets?, Micorchip please
Question regarding chipping pets....
We found a dog once that had escaped from his owners. We took him to a local vet who scanned him, found he was chipped, but then told us that he "wasn't in their database". We took him to 2 other vets and had the same experience. Is this normal? Do vets maintain their own chip database and not communicate the info to other vets?
Incidentally, the owner was eventually found when she was wandering the neighborhood calling out for him. He heard her and went nuts in the backyard. So at least the family was reunited.
We found a dog once that had escaped from his owners. We took him to a local vet who scanned him, found he was chipped, but then told us that he "wasn't in their database". We took him to 2 other vets and had the same experience. Is this normal? Do vets maintain their own chip database and not communicate the info to other vets?
Incidentally, the owner was eventually found when she was wandering the neighborhood calling out for him. He heard her and went nuts in the backyard. So at least the family was reunited.
Re: Family pets?, Micorchip please
This is a great service. All my dogs are chipped and also please put a collar on your dog with engraved return to info.
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Re: Family pets?, Micorchip please
Chips are registered at the manufactures registry typically, but can be registered in any of the data bases. , most of the registers support and send data to a registry search engine maintained by American Animal Hospital Association .RottenApple wrote: ↑Sun Aug 26, 2018 2:55 pm Question regarding chipping pets....
We found a dog once that had escaped from his owners. We took him to a local vet who scanned him, found he was chipped, but then told us that he "wasn't in their database". We took him to 2 other vets and had the same experience. Is this normal? Do vets maintain their own chip database and not communicate the info to other vets?
Incidentally, the owner was eventually found when she was wandering the neighborhood calling out for him. He heard her and went nuts in the backyard. So at least the family was reunited.
So, no, Vets do not operate or maintain the pets microchip data the chip manufacture typically does as when you buy the chip, after I implant it, we register it for you (NOT ALL IMPLANTERS DO THAT< Most animal shelters do not when you get your pup out of doggy prison
so when we scan a found dog, find a chip, I run it though 5 search engines that cover all of the major US and EU suppliers ...If you registered your chip with darn near any registrant, i'll find it
Companion animal Microchips, quality name brand chips, lifetime registration, Low cost just $10~12, not for profit, most locations we can come to you. We cover eight counties McLennan, Hill, Bell, Coryell, Falls, Bosque, Limestone, Lampasas
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Re: Family pets?, Micorchip please
2 dogs and a cat chipped today...Whos next?
Im ok with you running me out of chips, we roll 100% of the fee into more chips...NO ONE in our groups of volunteers is paid, 100% goes back to the lost and found animals.
We are not yet a 501c charitable org...but that is in the works...and if not this group, we will build our own and it WILL be 501c
The only Admin fee that will ever come out of donations is the direct out of pocket cost of setting up the 501c and tax filing at end of year. No one will profit....not one penny. It all goes back into helping lost animals get home.
Im ok with you running me out of chips, we roll 100% of the fee into more chips...NO ONE in our groups of volunteers is paid, 100% goes back to the lost and found animals.
We are not yet a 501c charitable org...but that is in the works...and if not this group, we will build our own and it WILL be 501c
The only Admin fee that will ever come out of donations is the direct out of pocket cost of setting up the 501c and tax filing at end of year. No one will profit....not one penny. It all goes back into helping lost animals get home.
Companion animal Microchips, quality name brand chips, lifetime registration, Low cost just $10~12, not for profit, most locations we can come to you. We cover eight counties McLennan, Hill, Bell, Coryell, Falls, Bosque, Limestone, Lampasas
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Re: Family pets?, Micorchip please
This is hypothetical but could have been real. What if you find a microchipped dog and don't or won't return it to it's owner? About a month ago, a weiner/terrior little wire haired cross showed up at my in-laws. We live next door and there are no neighbors for the little guy to run away from so we figured he was dumped. He has been in no hurry to leave, bounces back and forth between our houses, is protective of the kids and is a pretty good dog. After a month of nobody looking for him, my wife took him to the vet to get shots and a check up. She reported back that he wasn't chipped so I guess we get to keep him. I told her I wouldn't have given him back any way.
