Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident

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Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident


Post by Ruark »

Did she walk INTO the apartment and shoot, or did she shoot him when he answered the door? Lots of contradicting details here. She said the door was open, but those steel fire doors automatically shut, tight as bank vaults. And if the door was open, why was she, according to neighbors, yelling "let me in!"?
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Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident


Post by flintknapper »

Scott B. wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 2:29 pm Few female officers are going to win a stand-up fight with a male 'suspect'. That may lead to a shoot first situations. Sentencing should be interesting.
Generally NO officer wants a 'stand up fight'' with a suspect....but in my opinion Her biggest mistake (there were several) was entering the apartment. She put herself in a position that required her to immediately go to the highest level (deadly force) of the Force Continuum that might have been available to her had she backed out, better assessed the situation and called for back-up.

There simply was no immediate need to go charging in. Had the victim actually been armed and intent on harming her....she could not have been in a worse spot (doorway, hallway, entry), except for being buckled in the seat of your patrol car.
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Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident


Post by carlson1 »

Ruark wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 3:31 pm Did she walk INTO the apartment and shoot, or did she shoot him when he answered the door? Lots of contradicting details here. She said the door was open, but those steel fire doors automatically shut, tight as bank vaults. And if the door was open, why was she, according to neighbors, yelling "let me in!"?
His door had a malfunction and bolt would not lock. When she put her key in the door it opened because it malfunctioned. According to testimony he was setting on his couch eating ice cream with the TV and Laptop on. They testified that he was standing up when she opened the door.

I imagine from the testimony and listen to the race-baiting attorney's they will be suing the apartment owners for negligent. It is my understanding they have already made it easier for the renters to see which floor they are on now.
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Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

All the race baiting makes me want to vomit. This had ZERO to do with race.She mistakenly thought a burglar was in her home and she shot him. If he had been white he would be just as dead. On twitter morons are comparing it to Trayvon (Thug Gang Banger) Martin. That punk got what he deserved. This man was a perfectly innocent man enjoying ice cream and TV. The only comparison is neither one had anything to do with race but both attracted race baiting at it's worse.
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Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident


Post by The Annoyed Man »

BREAKING.....Jury ready to announce the sentencing after 90 minutes of deliberation. We should know pretty soon what it is.

TEN YEARS, no fine!

This is in line with what I guessed above.
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Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

The Annoyed Man wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 4:02 pm BREAKING.....Jury ready to announce the sentencing after 90 minutes of deliberation. We should know pretty soon what it is.

TEN YEARS, no fine!

This is in line with what I guessed above.
For an ex police officer, that will be a very long ten years. They will almost have to keep her isolated from the other inmates. This could mean a lot of time alone in a very small cell.
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Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident


Post by carlson1 »

The most power victim statement (Botham’s brother) I have heard and ended like nothing I have seen. I am old man, but I couldn't help it I cried.

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Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident


Post by Scott B. »

flintknapper wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 3:36 pm
Scott B. wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 2:29 pm Few female officers are going to win a stand-up fight with a male 'suspect'. That may lead to a shoot first situations. Sentencing should be interesting.
Generally NO officer wants a 'stand up fight'' with a suspect....but in my opinion Her biggest mistake (there were several) was entering the apartment. She put herself in a position that required her to immediately go to the highest level (deadly force) of the Force Continuum that might have been available to her had she backed out, better assessed the situation and called for back-up.

There simply was no immediate need to go charging in. Had the victim actually been armed and intent on harming her....she could not have been in a worse spot (doorway, hallway, entry), except for being buckled in the seat of your patrol car.
I agree.

On sentencing. 10 years state time. A few years for appeals. She'll serve around 7 to 8 yrs?
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Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident


Post by jerry_r60 »

Terry wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 1:29 pm
Ruark wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 1:12 pm
jerry_r60 wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 10:09 am Another thought, I thought this was manslaughter, if there were no other facts that came out to contradict the story that she mistakenly entered that apartment. It makes me wonder if how that was presented was not believed by the jury. If they didn't believe that then I'm curious what was believed to be the motive.

