If Joe dies in his sleep, check the pillow for Kamala's DNAsrothstein wrote: ↑Tue Sep 15, 2020 9:16 pmI don't think they will wait that long. Remember this is the group that was trying to get Trump removed as medically unfit. If I understand the law correctly, if something happens to the party presidential nominee between the convention and election day, the party gets to name the candidate. If something happens to the president-elect, the vice president-elect moves up. It would not surprise me to see that come into play this election.philip964 wrote: ↑Tue Sep 15, 2020 2:07 pm https://nypost.com/2020/09/15/kamala-ha ... istration/
Refers to Harris Administration.
Too many late night meetings discussing what they will do after Joe is gone?
Commala Harris- just another communist
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Re: Kamala Harris
Government, like fire is a dangerous servant and a fearful master
If you ain't paranoid you ain't paying attention
Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war let it begin here- John Parker
If you ain't paranoid you ain't paying attention
Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war let it begin here- John Parker
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Re: Kamala Harris
if by some odd thing ..joe does win. they will let do an inauguration speech and then declare him unfit as he walks down PA avenuecrazy2medic wrote: ↑Tue Oct 13, 2020 5:42 pmIf Joe dies in his sleep, check the pillow for Kamala's DNAsrothstein wrote: ↑Tue Sep 15, 2020 9:16 pmI don't think they will wait that long. Remember this is the group that was trying to get Trump removed as medically unfit. If I understand the law correctly, if something happens to the party presidential nominee between the convention and election day, the party gets to name the candidate. If something happens to the president-elect, the vice president-elect moves up. It would not surprise me to see that come into play this election.philip964 wrote: ↑Tue Sep 15, 2020 2:07 pm https://nypost.com/2020/09/15/kamala-ha ... istration/
Refers to Harris Administration.
Too many late night meetings discussing what they will do after Joe is gone?
he told folks to vote for him for senate yesterday

Proud to have served for over 22 Years in the U.S. Navy Certificated FAA A&P technician since 1996
Re: Kamala Harris
Oh no. They'll contract that out to real pros. "Clinton exterminations." (666) 908-3323. ((666) you-dead.))crazy2medic wrote: ↑Tue Oct 13, 2020 5:42 pm If Joe dies in his sleep, check the pillow for Kamala's DNA
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Re: Kamala Harris
https://www.foxnews.com/politics/jim-hu ... y-contacts
Kamala Harris listed as one of key contacts in Hunter Biden China joint venture email.
Not from laptop, but from Hunter former partner who is squeeling.
Kamala Harris listed as one of key contacts in Hunter Biden China joint venture email.
Not from laptop, but from Hunter former partner who is squeeling.
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Re: Kamala Harris
Kamala sells communism’s soft side.
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Re: Kamala Harris
i have been to many communist countries...never saw a soft side at all.
Proud to have served for over 22 Years in the U.S. Navy Certificated FAA A&P technician since 1996
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Re: Kamala Harris
The slave trade indicated that if a person had 1/10 blood from a Nero they and all of their decendents would be black. It's not a PC thing is a definition given by slave owners that is still used today. People try to recognize all of their mixtures in regards to race.92f-fan wrote: ↑Sun Aug 16, 2020 10:48 am Its a rough question to ask in public, but Im curious. She has Jamaican and indian parents. So genetically she is half of each. But she gets to pick being either Black or Indian as it serves her ? Confused.
Follow up, can she call herself "African American " if she is from Jamaica ? I know that Jamaican ancestors came from Africa, but if we are able to pick continents from thousands of years ago wouldn't we also be able to go back further than Africa ? Maybe include Pangea ? Pangean-American would be MUCH more inclusive.
These days people "identify" as all kinds of things so maybe nothing should surprise me any more.
I guess Im easily confused by the current process of picking and choosing your ancestry and your orientation from a grab bag.
All this PC stuff drives me crazy ...
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Re: Kamala Harris
https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news ... land-mines
Plans to employ West Virginians by reclaiming abandoned land mines.
Plans to employ West Virginians by reclaiming abandoned land mines.
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Re: Kamala Harris
Thanks for the historyDeitz83 wrote: ↑Tue Dec 08, 2020 10:38 amThe slave trade indicated that if a person had 1/10 blood from a Nero they and all of their decendents would be black. It's not a PC thing is a definition given by slave owners that is still used today. People try to recognize all of their mixtures in regards to race.92f-fan wrote: ↑Sun Aug 16, 2020 10:48 am Its a rough question to ask in public, but Im curious. She has Jamaican and indian parents. So genetically she is half of each. But she gets to pick being either Black or Indian as it serves her ? Confused.
Follow up, can she call herself "African American " if she is from Jamaica ? I know that Jamaican ancestors came from Africa, but if we are able to pick continents from thousands of years ago wouldn't we also be able to go back further than Africa ? Maybe include Pangea ? Pangean-American would be MUCH more inclusive.
