Accessing juvinile records

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Accessing juvinile records


Post by Winston »

I've decided that it's time to apply for my CHL but I'm going to have a problem filling out the paper work accurately because I don't remember details about some charges I got when I was a juvenile. Does anyone know where I could start looking to access this information? I'm guessing that going to the court house would be a good start but I'm not sure. I'm 37 now so a lot of this is a blur because it happened a long time ago. I just don't want to start the application process and forget to include anything that will get me denied. I wish I could just call the DPS and ask them what they've got on me so I can write it down and explain it. lol That would make my situation a lot easier. Any advice?
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Re: Accessing juvinile records


Post by RPBrown »

Go to the county clerks office where the offense occurred. If they have no record then have them do a letter showing no record found.
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Re: Accessing juvinile records


Post by thenick_ttu »

I was in a bit of a similar situation. I applied for my CHL when I was around 30. Before I turned 21, I had a couple MIPs and a DUI, including a night in the city jail for one of the MIPs. (BTW, I've had no problems with the law since I turned 21.)

When I applied for my CHL, I couldn't remember the exact dates of my offenses. So on my application I just put general time frames such as "MIP - Summer 2001, XXX County" or "Arrested for MIP, Fall 2003, XXX City". I am about 95% certain that I did NOT obtain any documentation from the city regarding my arrest and I'm 100% sure I did not provide any documentation regarding the other items that did not involve an arrest. I just filled out all of the questions as truthfully and thoroughly as I could remember.

I never received any push back or questions from the State and I did eventually receive my CHL, although it took about 1 month longer than my wife to get hers (she has a spotless record).

I'm not saying you shouldn't get documentation and there will be plenty of people on here that will insist you must get documentation from the city/county. I'm just here to say that wasn't a requirement in my experience.

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Re: Accessing juvinile records


Post by Winston »

Thanks for the info. I googled the question and came up with this website link and it has a phone number and mailing address. I called several times and it keeps going to voicemail but I'll try again on Monday since it's Saturday today. Does this look like the correct place to start since my arrests were in Harris County? If I can't get them over the phone I will probably try to email them but I have a feeling this may take a while. ... cords.aspx
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Re: Accessing juvinile records


Post by WildRose »

You should be able to go directly to the arresting agency for the arrest records and the court clerk where the cases were disposed of and get the records without a problem.

I had a couple of minor incidents back in the late 70's/early 80's and I just noted the jurisdictions, the offenses and approximate dates. None of them even came up on my background check and they required no additional paper work from me on them.

IF you're gonna get busted for riding wheelies on the side walk just be sure you do it at 17 and out of state and you'll be fine. :lol:
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Re: Accessing juvinile records


Post by Winston »

Thanks Wildrose! I will try to put some time aside to do this as soon as possible. Although I do work a lot during the day and usually have my plate full. I definitely need to get this taken care of because I really want to get my CHL. It's no wonder I haven't done it yet though. I'm already frustrated with the amount of things I need to do in order to fill out that paperwork. lol Can't we just get Constitutional Carry already! Sheesh!!! :patriot: :txflag: :thewave
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Re: Accessing juvinile records


Post by WildRose »

Hey, believe it or not it's actually not nearly as difficult on us here in Texas as it is in many states.

Just keep at it.
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