Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?

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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by flechero »

J.R.@A&M wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:31 pm

I find Cruz fairly consistent in his past stances in defense of the Bill of Rights. He is somewhat of a bulldog in that regard. Bulldogs aren't pretty. Cruz is not handsome, nor cool, nor particularly likeable. But that's not what I want in a senator. I want a senator who will preserve constitutional rights and contain the regulatory State (which puts me in opposition to quite a number of Beto's stated positions on economic, jobs, and energy issues).
From my side of the voting booth, he IS cool and very likable... he's done exactly what we wanted him to do in almost every vote.

(I knew what you were trying to say though.) :tiphat:
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by ScottDLS »

The Annoyed Man wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:45 am
jar wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:16 am My reasoning is pretty simple; I find the other choice dishonest, untrustworthy, unconnected to reality. I also firmly believe that we do need to regulate gun ownership more than is the current standard. Speaking just of the Texas LTC process I think both the written and proficiency tests were pretty much a joke and definitely need to be made far more difficult.

I also understand that political party has little to do with the issue of gun laws; after all it was Ronald Reagan who as Governor of California signed the law making the possession of a loaded fire arm in public illegal in California. In fact I was living there and a gun carrying Californian at the time.
Thanks for the answer. I lived in California under Ronaldus Maximus’s governorship. Yes, he signed a bill into law that was a mistake. He also signed the Lautenburg Amendment into law ... another mistake. He was a better president than some, but he was a flawed human.... as we are all flawed. Let’s just say that I am WAY more libertarian than you are on matters of gun control, and I strongly disagree with everything you’ve said above. One thing I know for sure about O’Rourke, because I’ve heard him say it on video, is that if he had his way, 6 of the rifles in my safe, 5 of the rifles in my son’s safe (we all live under one roof), and probably all 4 of our suppressors would be illegal for us to own. .....and not one single one of my firearms, my son’s firearms, or any of our suppressors has ever been used in a crime. For THAT reason alone, if he’s elected I’ll double my investment in AR/AK pattern rifles and ammunition for them, and my donations to the NRA. Because when the time comes to face banning those kinds of firearms, that will be the time to use them for something other than hunting 4 legged critters or target shooting — to use them for the exact reason for which we have a 2nd Amendment.

That said, one of the beauties of this country is that you have every right to be wrong. Fortunately, the Constitution’s defense of my rights protects me from your folly - up to a point. Beyond that point, it will be the 2nd Amendment that protects me from that kind of folly :mrgreen:

Thanks again for answering honestly, but I can see that we have nothing in common.
I thought the Lautenberg amendment was signed by Bill Clinton....
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by LDB415 »

If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all so I won't say anything except please don't feed the trolls.
It's fine if you disagree. I can't force you to be correct.
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by Pawpaw »

jar wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:16 am My reasoning is pretty simple; I find the other choice dishonest, untrustworthy, unconnected to reality.
So instead you'll vote for an Irishman that is using the name "Beto" to make people think he's Hispanic. What a well thought out plan. :roll:
jar wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:16 amI also firmly believe that we do need to regulate gun ownership more than is the current standard. Speaking just of the Texas LTC process I think both the written and proficiency tests were pretty much a joke and definitely need to be made far more difficult.
What part of "shall not be infringed" gives you difficulty?

Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Think about that for a minute or two.
jar wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:16 amI also understand that political party has little to do with the issue of gun laws;
How can anyone that sees what happens after every shooting even make a statement like that?
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by RoyGBiv »

LDB415 wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 1:08 pm If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all so I won't say anything except please don't feed the trolls.
I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by kayt00 »

jar wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:16 am My reasoning is pretty simple; I find the other choice dishonest, untrustworthy, unconnected to reality. I also firmly believe that we do need to regulate gun ownership more than is the current standard. Speaking just of the Texas LTC process I think both the written and proficiency tests were pretty much a joke and definitely need to be made far more difficult.

I also understand that political party has little to do with the issue of gun laws; after all it was Ronald Reagan who as Governor of California signed the law making the possession of a loaded fire arm in public illegal in California. In fact I was living there and a gun carrying Californian at the time.
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by canvasbck »

jar wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:16 am My reasoning is pretty simple; I find the other choice dishonest, untrustworthy, unconnected to reality.
I find it fascinating that when I disliked Obama's POLICIES, I was a considered a racist by people on the left.

