Commala Harris- just another communist

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Re: Kamala Harris -I’m not making this up


Post by philip964 »

srothstein wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 12:22 am
Deitz83 wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 9:33 pmBlack people never had an opportunity to pick anything. Color was determined by the slave owner. My daughter is married to a white german. My grand kids will always be black.
I do understand what you are saying about the Black people never got to choose, and that was true until about 50 years ago. I can't dispute what the slave owner said because there is no record of that, but the law in many of the Southern states used to say that any person with at least 1/8th Black blood was considered Black.

I have always wondered how that works if a person has exactly one Black and one White parent, like my granddaughter or President Obama. What makes them more Black than White? In some cases, such as Obama and my great-nephew, they seem to have had much stronger Black genes because they look more Black than White. In my granddaughter's case, about the only "Black" person who looks more White than her is Rachel Dolezal (if I spelled it right and anyone remembers her case - I saw she made the news again recently so I must not be the only one). If my granddaughter claimed to be Black, she would probably get laughed at more than Warren claiming to be an Indian.

Kamala Harris' case is much more interesting. Since she is a mixture of Black and Asian, she has dark skin no matter what. I think she could claim to be Indian (as in Asian Indian) from her mother or Black from her father and be making an honest statement unless multi-racial had also been given as an option. And I do think she is choosing to be what favors her most politically, because she has made some ridiculous (at least to me) statements about it. The one that sticks in my mind is how her Indian mother raised her as a single mother and raised her to be a strong Black woman. Either her mother was prejudiced against her because of her father's race, or her mother recognized where the politics would pay of, or Harris is lying (my personal belief).

Obviously, this whole matter is based in deeply seated prejudices that we need to work on ending. I do not think I am too unusual in not caring what race a person is, but caring more about their attitudes. I could be wrong on that, but I feel that any time someone claims to be Afro-American, Hispanic-American, Asian-American or any other hyphenated American then they are saying they are not a real American. You may not be able to stop other people from trying to marginalize you, but you do not have to buy into it and marginalize yourself.

My belief is that the way to end discrimination is to stop all classification and record keeping of that type. Then we force the government, at every level, to treat every person the same no matter what. I don't care if they are White, Black, Asian, Jewish, Gay, Transgender, or anything else, the government MUST treat every person equally. The only two demarcation lines that are acceptable are citizenship may be required for certain things like voting, and having reached the age of majority to be classified as an adult. But that also requires we only have ONE age for that demarcation point. No more you have to be 18 to vote but 21 to drink kind of stuff. If you are 18 (if that is the age we choose) you can do anything you want that any other citizen can do. And if you are not an adult, you are not an adult and cannot make those types of decisions, which includes voting, drinking, having sex, dropping out of school, getting married, enlisting, going to adult jail, etc.
Regarding Kamala’s ancestry. Her mom is Indian, no questions.

Her father is Jamaican. The majority of Jamaicans are of African descent.

His father has his genealogy page here ... 6698902840

Her mom is also Jamaican. Most women in Jamaica have the Anglo blood of the slave owners in them as apparently most of them were raped.

So potentially she is descended from slave owners like Obama.

However it appears to me she is less than one half African unlike Obama. As her grandfather appears white and her grandmother may have genes from slave holders.

There is not much on this on line. Let’s say the left doesn’t want to talk about it and spends paragraphs talking about Jamaican’s being African, despite most Jamaicans pride in being Jamaican.

From I am 1% Corsican. I think of myself now a Corsican now rather than 75% Irish. Arrggg

And yes a colorblind society. Judge people on how they behave their character, how well they shoot and their “good works”.
Last edited by philip964 on Sat Apr 24, 2021 4:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Kamala Harris


Post by Deitz83 »

philip964 wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 1:15 am
srothstein wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 12:22 am
Deitz83 wrote: Sat Feb 20, 2021 9:33 pmBlack people never had an opportunity to pick anything. Color was determined by the slave owner. My daughter is married to a white german. My grand kids will always be black.
I do understand what you are saying about the Black people never got to choose, and that was true until about 50 years ago. I can't dispute what the slave owner said because there is no record of that, but the law in many of the Southern states used to say that any person with at least 1/8th Black blood was considered Black.