My 10 year old mutt was a similar situation. My mom found her in the middle of the road, covered in fleas, eyes matted shut, and we figured a couple of weeks old at most. I happened to be there as it was July 4th and told my mom when she was washing the dog, that she was wasting her time cause it was going to die. A few weeks after my mom had her, the people where she came from showed up and asked for her back, my mom told them to get lost. She has scar tissue on her eye which causes one to glow a different color at night but other than that has no lasting issues from her earlier life. I took her about 3 months after my mom found her and can't believe that was 10 years ago.
Sorry for tangent, but back to the question, what if you think the dog was abused or dumped and don't want to give it back? I know the owner probably wouldn't want it back or it wouldn't have been dumped in the first place. Also, I think I may already figure this out, but if somebody were going to chip an animal, they are probably the kind that wouldn't dump it in the middle of nowhere. I understand if the animal ran away or got out but where we live, the likelihood of that happening is slim.
My 10 year old mutt was a similar situation. My mom found her in the middle of the road, covered in fleas, eyes matted shut, and we figured a couple of weeks old at most. I happened to be there as it was July 4th and told my mom when she was washing the dog, that she was wasting her time cause it was going to die. A few weeks after my mom had her, the people where she came from showed up and asked for her back, my mom told them to get lost. She has scar tissue on her eye which causes one to glow a different color at night but other than that has no lasting issues from her earlier life. I took her about 3 months after my mom found her and can't believe that was 10 years ago.
Sorry for tangent, but back to the question, what if you think the dog was abused or dumped and don't want to give it back? I know the owner probably wouldn't want it back or it wouldn't have been dumped in the first place. Also, I think I may already figure this out, but if somebody were going to chip an animal, they are probably the kind that wouldn't dump it in the middle of nowhere. I understand if the animal ran away or got out but where we live, the likelihood of that happening is slim.
In certain extreme situations, the law is inadequate. In order to shame its inadequacy, it is necessary to act outside the law to pursue a natural justice.
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Re: Family pets?, Micorchip please
Not a Lawyer, dont play one on TV... I only know what I think I know...jason812 wrote: ↑Mon Aug 27, 2018 12:02 pm This is hypothetical but could have been real. What if you find a microchipped dog and don't or won't return it to it's owner? About a month ago, a weiner/terrior little wire haired cross showed up at my in-laws. We live next door and there are no neighbors for the little guy to run away from so we figured he was dumped. He has been in no hurry to leave, bounces back and forth between our houses, is protective of the kids and is a pretty good dog. After a month of nobody looking for him, my wife took him to the vet to get shots and a check up. She reported back that he wasn't chipped so I guess we get to keep him. I told her I wouldn't have given him back any way.
My 10 year old mutt was a similar situation. My mom found her in the middle of the road, covered in fleas, eyes matted shut, and we figured a couple of weeks old at most. I happened to be there as it was July 4th and told my mom when she was washing the dog, that she was wasting her time cause it was going to die. A few weeks after my mom had her, the people where she came from showed up and asked for her back, my mom told them to get lost. She has scar tissue on her eye which causes one to glow a different color at night but other than that has no lasting issues from her earlier life. I took her about 3 months after my mom found her and can't believe that was 10 years ago.
Sorry for tangent, but back to the question, what if you think the dog was abused or dumped and don't want to give it back? I know the owner probably wouldn't want it back or it wouldn't have been dumped in the first place. Also, I think I may already figure this out, but if somebody were going to chip an animal, they are probably the kind that wouldn't dump it in the middle of nowhere. I understand if the animal ran away or got out but where we live, the likelihood of that happening is slim.
My understanding from speaking to a TX ADA, several TX LEO's city & sheriff plus Animal Control officers in several TX city's..
In TX, Domestic animals are property.
If you have a persons property, and they can prove it, your obligated to return it.
Our group policy and that of every shelter in TX I know of, government or privet is to hold found "property" for a minimum of 72 hours while aggressively seeking owners.