These days people "identify" as all kinds of things so maybe nothing should surprise me any more.
I guess Im easily confused by the current process of picking and choosing your ancestry and your orientation from a grab bag.
All this PC stuff drives me crazy ...
But she isn't trying to recognize all her mixtures. She picked the one that gets her the farthest politically
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Re: Kamala Harris
https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/m ... s-n1423976
Flashback Kamala jokes about killing Trump Pence and Jeff Sessions on Ellen show.
Flashback Kamala jokes about killing Trump Pence and Jeff Sessions on Ellen show.
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Re: Kamala Harris
https://thefederalistpapers.org/us/op-e ... rking-oust
Kamala playing 3D chess. Cuomo and Newsome playing checkers.
Kamala playing 3D chess. Cuomo and Newsome playing checkers.
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Re: Kamala Harris
Black people never had an opportunity to pick anything. Color was determined by the slave owner. My daughter is married to a white german. My grand kids will always be black.92f-fan wrote: ↑Mon Feb 01, 2021 9:36 pmThanks for the historyDeitz83 wrote: ↑Tue Dec 08, 2020 10:38 amThe slave trade indicated that if a person had 1/10 blood from a Nero they and all of their decendents would be black. It's not a PC thing is a definition given by slave owners that is still used today. People try to recognize all of their mixtures in regards to race.92f-fan wrote: ↑Sun Aug 16, 2020 10:48 am Its a rough question to ask in public, but Im curious. She has Jamaican and indian parents. So genetically she is half of each. But she gets to pick being either Black or Indian as it serves her ? Confused.
Follow up, can she call herself "African American " if she is from Jamaica ? I know that Jamaican ancestors came from Africa, but if we are able to pick continents from thousands of years ago wouldn't we also be able to go back further than Africa ? Maybe include Pangea ? Pangean-American would be MUCH more inclusive.
These days people "identify" as all kinds of things so maybe nothing should surprise me any more.
I guess Im easily confused by the current process of picking and choosing your ancestry and your orientation from a grab bag.
All this PC stuff drives me crazy ...
But she isn't trying to recognize all her mixtures. She picked the one that gets her the farthest politically
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Re: Kamala Harris
I do understand what you are saying about the Black people never got to choose, and that was true until about 50 years ago. I can't dispute what the slave owner said because there is no record of that, but the law in many of the Southern states used to say that any person with at least 1/8th Black blood was considered Black.
I have always wondered how that works if a person has exactly one Black and one White parent, like my granddaughter or President Obama. What makes them more Black than White? In some cases, such as Obama and my great-nephew, they seem to have had much stronger Black genes because they look more Black than White. In my granddaughter's case, about the only "Black" person who looks more White than her is Rachel Dolezal (if I spelled it right and anyone remembers her case - I saw she made the news again recently so I must not be the only one). If my granddaughter claimed to be Black, she would probably get laughed at more than Warren claiming to be an Indian.
Kamala Harris' case is much more interesting. Since she is a mixture of Black and Asian, she has dark skin no matter what. I think she could claim to be Indian (as in Asian Indian) from her mother or Black from her father and be making an honest statement unless multi-racial had also been given as an option. And I do think she is choosing to be what favors her most politically, because she has made some ridiculous (at least to me) statements about it. The one that sticks in my mind is how her Indian mother raised her as a single mother and raised her to be a strong Black woman. Either her mother was prejudiced against her because of her father's race, or her mother recognized where the politics would pay of, or Harris is lying (my personal belief).
Obviously, this whole matter is based in deeply seated prejudices that we need to work on ending. I do not think I am too unusual in not caring what race a person is, but caring more about their attitudes. I could be wrong on that, but I feel that any time someone claims to be Afro-American, Hispanic-American, Asian-American or any other hyphenated American then they are saying they are not a real American. You may not be able to stop other people from trying to marginalize you, but you do not have to buy into it and marginalize yourself.
My belief is that the way to end discrimination is to stop all classification and record keeping of that type. Then we force the government, at every level, to treat every person the same no matter what. I don't care if they are White, Black, Asian, Jewish, Gay, Transgender, or anything else, the government MUST treat every person equally. The only two demarcation lines that are acceptable are citizenship may be required for certain things like voting, and having reached the age of majority to be classified as an adult. But that also requires we only have ONE age for that demarcation point. No more you have to be 18 to vote but 21 to drink kind of stuff. If you are 18 (if that is the age we choose) you can do anything you want that any other citizen can do. And if you are not an adult, you are not an adult and cannot make those types of decisions, which includes voting, drinking, having sex, dropping out of school, getting married, enlisting, going to adult jail, etc.
Steve Rothstein