Turkey: Saudi journalist last seen at Saudi consulate in Turkey

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Re: Turkey: Saudi journalist last seen at Saudi consulate in Turkey


Post by PriestTheRunner »

Redneck_Buddha wrote: Wed Oct 17, 2018 11:50 am
PriestTheRunner wrote: Wed Oct 17, 2018 9:24 am
philip964 wrote: Wed Oct 17, 2018 8:48 am Not sure the thinking behind this. If you wanted to just kill someone in a foreign country, you would just do what the Clinton's do. They have a heart attack or they are robbed on the street and killed, or they commit suicide.
Not everyone owns a heart-attack-gun (you think I'm making that up...?) so sometimes it has to be a little more hands-on. But they could have suicided him like the Clinton's do.
Multiple self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the back of the head.
And don't forget to cremate the body so it can't exhumed...

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Re: Turkey: Saudi journalist last seen at Saudi consulate in Turkey


Post by DevilDawg »

This guy was a Muslim brotherhood member and a buddy of OBL. He played the WaPo into being his mouthpiece. This is a nothing story about a person better off not living on earth.

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Re: Turkey: Saudi journalist last seen at Saudi consulate in Turkey


Post by TreyHouston »

This is the same Saudi Arabia that murders people for being gay right? Isn’t there still slavery in Africa ?

Why do we care about this?
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Re: Turkey: Saudi journalist last seen at Saudi consulate in Turkey


Post by MaduroBU »

MBS is a murdering scumbag straight out of Game of Thrones who is fighting for control of a kingdom that IS (not "related to", not "supported by", not "intertwined with", but IS) Radical Islam. Whether SA is actually guilty of this particular crime has no bearing on their overwhelming guilt in a multitude of other crimes as well as their role as the fount of Wahhabism.

We are better off without their oil.

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Re: Turkey: Saudi journalist last seen at Saudi consulate in Turkey


Post by stroo »

How is this different from Obama ordering the killing of 2 American citizens in Yemen through drone strikes???
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Re: Turkey: Saudi journalist last seen at Saudi consulate in Turkey


Post by PriestTheRunner »

stroo wrote: Wed Oct 17, 2018 8:06 pm How is this different from Obama ordering the killing of 2 American citizens in Yemen through drone strikes???
Sooo much this.

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Re: Turkey: Saudi journalist last seen at Saudi consulate in Turkey


Post by philip964 »

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... crash.html

One member of Saudi “hit squad” dies in a car crash.

That’s more like it. Car crash.

Previous two posts mentioned Obama.

Seal team six helicopter crash?

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Re: Turkey: Saudi journalist last seen at Saudi consulate in Turkey


Post by DocV »

PriestTheRunner wrote: Wed Oct 17, 2018 9:24 am
philip964 wrote: Wed Oct 17, 2018 8:48 am Not sure the thinking behind this. If you wanted to just kill someone in a foreign country, you would just do what the Clinton's do. They have a heart attack or they are robbed on the street and killed, or they commit suicide.
Not everyone owns a heart-attack-gun (you think I'm making that up...?) so sometimes it has to be a little more hands-on. But they could have suicided him like the Clinton's do.
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Re: Turkey: Saudi journalist last seen at Saudi consulate in Turkey


Post by RoyGBiv »

ELB wrote: Mon Oct 15, 2018 9:21 am So I'm reading the journalist was also a Muslim Brotherhood fellow traveler, if not member, was a confidant and advisor to members of the Saudi royal family who are on the outs with the current ruler, and his beef with the current ruler is not that he's too authoritarian but that he is too western, not Islamic enough.

I think Trump may have jumped early and the wrong way on this one.

ETA: https://pjmedia.com/spengler/german-pre ... ppearance/
Germany's leading right-of-center daily Die Welt this morning reveals that Jamal Khashoggi was not a journalist, but a high-level operative for the Saudi intelligence service, an intimate of Osama bin Laden, and the nephew of the shadiest of all Arab arms dealers, the infamous Adnan Khashoggi. John Bradley reported last week in the Spectator that Khashoggi, who allegedly met a grisly end in a Saudi consulate in Istanbul, was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist organization that among other things wants to replace the Saudi monarchy with a modern Islamist totalitarian state.
Impossible to know spin from truth on this one.... Remember, according to Susan Rice it was a movie that caused the spontaneous riot at Benghazi. This story could just be a better cover than that.