All of the complaints I hear from the left concerning the current POTUS (and in this case Cruz) are generalizations about the PERSON.
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by mojo84 »

jar wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:16 am My reasoning is pretty simple; I find the other choice dishonest, untrustworthy, unconnected to reality. I also firmly believe that we do need to regulate gun ownership more than is the current standard. Speaking just of the Texas LTC process I think both the written and proficiency tests were pretty much a joke and definitely need to be made far more difficult.

I also understand that political party has little to do with the issue of gun laws; after all it was Ronald Reagan who as Governor of California signed the law making the possession of a loaded fire arm in public illegal in California. In fact I was living there and a gun carrying Californian at the time.
Your statement that I bolded tells me all I need to know about your decision making. The trouble with many in today's society is they make their decisions based on what is said that tickles their ears and makes them feel good. Beto has built his career on playing to those that feel underserved and entitled. Cruz on the other hand stands on principles on which our great, not perfect, nation was built. Cruz has held steadfast to his principles and his campaign commitments better than most all other politicians. Just that demonstrates his honesty and trustworthiness by following through with his promises as best he can. Unfortunately, many other so-called conservative republicans haven't stood with him and have decided to straddle the fence in order to protect their re-election chances.

Anyone that claims to be a long time republican and says they plan to vote for Beto, the criminal that had Judge Daddy, bail him out and panders to those that want to live off the government, has little to know credibility with me.

As far as the LTC testing, it is a proficiency test to determine if the person is proficient in basic handgun skills and understanding of the carry laws. It is not a test of tactical gun operation or legal expertise.
(a) The director by rule shall establish minimum standards for handgun
proficiency and shall develop a course to teach handgun proficiency and
examinations to measure handgun proficiency. The course to teach handgun
proficiency is required for each person who seeks to obtain a license and must
contain training sessions divided into two parts. One part of the course must
be classroom instruction and the other part must be range instruction and an
actual demonstration by the applicant of the applicant’s ability to safely and
proficiently use a handgun. An applicant must be able to demonstrate, at a
minimum, the degree of proficiency that is required to effectively operate a
handgun. The department shall distribute the standards, course requirements,
and examinations on request to any qualified handgun instructor or approved
online course provider seeking to administer the course or a part of the course as
described by Subsection
Last edited by mojo84 on Wed Sep 19, 2018 3:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by jar »

bblhd672 wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:52 am
jar wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:16 am My reasoning is pretty simple; I find the other choice dishonest, untrustworthy, unconnected to reality. I also firmly believe that we do need to regulate gun ownership more than is the current standard. Speaking just of the Texas LTC process I think both the written and proficiency tests were pretty much a joke and definitely need to be made far more difficult.

I also understand that political party has little to do with the issue of gun laws; after all it was Ronald Reagan who as Governor of California signed the law making the possession of a loaded fire arm in public illegal in California. In fact I was living there and a gun carrying Californian at the time.
Some would say that your claims to be "a long term Republican, gun owner and LTC holder" makes you a liar based upon your stated beliefs. Perhaps its the almost standard "I'm a gun owner, but" leftist talking points that would cause someone to think you are nothing but a troll.

Not me, of course, I totally believe you are "a long term Republican, gun owner and LTC holder" who has no connection to Everytown, Moms or Soros.
Another place I support Beto's position rather than Cruz's is related to the protests during the Anthems. I do not see the protests as anything but related to flag or patriotism but rather just what they are said to be by the protesters, a call for increased justice in the US. It is remarkably similar to the protests of the late 60s that were the genesis of the ban on loaded firearms in California back in 1967. At that time there was a segment of our population that felt threatened by our own government and that they needed to be armed to protect themselves and their families. They looked at the US Constitution as the support for just that position and so lawfully and without committing violence demonstrated, not by kneeling but rather by exercising their 2nd Amendment Rights with a march to the State Capitol carrying loaded rifles.

The Republican Party has had a Liberal component for at least most of my life. I was more a Rockefeller Republican than a Goldwater Republican yet also supported Goldwater when he ran for President. I definitely consider myself to be far to the left of the current Republican mainstream on many issues and far to the right of many Democratic and even current Presidential positions.

The action Reagan and both the Republican & Democratic Legislature took in California were directly intended to stop the protests; to take away both the Free Speech rights as well as the right to carry arms. It was a statement that as citizens we do NOT have the right to protect ourselves from direct violence from the STATE.

