Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?

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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by RogueUSMC »

WildRose wrote: Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:26 pm
flechero wrote: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:07 pm
Bitter Clinger wrote: Tue Sep 18, 2018 1:42 pm Cruz leads O'Rourke 54-45 in Quinnipuac poll
While good news... it scares me a bit that it's only 9 pts. That's within the margin of a big dem turnout, which usually doesn't happen here (according to several articles I read recently) but could if other forces fire them up. I'd like to see a 25-30 pt spread, then I'd be comfortable! :biggrinjester:
This is always the case, it will come down to turnout. Cruz so far has not really campaigned and what little he's done has been at best ineffectual. He hasn't been out there busting his butt like he did to win the seat originally.

Hopefully that is soon to change and he'll pour it on from now till election day. He's supposed to have an appearance in Lubbock over the weekend I believe, hopefully we see a big turnout.

Either way it's up to us to be energized, educate anyone who will discuss the issues, and ensure that our side turns out and votes in large numbers.

The candidates can only do so much, the rest is up to us.
Ted still has a day job...

For Beto, the campaigne IS the job for the moment...
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by philip964 »

Apparently Bob O'Rourke said he did not say that the police were enforcing the new Jim Crow laws. I didn't watch the debate, so I'm not sure when this came up. But here is a youtube video where he seems to sort of point it out. He used the words "Some say".

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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by Bitter Clinger »

philip964 wrote: Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:36 am Apparently Bob O'Rourke said he did not say that the police were enforcing the new Jim Crow laws. I didn't watch the debate, so I'm not sure when this came up. But here is a youtube video where he seems to sort of point it out. He used the words "Some say".

He really and truly is the "next Obama'. He needs to stopped now with a landmark defeat in this upcoming election.
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by dlh »

philip964 wrote: Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:36 am Apparently Bob O'Rourke said he did not say that the police were enforcing the new Jim Crow laws. I didn't watch the debate, so I'm not sure when this came up. But here is a youtube video where he seems to sort of point it out. He used the words "Some say".

After "some say" he followed up with, "it is an apt description..." around 1:31 into the video. Ugh. Better get out and vote folks.
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by infoman »

Let’s talk reality for a moment. Reality is that no one will end License to Carry in Texas. Everyone thought Obama being elected would end “CHL”- WRONG. If Beto wins election (prob won’t anyway), will Texas do Away with “LTC”? Answer: No. Regardless if Texas has a Democrat or Republican, & regardless if the USA has a Dem or Rep President- Texas will still have LTC. Texas has had legal carrying in public since 1995. That’s 23 years according to my math. (We’ve had Dem’s & Rep’s in all levels of Government during that time)
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by Bitter Clinger »

infoman wrote: Sat Sep 22, 2018 1:23 pm Let’s talk reality for a moment. Reality is that no one will end License to Carry in Texas. Everyone thought Obama being elected would end “CHL”- WRONG. If Beto wins election (prob won’t anyway), will Texas do Away with “LTC”? Answer: No. Regardless if Texas has a Democrat or Republican, & regardless if the USA has a Dem or Rep President- Texas will still have LTC. Texas has had legal carrying in public since 1995. That’s 23 years according to my math. (We’ve had Dem’s & Rep’s in all levels of Government during that time)
Right. So let's elect a criminal who not only was caught breaking and entering, but leaving the scene of a drunk driving accident. Oh, and by the way, who wants to legalize drugs, give citizenship rights and our tax dollars to illegal aliens and denigrate our police, all while lying and being funded by George Soros. Wow, your compelling argument has me sold. I'll be voting for Bueno or Guano or whatever his name is, this week...
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by Flightmare »

infoman wrote: Sat Sep 22, 2018 1:23 pm Let’s talk reality for a moment. Reality is that no one will end License to Carry in Texas. Everyone thought Obama being elected would end “CHL”- WRONG. If Beto wins election (prob won’t anyway), will Texas do Away with “LTC”? Answer: No. Regardless if Texas has a Democrat or Republican, & regardless if the USA has a Dem or Rep President- Texas will still have LTC. Texas has had legal carrying in public since 1995. That’s 23 years according to my math. (We’ve had Dem’s & Rep’s in all levels of Government during that time)
You are correct that we've had Dems and Reps at all levels of government since CHL was passed. However, there has been no democrat elected to a statewide office since 1994.
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by mojo84 »

infoman wrote: Sat Sep 22, 2018 1:23 pm Let’s talk reality for a moment. Reality is that no one will end License to Carry in Texas. Everyone thought Obama being elected would end “CHL”- WRONG. If Beto wins election (prob won’t anyway), will Texas do Away with “LTC”? Answer: No. Regardless if Texas has a Democrat or Republican, & regardless if the USA has a Dem or Rep President- Texas will still have LTC. Texas has had legal carrying in public since 1995. That’s 23 years according to my math. (We’ve had Dem’s & Rep’s in all levels of Government during that time)
Talking reality, why would someone want to support and vote for someone that has such different beliefs and policy positions? Aren't those things some of the things on which our voting decisions are made?
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by The Annoyed Man »

infoman wrote: Sat Sep 22, 2018 1:23 pm Let’s talk reality for a moment. Reality is that no one will end License to Carry in Texas. Everyone thought Obama being elected would end “CHL”- WRONG. If Beto wins election (prob won’t anyway), will Texas do Away with “LTC”? Answer: No. Regardless if Texas has a Democrat or Republican, & regardless if the USA has a Dem or Rep President- Texas will still have LTC. Texas has had legal carrying in public since 1995. That’s 23 years according to my math. (We’ve had Dem’s & Rep’s in all levels of Government during that time)
The REALITY is that, if another AWB goes before the senate, Irish Bob would vote for it. If it passed, half of the guns in my safe - all purchased absolutely lawfully - would become instantly illegal. He has already made it clear that he doesn’t think the AR15 is covered by the 2nd Amendment. On that issue alone, I will do everything I can to see that he’s not elected.