After the hold we offer them for adoption.
Several times a month we have a found animal that research leads to a former owner who no longer wants them.
We have had found animals that were obviously not cared for..BUT, and this is a really big BUT... The found animal many not have been abused by the "Owner", it may have been stolen then dumped or escaped we see it every month.
It may have escaped and was taken by a "helping" [person but transported out of its home area , later escaped again, given away or dumped. We ask that our members 35,000 and growing) NEVER assume the animal they found was neglected or hurt by the rightful owner.
Thursday we scanned a dog here in Kempner who was found at large... While I was running the chip number, a prosper drove by and said the dog belonged to the home on the corner, they called him and he came to pick up the dog....No sooner then we handed the dog over i finally hunted down the registered owner.... in Huston, so 4 hours by car away. The dog disappeared from their yard in June ... Turns out it wandered across the street, older couple took it in, It was claimed the dog was \chip checked.... perhaps it was, perhaps not...some scanners are better then others, some scanner operators are better then others... but in 10 sec we found the chip .
The couples kids came for a visits and took the dog home that same day to Kempener where he got loose and we scanned.
The rightful owners wanted their dog back,,,we gently persuaded the current holder to return was not easy or fun and I was a bit concerned it was going to get ugly ..but in the end, the possessor pf the dig had a big heart and turned it over that night to some very happy owners that drove straight though the night to come get him.
It very well could have been a call to the sheriff to mitigate and then if no solution found, the rightful owners would have had to taken legal recourse
If we feel the animal should not go back to the rightful owners, it would be tenured over to local animal control officers with all my research.... so someone with a legal right to detain and or confiscate the animal and adopt it out could do so.
Companion animal Microchips, quality name brand chips, lifetime registration, Low cost just $10~12, not for profit, most locations we can come to you. We cover eight counties McLennan, Hill, Bell, Coryell, Falls, Bosque, Limestone, Lampasas
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Re: Family pets?, Micorchip please
E.Marquez, I never thought about the stolen dog scenario. I guess not being a criminal, sometimes I forget to think like one. I agree, a stolen dog should be returned to the rightful owner.
In certain extreme situations, the law is inadequate. In order to shame its inadequacy, it is necessary to act outside the law to pursue a natural justice.
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Re: Family pets?, Micorchip please
All good, thanks
I had never considered it either until I got involved with Central Texas Lost and Found Pets. Before that, when I saw a dog on the road, I assumed dumped, or escaped/lost.
But like anything else, the more you deal with something, the more you learn.
If folks are looking for a new fur friend, perhaps one of our members has what your looking for
Companion animal Microchips, quality name brand chips, lifetime registration, Low cost just $10~12, not for profit, most locations we can come to you. We cover eight counties McLennan, Hill, Bell, Coryell, Falls, Bosque, Limestone, Lampasas
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Re: Family pets?, Micorchip please
Did a lost and found pet scan yesterday, dog had a chip, registered owner was contacted, dog has been gone for more then 3 years. Returned to their custody this morning CHIPS WORK.
We have a better than 98% return rate for pets chipped and having updated contact info.
Please have your pets chipped. Please use a reputably chip supplier In order of my preference in order ID Tag, Home Again, AKC Reunite.
If your lucky enough to be in McLennan County or a counties that touch it I have contacts for low cost chipping though one of the groups I chip for.
If your in the Bell County, most of Coryell County and most of Lampasas County, my wife or I can take care of you and fluffy personally.
Chips once implanted in a 99% of the time drama and pain free less then 1 second injection are registered for you. The cost is just $10 for a standard size chip, $12 for a mini chip used on cats, small breed dogs and other like sized companion animals. This is a LIFE TIME registration, the company we use ID Tag does not charge for updates, owner transfers, ect. It is a life time deal for the low one time cost.
If you have a pet that is chipped and do not know the number, the company its registered though, the log in info...and need assistance, shoot me a PM here or an email at
Please update your pets microchip profile at least once a year, a good way to remember to do that is tie it to vet or groomer visits. Even if there is nothing to change, visit the profile and close it.