Under the US system of elections unlike the English Parliamentary system we can vote for the individual and not just a Party. This thread is about whether or not Beto might win the mid term election. I actually doubt that Beto will win even though he will likely win convincingly here in the Valley.

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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by twomillenium »

jar wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 3:28 pm
bblhd672 wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:52 am
jar wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:16 am My reasoning is pretty simple; I find the other choice dishonest, untrustworthy, unconnected to reality. I also firmly believe that we do need to regulate gun ownership more than is the current standard. Speaking just of the Texas LTC process I think both the written and proficiency tests were pretty much a joke and definitely need to be made far more difficult.

I also understand that political party has little to do with the issue of gun laws; after all it was Ronald Reagan who as Governor of California signed the law making the possession of a loaded fire arm in public illegal in California. In fact I was living there and a gun carrying Californian at the time.
Some would say that your claims to be "a long term Republican, gun owner and LTC holder" makes you a liar based upon your stated beliefs. Perhaps its the almost standard "I'm a gun owner, but" leftist talking points that would cause someone to think you are nothing but a troll.

Not me, of course, I totally believe you are "a long term Republican, gun owner and LTC holder" who has no connection to Everytown, Moms or Soros.
Another place I support Beto's position rather than Cruz's is related to the protests during the Anthems. I do not see the protests as anything but related to flag or patriotism but rather just what they are said to be by the protesters, a call for increased justice in the US. It is remarkably similar to the protests of the late 60s that were the genesis of the ban on loaded firearms in California back in 1967. At that time there was a segment of our population that felt threatened by our own government and that they needed to be armed to protect themselves and their families. They looked at the US Constitution as the support for just that position and so lawfully and without committing violence demonstrated, not by kneeling but rather by exercising their 2nd Amendment Rights with a march to the State Capitol carrying loaded rifles.

The Republican Party has had a Liberal component for at least most of my life. I was more a Rockefeller Republican than a Goldwater Republican yet also supported Goldwater when he ran for President. I definitely consider myself to be far to the left of the current Republican mainstream on many issues and far to the right of many Democratic and even current Presidential positions.

The action Reagan and both the Republican & Democratic Legislature took in California were directly intended to stop the protests; to take away both the Free Speech rights as well as the right to carry arms. It was a statement that as citizens we do NOT have the right to protect ourselves from direct violence from the STATE.

Under the US system of elections unlike the English Parliamentary system we can vote for the individual and not just a Party. This thread is about whether or not Beto might win the mid term election. I actually doubt that Beto will win even though he will likely win convincingly here in the Valley.
I also agree that Beto will not win and I am door knocking for Cruz.( I have already convinced 3 to remove Beto signs was they were politely shown their ignorance of the voting records for Beto vs. that of Cruz.
I am also convince that you (jar) are a troll or either cannot think well for yourself. Not trying to be mean. Sometimes the truth is painful but not all pain is a bad thing.
Texas LTC Instructor, NRA pistol instructor, RSO, NRA Endowment Life , TSRA, Glock enthusiast (tho I have others)
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by jar »

twomillenium wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 3:38 pm
jar wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 3:28 pm
bblhd672 wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:52 am
jar wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:16 am My reasoning is pretty simple; I find the other choice dishonest, untrustworthy, unconnected to reality. I also firmly believe that we do need to regulate gun ownership more than is the current standard. Speaking just of the Texas LTC process I think both the written and proficiency tests were pretty much a joke and definitely need to be made far more difficult.

I also understand that political party has little to do with the issue of gun laws; after all it was Ronald Reagan who as Governor of California signed the law making the possession of a loaded fire arm in public illegal in California. In fact I was living there and a gun carrying Californian at the time.
Some would say that your claims to be "a long term Republican, gun owner and LTC holder" makes you a liar based upon your stated beliefs. Perhaps its the almost standard "I'm a gun owner, but" leftist talking points that would cause someone to think you are nothing but a troll.

Not me, of course, I totally believe you are "a long term Republican, gun owner and LTC holder" who has no connection to Everytown, Moms or Soros.
Another place I support Beto's position rather than Cruz's is related to the protests during the Anthems. I do not see the protests as anything but related to flag or patriotism but rather just what they are said to be by the protesters, a call for increased justice in the US. It is remarkably similar to the protests of the late 60s that were the genesis of the ban on loaded firearms in California back in 1967. At that time there was a segment of our population that felt threatened by our own government and that they needed to be armed to protect themselves and their families. They looked at the US Constitution as the support for just that position and so lawfully and without committing violence demonstrated, not by kneeling but rather by exercising their 2nd Amendment Rights with a march to the State Capitol carrying loaded rifles.

