The guy should be fined.philip964 wrote: ↑Mon Mar 16, 2020 1:15 am ... d-for-life
Jet Blue passenger banned from flying with them again for life. Was awaiting results of his Covid-19 test and decided to fly to Florida. Got a text message while flying that the test was positive.
Some New Yorkers must be jerks.
Corona Virus (COVID-19)( SARS-CoV-2) from China: Its going to be bad.
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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19) from China: Its going to be bad.
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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19) from China: Its going to be bad.
Johnson County shutting down dispite no confirmed cases
I 'm just an Ole Sinner saved by Grace and Smith & Wesson.
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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19) from China: Its going to be bad.
Extreme over-reaction is the uniform of the day.
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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19) from China: Its going to be bad.
Unfortunately, steps that stop a pandemic look like extreme over-reaction in hindsight.
Our local schools were the one hold-out in this part of the state. They opened on schedule today after spring break. I think that was terribly misguided.
Parents with sick kids were advised to keep their kids at home. Unfortunately, it's not possible to know which kids are sick and pre-symptomatic, and which are healthy.
I'm not in a panic, but it's like stall recovery in an airplane. If I don't take certain steps, I'm at risk of death. Personally, I've never been in an unintended stall. I watch my airspeed in advance.
COVID-19 is closer to the Black Plague than the sniffles. There are killer bees out there, too. No reason to panic about either, but certain precautions will give you more favorable odds.
Like smallpox, COVID-19 will be stamped out, assuming an effective vaccine. It will take decades, of course, just like smallpox.
I hope all remain healthy.
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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19) from China: Its going to be bad.
169,387 world, 6513 dead, 3774 in US. 24,745 in Italy with 1809 deaths. China is still holding near 80,000. What the graph shows is that the infection is higher now in the rest of the world. Of course this is if you believe China's numbers. Texas has 77 of which 30 are in the Houston area.philip964 wrote: ↑Fri Mar 13, 2020 9:38 am ... 7b48e9ecf6
137,000 world, 5000 dead, 1700 in the US. Almost 15,000 in Italy. China is still holding near 80,000. What the graph shows is that the infection in China has leveled off while the rest of the world is increasing. The infected in the rest of the world is reaching the number in China. Of course this is if you believe China's numbers.
A news report said we exchanged missiles with Iran last night. That would normally be a big deal.
There was no meat in the meat department at HEB last night. People figured out they cannot eat TP or live on water alone.
Trump has been exposed to the virus by meeting with the president of Brazil.
My 401k is down 37% (not all of that is the Coronavirus's fault as oil is not having a good week either)
My email basket this morning was full of "how Chic fil A is responding to the Coronavirus" type stuff. It's good to see the CEO's are keeping busy.
Change in 3 days.
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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19) from China: Its going to be bad.
Texas Health and Human Services Official Counts: Updated March 15th ... oronavirus ... oronavirus
Total Statewide Cases 56
County of Residence Number of Cases
Bell 1
Bexar 3
Brazoria 2
Collin 6
Dallas 8
El Paso 1
Fort Bend 9
Galveston 1
Gregg 1
Harris 10
Hays 1
Lavaca 1
Matagorda 1
Montgomery 3
Smith 4
Tarrant 3
Travis 1
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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19) from China: Its going to be bad.
Before we all light our butts on fire and run in circles with panic, let's not forget that the VAST MAJORITY of people who get this virus will be just fine and likely will show little to no symptoms.
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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19) from China: Its going to be bad.
03Lightningrocks wrote: ↑Mon Mar 16, 2020 11:13 am Before we all light our butts on fire and run in circles with panic, let's not forget that the VAST MAJORITY of people who get this virus will be just fine and likely will show little to no symptoms.

Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19) from China: Its going to be bad.
03Lightningrocks wrote: ↑Mon Mar 16, 2020 11:13 am Before we all light our butts on fire and run in circles with panic, let's not forget that the VAST MAJORITY of people who get this virus will be just fine and likely will show little to no symptoms.

Thanks. I needed a laugh right about now!
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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19) from China: Its going to be bad.
This isn't nearly as bad as the swine flu back in 2009, and there was no panic then. The crazed mania has got to stop.
Do what you say you're gonna do.
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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19) from China: Its going to be bad.
I would be interested to know if there is any difference in fatalities between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Type 1 being an autoimmune disease, I wonder if that makes us type 1's more susceptible than type 2's, or if it depends more on how well controlled it is and whether there are other complications present.Rob72 wrote: ↑Mon Mar 16, 2020 2:10 pmOf personal interest to me is the 7.3% mortality among diabetics(based on credible US an international reports to date). 30.3 million diabetics (approximately) in the US=2,211,900 dead. Obviously, mortality will depend on overall health, and mine is well controlled, but that's about 5 times the total US combat and civilian deaths in WWII, and that's for a single co-morbidity subset.03Lightningrocks wrote: ↑Mon Mar 16, 2020 11:13 am Before we all light our butts on fire and run in circles with panic, let's not forget that the VAST MAJORITY of people who get this virus will be just fine and likely will show little to no symptoms.
Never bring a knife to a gun fight.
Carry gun: Springfield XD Tactical .45
Carry gun: Springfield XD Tactical .45
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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19) from China: Its going to be bad. ... 00257.html
Tick Tock influencer does a WuFlu challenge by licking an airplane toilet seat.
Tick Tock influencer does a WuFlu challenge by licking an airplane toilet seat.
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Re: Corona Virus (COVID-19) from China: Its going to be bad.
Kurt Schlichter weighs in: Chinese Coronavirus Pandemic Demonstrates Who Are The Idiots
My favorite line of the whole article:

My favorite line of the whole article:
So, I guess I should stop referring to it as “Woking Pneumonia?” Nah, I think I’ll do whatever I want instead.

Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence. - John Adams