The Saudis are duplicitous "allies". The Crown prince has brought some Western ways to his kingdom, but is it just window dressing?
I'm writing this off to thugs killing thugs and moving on. YMMV.
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Re: Turkey: Saudi journalist last seen at Saudi consulate in Turkey


Post by Beiruty »

Obama eliminated a preacher in Yemen and labeled him an enemy combatant
Israel killed a Palestinian in Dubai and labeled him a suspected terrorist
Putin tried to eliminate a double-agent, and labeled him a traitor
Jun Un Kim killed his brother and labeled him a fat boy
KSA butchered an ex-loyalist journalist and labeled him fish-food

Why are you picking on KSA?, fish have to have some food too
Last edited by Beiruty on Fri Oct 19, 2018 5:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Turkey: Saudi journalist last seen at Saudi consulate in Turkey


Post by RoyGBiv »

RoyGBiv wrote: Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:59 amImpossible to know spin from truth on this one....
Ok... the back story may never be known, but, apparently there was audio surveillance during the act itself.

https://www.foxnews.com/world/saudi-doc ... ion-report
I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
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Re: Turkey: Saudi journalist last seen at Saudi consulate in Turkey


Post by rotor »

I still don't know why we care about this. A Saudi citizen may have been killed on Saudi soil (the embassy) and we are up in arms. How many other Saudi citizens are killed in Saudi Arabia every day? Who knows. He was a reporter for the Washington Post so we have to care. We deal with ruthless governments every day, innocents are killed by their government and we don't get involved. We open an embassy in Cuba. The reality of the world is that governments do send hit squads out to kill people and I am sure we do it too, but quietly. Let's see how this plays out but you don't cut your nose off to spite your face. Saudi Arabia is too important to us to lose them.
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Re: Turkey: Saudi journalist last seen at Saudi consulate in Turkey


Post by bblhd672 »

rotor wrote: Thu Oct 18, 2018 2:05 pm I still don't know why we care about this. A Saudi citizen may have been killed on Saudi soil (the embassy) and we are up in arms. How many other Saudi citizens are killed in Saudi Arabia every day? Who knows. He was a reporter for the Washington Post so we have to care. We deal with ruthless governments every day, innocents are killed by their government and we don't get involved. We open an embassy in Cuba. The reality of the world is that governments do send hit squads out to kill people and I am sure we do it too, but quietly. Let's see how this plays out but you don't cut your nose off to spite your face. Saudi Arabia is too important to us to lose them.
:iagree: Especially when the Saudi citizen was a cohort of Osama Bin Laden. That he allegedly was reporter for the Washington Swamp Post reduces my give a care to negative numbers.
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Re: Turkey: Saudi journalist last seen at Saudi consulate in Turkey


Post by Beiruty »

bblhd672 wrote: Thu Oct 18, 2018 2:44 pm
rotor wrote: Thu Oct 18, 2018 2:05 pm I still don't know why we care about this. A Saudi citizen may have been killed on Saudi soil (the embassy) and we are up in arms. How many other Saudi citizens are killed in Saudi Arabia every day? Who knows. He was a reporter for the Washington Post so we have to care. We deal with ruthless governments every day, innocents are killed by their government and we don't get involved. We open an embassy in Cuba. The reality of the world is that governments do send hit squads out to kill people and I am sure we do it too, but quietly. Let's see how this plays out but you don't cut your nose off to spite your face. Saudi Arabia is too important to us to lose them.
:iagree: Especially when the Saudi citizen was a cohort of Osama Bin Laden. That he allegedly was reporter for the Washington Swamp Post reduces my give a care to negative numbers.
Osama Bin Laden was also a CIA operative in the Afghan war against USSR.
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Re: Turkey: Saudi journalist last seen at Saudi consulate in Turkey


Post by philip964 »

RoyGBiv wrote: Thu Oct 18, 2018 1:55 pm
RoyGBiv wrote: Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:59 amImpossible to know spin from truth on this one....
Ok... the back story may never be known, but, apparently there was audio surveillance during the act itself.

https://www.foxnews.com/world/saudi-doc ... ion-report
Rush Limbaugh discounted the Apple IWatch source for the audio. Blue tooth or WiFi unlikely. Cell system necessary to do it does not exist in Turkey.
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