The Republican Party has had a Liberal component for at least most of my life. I was more a Rockefeller Republican than a Goldwater Republican yet also supported Goldwater when he ran for President. I definitely consider myself to be far to the left of the current Republican mainstream on many issues and far to the right of many Democratic and even current Presidential positions.

The action Reagan and both the Republican & Democratic Legislature took in California were directly intended to stop the protests; to take away both the Free Speech rights as well as the right to carry arms. It was a statement that as citizens we do NOT have the right to protect ourselves from direct violence from the STATE.

Under the US system of elections unlike the English Parliamentary system we can vote for the individual and not just a Party. This thread is about whether or not Beto might win the mid term election. I actually doubt that Beto will win even though he will likely win convincingly here in the Valley.
I also agree that Beto will not win and I am door knocking for Cruz.( I have already convinced 3 to remove Beto signs was they were politely shown their ignorance of the voting records for Beto vs. that of Cruz.
I am also convince that you (jar) are a troll or either cannot think well for yourself. Not trying to be mean. Sometimes the truth is painful but not all pain is a bad thing.
Fortunately in the US you have a Constitutional right to think what you wish to think, regardless of the facts or reality.
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by Jusme »

I'll agree with your last line.
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by rotor »

jar wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 3:28 pm
bblhd672 wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:52 am
jar wrote: Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:16 am My reasoning is pretty simple; I find the other choice dishonest, untrustworthy, unconnected to reality. I also firmly believe that we do need to regulate gun ownership more than is the current standard. Speaking just of the Texas LTC process I think both the written and proficiency tests were pretty much a joke and definitely need to be made far more difficult.

I also understand that political party has little to do with the issue of gun laws; after all it was Ronald Reagan who as Governor of California signed the law making the possession of a loaded fire arm in public illegal in California. In fact I was living there and a gun carrying Californian at the time.
Some would say that your claims to be "a long term Republican, gun owner and LTC holder" makes you a liar based upon your stated beliefs. Perhaps its the almost standard "I'm a gun owner, but" leftist talking points that would cause someone to think you are nothing but a troll.

Not me, of course, I totally believe you are "a long term Republican, gun owner and LTC holder" who has no connection to Everytown, Moms or Soros.
Another place I support Beto's position rather than Cruz's is related to the protests during the Anthems. I do not see the protests as anything but related to flag or patriotism but rather just what they are said to be by the protesters, a call for increased justice in the US. It is remarkably similar to the protests of the late 60s that were the genesis of the ban on loaded firearms in California back in 1967. At that time there was a segment of our population that felt threatened by our own government and that they needed to be armed to protect themselves and their families. They looked at the US Constitution as the support for just that position and so lawfully and without committing violence demonstrated, not by kneeling but rather by exercising their 2nd Amendment Rights with a march to the State Capitol carrying loaded rifles.

The Republican Party has had a Liberal component for at least most of my life. I was more a Rockefeller Republican than a Goldwater Republican yet also supported Goldwater when he ran for President. I definitely consider myself to be far to the left of the current Republican mainstream on many issues and far to the right of many Democratic and even current Presidential positions.

The action Reagan and both the Republican & Democratic Legislature took in California were directly intended to stop the protests; to take away both the Free Speech rights as well as the right to carry arms. It was a statement that as citizens we do NOT have the right to protect ourselves from direct violence from the STATE.

Under the US system of elections unlike the English Parliamentary system we can vote for the individual and not just a Party. This thread is about whether or not Beto might win the mid term election. I actually doubt that Beto will win even though he will likely win convincingly here in the Valley.
So you are upset that Reagan took away your right to carry arms in California but Beto trying to restrict your rights to carry arms is acceptable? I now know of three Beto votes on this forum. I will stick with Cruz, a man that understands the constitution.

I respect your position, I don't agree with it at all as your logic seems to be flawed and I am not sure of exactly what a troll is but you sound like you may be one.

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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by rotor »

Slightly off topic but Ted Cruz will be in Wichita Falls on Oct. 3, 2018 and apparently Donald Trump Jr will be with him and I plan on going. It will be in a city owned property and I am wondering if concealed carry will be allowed. Secret service might prohibit?
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