You say that his election would not affect LTC. Yet, he is definitely ON RECORD as saying that he’d like to do away with reciprocity with other states .... meaning that Texas LTC holders would not be able to carry in those states when they travel. Furthermore, his understanding of “weak” and “strong” carry laws in other states (his rationale for doing away with reciprocity) is so flawed as to be fundamentally false. So your assertion that Irish Bob’s election would not affect Texas LTC holders is not true. If you’ve bought into that, then you’ve bought into a lie .... and shame on you for that.

Shall I go on?
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by WildRose »

infoman wrote: Sat Sep 22, 2018 1:23 pm Let’s talk reality for a moment. Reality is that no one will end License to Carry in Texas. Everyone thought Obama being elected would end “CHL”- WRONG. If Beto wins election (prob won’t anyway), will Texas do Away with “LTC”? Answer: No. Regardless if Texas has a Democrat or Republican, & regardless if the USA has a Dem or Rep President- Texas will still have LTC. Texas has had legal carrying in public since 1995. That’s 23 years according to my math. (We’ve had Dem’s & Rep’s in all levels of Government during that time)
You get the right anti gunner in the WH with control of congress and you'll see more restrictive gun legislation passing at the national level than you ever could have imagined.

It's been a 40 year fight to get to where we are today and without a handful of SCOTUS cases being closely decided in our favor we could not have made half the progress we've made.

Remember the next POTUS will probably have at least one or two seats on the court come open and if he/she is a democrat you will see the 2nd Amendment severely crippled as a result.
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by WildRose »

Flightmare wrote: Sat Sep 22, 2018 1:32 pm
infoman wrote: Sat Sep 22, 2018 1:23 pm Let’s talk reality for a moment. Reality is that no one will end License to Carry in Texas. Everyone thought Obama being elected would end “CHL”- WRONG. If Beto wins election (prob won’t anyway), will Texas do Away with “LTC”? Answer: No. Regardless if Texas has a Democrat or Republican, & regardless if the USA has a Dem or Rep President- Texas will still have LTC. Texas has had legal carrying in public since 1995. That’s 23 years according to my math. (We’ve had Dem’s & Rep’s in all levels of Government during that time)
You are correct that we've had Dems and Reps at all levels of government since CHL was passed. However, there has been no democrat elected to a statewide office since 1994.
And if we're not careful we will in 2018.

More importantly the state can do nothing if Federal Firearms Laws change.
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by WildRose »

The Annoyed Man wrote: Sat Sep 22, 2018 1:58 pm
infoman wrote: Sat Sep 22, 2018 1:23 pm Let’s talk reality for a moment. Reality is that no one will end License to Carry in Texas. Everyone thought Obama being elected would end “CHL”- WRONG. If Beto wins election (prob won’t anyway), will Texas do Away with “LTC”? Answer: No. Regardless if Texas has a Democrat or Republican, & regardless if the USA has a Dem or Rep President- Texas will still have LTC. Texas has had legal carrying in public since 1995. That’s 23 years according to my math. (We’ve had Dem’s & Rep’s in all levels of Government during that time)
The REALITY is that, if another AWB goes before the senate, Irish Bob would vote for it. If it passed, half of the guns in my safe - all purchased absolutely lawfully - would become instantly illegal. He has already made it clear that he doesn’t think the AR15 is covered by the 2nd Amendment. On that issue alone, I will do everything I can to see that he’s not elected.

You say that his election would not affect LTC. Yet, he is definitely ON RECORD as saying that he’d like to do away with reciprocity with other states .... meaning that Texas LTC holders would not be able to carry in those states when they travel. Furthermore, his understanding of “weak” and “strong” carry laws in other states (his rationale for doing away with reciprocity) is so flawed as to be fundamentally false. So your assertion that Irish Bob’s election would not affect Texas LTC holders is not true. If you’ve bought into that, then you’ve bought into a lie .... and shame on you for that.

Shall I go on?
A new AWB will almost certainly include semi auto pistols as well as virtually all semi auto long guns.
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by LDB415 »

If we want to talk reality, harsh reality, extreme reality, only the most ignorant and misguided can and will support and endorse Caucasian non-Hispanic Robert O'Rourke. His election would have the potential of MAJOR impact on honest citizen gun owners. All negative. There is not a single area or platform that isn't negatively impacted by his moronic positions. Vote BetNO in November.
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by Maxwell »

LDB415 wrote: Sat Sep 22, 2018 3:01 pm If we want to talk reality, harsh reality, extreme reality, only the most ignorant and misguided can and will support and endorse Caucasian non-Hispanic Robert O'Rourke.
And the fact that he is running so strongly in the polls proves that there are a lot of of those types already behind him. :banghead:
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Re: Can Beto O’Rourke really beat Ted Cruz?


Post by Flightmare »

LDB415 wrote: Sat Sep 22, 2018 3:01 pm If we want to talk reality, harsh reality, extreme reality, only the most ignorant and misguided can and will support and endorse Caucasian non-Hispanic Robert O'Rourke.
There were some block walkers up in Collin County a few weeks ago. Some spoke with people who had Beto signs in their yard. Some of the people with these signs had no idea that Beto was running as a democrat. That just baffles me. How can someone put a campaign sign in their yard, without knowing at MINIMUM the party affiliation of that candidate? The level of ignorance is truly staggering.
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