Did the Jury really believe she entered the apartment thinking it was her own and encountered what she believed was an intruder and shot/killed that intruder and they still found her guilty of murder?
My thoughts as well. What happened to the principle of introducing "doubt"? Did the jury really believe, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she deliberately, knowingly walked into his apartment and slaughtered him?
I think the challenge here is that she admitted to deliberately entering what she thought was her apartment with the intent to find the intruder. She placed herself in this situation. It doesnt make sense to enter your apartment when you think there's an intruder inside unless you fear for someone's safety. Even if you decide to enter your apartment to defend your property, it doesnt make sense that the first thing you do as soon as you see someone is shoot them. She didnt call out before entering she didnt try to figure out what's going on. What if it was her landlord. Or her ex boyfriend surprising her. It appears that she entered the apartment with the intent to shoot whoever was in there. I for one am happy that the law worked and this trigger happy idiot is not walking around armed!
That may be the piece I was missing, if she knew he was in there before she entered. I was under the impression she entered and then discovered he was in there.
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Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident


Post by Grayling813 »

carlson1 wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 4:36 pm The most power victim statement (Botham’s brother) I have heard and ended like nothing I have seen. I am old man, but I couldn't help it I cried.

Botham’s younger Brandt delivered a heart-felt victim impact statement, telling Guyger, “I forgive you. I know if you go to God and ask him, he will forgive you. I love you just like anyone else. I am not going to say I hope you die just like my brother did… I personally want the best for you. I don’t even want you to go to jail… because that’s exactly what Botham would want to. Again I love you, as a person.”

He then asked if it was OK for him to hug Guyger. So he did.
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Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident


Post by Grayling813 »

carlson1 wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 4:36 pm The most power victim statement (Botham’s brother) I have heard and ended like nothing I have seen. I am old man, but I couldn't help it I cried.
Botham’s younger Brandt delivered a heart-felt victim impact statement, telling Guyger, “I forgive you. I know if you go to God and ask him, he will forgive you. I love you just like anyone else. I am not going to say I hope you die just like my brother did… I personally want the best for you. I don’t even want you to go to jail… because that’s exactly what Botham would want to. Again I love you, as a person.”

He then asked if it was OK for him to hug Guyger. So he did.
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Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident


Post by Texas_Blaze »

Grayling813 wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 5:04 pm
carlson1 wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 4:36 pm The most power victim statement (Botham’s brother) I have heard and ended like nothing I have seen. I am old man, but I couldn't help it I cried.
Botham’s younger Brandt delivered a heart-felt victim impact statement, telling Guyger, “I forgive you. I know if you go to God and ask him, he will forgive you. I love you just like anyone else. I am not going to say I hope you die just like my brother did… I personally want the best for you. I don’t even want you to go to jail… because that’s exactly what Botham would want to. Again I love you, as a person.”

He then asked if it was OK for him to hug Guyger. So he did.
Interesting that he was allowed to approach her. Could have been a dangerous situation if he was actually intent to harm her.
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Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident


Post by powerboatr »

flintknapper wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2019 8:07 pm
powerboatr wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2019 4:45 pm her apartment was not decorated like jean's, didn't she notice the room was different or smelled different? I would assume through police training, that attention to detail is a paramount skill used often.
thats what stuck me. How do you not know the room is different from your own?
It is well documented that in periods of tremendous stress/fear that it is 'possible' to experience:

1. Tunnel vision.
2. Auditory Exclusion.
3. Tachypsychia.

So...failing to notice furnishings or other things (out of place) is not out of the realm of possibilities.

But the Officers grand mistake was failing to retreat, take up a more favorable position (she was smack dab in the Fatal Funnel IF the guy had been armed) and then call for back-up. [/i][/b]

glad its over
I dont agree or disagree with 1 2 and 3. Only to say I have no idea what her level of training or continued training is or was.
on my 22 plus years of active duty, we trained as we fight. yes you get wound up in the moment of impending death or fear. BUT you also train to due the the last sentence, find a better position of defense if you can. you also train to be a cucumber when your helicopter starts dropping from the sky, to work the problem as long as possible before the splat or hard bounce
we will never know what she was thinking. I just have a hard time with her not understanding she was on the wrong floor and wrong apartment.
10 years seems a bit soft imo, but it is what it is. glad this done for now
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Re: Officer Invades Apartment, Shoots Resident


Post by The Annoyed Man »

carlson1 wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 4:36 pm The most power victim statement (Botham’s brother) I have heard and ended like nothing I have seen. I am old man, but I couldn't help it I cried.

The judge was in tears during that statement too. Then she excused herself, went to her chambers, and came back with her personal Bible. She read John 3:16 to Guyger, and then gave her the Bible to keep. Maybe Amber will take in the grace shown her, and that will lead her to the Lord.
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