Big Thanks to Joe817!!

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Big Thanks to Joe817!!


Post by Jusme »

Just wanted to give a great big Thank You, to Joe817!! All of his posts regarding Texas history, points of interest, and profiles, of famous,( and infamous) Texans, really makes my day. I look forward to each new installment.
As a native Texan, I appreciate the reminders, of what makes Texas the greatest State in the union.
Those of us, from Texas embrace, everything about our State, warts and all. Where else can you go, and find the biggest tourist attraction, commemorate, a battle that was lost?

Some of the most talented singers, actors, artists, and writers, come from Texas.

Technology, agriculture, and other industries, can point to Texas as a leader in innovation.

Heroes, in all of our wars, come from Texas.

Giving members, from other places, a glimpse of our history, the struggles, original Texans endured, and a list of places, to see, helps them understand why, we hold our State in such high regard, and why, we defend it so passionately.
I just wanted to let Joe know how much his posts are appreciated, and read religiously.

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Re: Big Thanks to Joe817!!


Post by oljames3 »

Thanks, Joe!
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Re: Big Thanks to Joe817!!


Post by joe817 »

Thank you for your very kind words Jusme! and oljames3! They are deeply appreciated. And thank you to all members and visitors who read these humble threads into glimpses that make up our culture and legacies.
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Re: Big Thanks to Joe817!!


Post by ELB »

I always read them every day even if I don't comment. Thanks Joe!
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Re: Big Thanks to Joe817!!


Post by carlson1 »

I look forward to reading them daily.

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Re: Big Thanks to Joe817!!


Post by surprise_i'm_armed »

Kudos from me to you joe817.

Think of the differences between small Texas towns from the 1800's and today's heavily urban Texas.
So many of those towns that had small populations of only 200 or 500 or 1,000 had a large number of businesses and schools. Those pioneers were go-getters who started stores, feed mills, grain mills, blacksmith shops, carriage repair shops, diners, farms, ranches, salt mines, coal mines, and more. No government handouts, no college degrees, no internet. It's astounding.

Yes, some of these places dried up, and the folks moved on. But this is America, and capitalism just needed to move down the road to a more hospitable economic locale. As Americans, the "pursuit of happiness" allows us to move around as we see fit.

As a corollary to that, studies have shown that American cities with higher levels of home ownership hobble the ability of their residents to move to places more in need of their talents. So if a city has high levels of renters, people who get laid off, or just like another place better, have no longer than their 1 year lease to move elsewhere.

I love to comment on some of these places with which I have had travel experiences, in order to bring a little "today" to the historical record of a place.

N. Texas LTC's hold 3 breakfasts each month. All are 800 AM. OC is fine.
2nd Saturdays: Rudy's BBQ, N. Dallas Pkwy, N.bound, N. of Main St., Frisco.
3rd Saturdays: Golden Corral, 465 E. I-20, Collins St exit, Arlington.
4th Saturdays: Sunny St. Cafe, off I-20, Exit 415, Mikus Rd, Willow Park.

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Re: Big Thanks to Joe817!!


Post by mdubtx »

Count me in for one of these thank yous!
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Re: Big Thanks to Joe817!!


Post by joe817 »

My friends, I am both surprised and humbled by the show of support you have shown these threads. I'm glad you all find them entertaining, educational and just plain interesting. As always, your comments on these daily entries is encouraged. I learn something everyday when you add your comments to the threads. :txflag:
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