Consider making a contact in your phone for each pet.. Pets recent picture, the chip number, the company the chip is registered with and their contact info, the pet profile log in name and password. If your pet is ever lost while your away from the house and you vet records, you would have the info needed to immediately report your lost pet to the chip registration company local vets and animal control offices, share on social medial, HOA's ect.
We have a better than 98% return rate for pets chipped and having updated contact info.
Please have your pets chipped. Please use a reputably chip supplier In order of my preference in order ID Tag, Home Again, AKC Reunite.
If your lucky enough to be in McLennan County or a counties that touch it I have contacts for low cost chipping though one of the groups I chip for.
If your in the Bell County, most of Coryell County and most of Lampasas County, my wife or I can take care of you and fluffy personally.
Chips once implanted in a 99% of the time drama and pain free less then 1 second injection are registered for you. The cost is just $10 for a standard size chip, $12 for a mini chip used on cats, small breed dogs and other like sized companion animals. This is a LIFE TIME registration, the company we use ID Tag does not charge for updates, owner transfers, ect. It is a life time deal for the low one time cost.
If you have a pet that is chipped and do not know the number, the company its registered though, the log in info...and need assistance, shoot me a PM here or an email at
Please update your pets microchip profile at least once a year, a good way to remember to do that is tie it to vet or groomer visits. Even if there is nothing to change, visit the profile and close it.
Consider making a contact in your phone for each pet.. Pets recent picture, the chip number, the company the chip is registered with and their contact info, the pet profile log in name and password. If your pet is ever lost while your away from the house and you vet records, you would have the info needed to immediately report your lost pet to the chip registration company local vets and animal control offices, share on social medial, HOA's ect.
Companion animal Microchips, quality name brand chips, lifetime registration, Low cost just $10~12, not for profit, most locations we can come to you. We cover eight counties McLennan, Hill, Bell, Coryell, Falls, Bosque, Limestone, Lampasas
Re: Family pets?, Micorchip please
It is mandatory to chip your pets here. Some Vets were charging over $100.00 to chip here. When the city did a discounted chip weekend it was $35.00. I live in the countrys so I said the heck with it. However, a feed store is now offering chipping for $10.00.
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Re: Family pets?, Micorchip please
What city is that please.
Even if in the country and not required I cant recommend enough, please have the pup chipped.
Companion animal Microchips, quality name brand chips, lifetime registration, Low cost just $10~12, not for profit, most locations we can come to you. We cover eight counties McLennan, Hill, Bell, Coryell, Falls, Bosque, Limestone, Lampasas
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Re: Family pets?, Micorchip please
All my girls are lip tattooed and chipped here , no other way also collar with return info on all.
Stay Safe
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Re: Family pets?, Micorchip please
Thank you for making sure your pups have the best opportunity to make it home.
Many times it is the most die-hard fur parents that are the ones that think it cant happen to them. Then the power company guy inspecting the meter or power pole leaves the gate unlatched, that old tree in the side hard falls over and leave a hole in the fence while your at work.
I have 2 or more pups with me most every time I leave the house. It is rare indeed that the tow old girls, or the two young kids, a foster dog, or grand pup is not with me year round in the truck....What if I had a minor traffic accident, knocked out or just unaware, LEO or medics open door and out go es a scared and confused pup...
Having done lost and found ID, tracking, rescue and rerun for a few years now most every day, some times several times a day..The ways and reasons pups get out or lost is truly staggering. It can happen to the best of pet parents.
Companion animal Microchips, quality name brand chips, lifetime registration, Low cost just $10~12, not for profit, most locations we can come to you. We cover eight counties McLennan, Hill, Bell, Coryell, Falls, Bosque, Limestone, Lampasas
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Re: Family pets?, Micorchip please
We have both of ours chipped, and a collar with the dog's name and my cellphone number printed on it.
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― G. Michael Hopf, "Those Who Remain"
― G. Michael Hopf, "Those Who Remain"