I have always wondered how that works if a person has exactly one Black and one White parent, like my granddaughter or President Obama. What makes them more Black than White? In some cases, such as Obama and my great-nephew, they seem to have had much stronger Black genes because they look more Black than White. In my granddaughter's case, about the only "Black" person who looks more White than her is Rachel Dolezal (if I spelled it right and anyone remembers her case - I saw she made the news again recently so I must not be the only one). If my granddaughter claimed to be Black, she would probably get laughed at more than Warren claiming to be an Indian.

Kamala Harris' case is much more interesting. Since she is a mixture of Black and Asian, she has dark skin no matter what. I think she could claim to be Indian (as in Asian Indian) from her mother or Black from her father and be making an honest statement unless multi-racial had also been given as an option. And I do think she is choosing to be what favors her most politically, because she has made some ridiculous (at least to me) statements about it. The one that sticks in my mind is how her Indian mother raised her as a single mother and raised her to be a strong Black woman. Either her mother was prejudiced against her because of her father's race, or her mother recognized where the politics would pay of, or Harris is lying (my personal belief).

Obviously, this whole matter is based in deeply seated prejudices that we need to work on ending. I do not think I am too unusual in not caring what race a person is, but caring more about their attitudes. I could be wrong on that, but I feel that any time someone claims to be Afro-American, Hispanic-American, Asian-American or any other hyphenated American then they are saying they are not a real American. You may not be able to stop other people from trying to marginalize you, but you do not have to buy into it and marginalize yourself.

My belief is that the way to end discrimination is to stop all classification and record keeping of that type. Then we force the government, at every level, to treat every person the same no matter what. I don't care if they are White, Black, Asian, Jewish, Gay, Transgender, or anything else, the government MUST treat every person equally. The only two demarcation lines that are acceptable are citizenship may be required for certain things like voting, and having reached the age of majority to be classified as an adult. But that also requires we only have ONE age for that demarcation point. No more you have to be 18 to vote but 21 to drink kind of stuff. If you are 18 (if that is the age we choose) you can do anything you want that any other citizen can do. And if you are not an adult, you are not an adult and cannot make those types of decisions, which includes voting, drinking, having sex, dropping out of school, getting married, enlisting, going to adult jail, etc.
Regarding Kamala’s ancestry. Her mom is Indian, no questions.

Her father is Jamaican. The majority of Jamaicans are of African descent.

His father has his genealogy page here ... 6698902840

Her mom is also Jamaican. Most women in Jamaica have the Anglo blood of the slave owners in them as apparently most of them were raped.

So potentially she is descended from slave owners like Obama.

However it appears to me she is less than one half African unlike Obama. As her grandfather appears white and her grandmother may have genes from slave holders.

There is not much on this on line. Let’s say the left doesn’t want to talk about it and spends paragraphs talking about Jamaican’s being African, despite most Jamaicans pride in being Jamaican.

From I am 1% Corsican. I think of myself now a Corsican now rather than 75% Irish. Arrggg

And yes a colorblind society. Judge people on how they behave their character, how well they shoot and their “good works”.

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Re: Kamala Harris


Post by philip964 » ... sco-condo/

Her SF condo is for sale and has a contract. $799k

Check it out on link to Zillow.

I guess she plans to stay in Govt housing for a long time.
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Re: Kamala Harris


Post by TxRVer »

philip964 wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:53 am ... sco-condo/

Her SF condo is for sale and has a contract. $799k

Check it out on link to Zillow.

I guess she plans to stay in Govt housing for a long time.
Let's make her homeless.

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Re: Kamala Harris


Post by srothstein »

TxRVer wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 3:59 pm
philip964 wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:53 am ... sco-condo/

Her SF condo is for sale and has a contract. $799k

Check it out on link to Zillow.

I guess she plans to stay in Govt housing for a long time.
Let's make her homeless.
Weren't the liberals making fun of Pence for that reason just a month ago?
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Re: Kamala Harris - I’m not making this up


Post by philip964 » ... -her-book/

Illegal alien kids who are picked up are getting Kamala’s children’s book in their cage welcome gift bags.

How is this even legal?

Maybe they could advertise this in Central America.

Maybe Nike could supply new shoes. Apple could include an Xiden phone. Amazon gift card?

Here are more ideas from the Oscar gift bags this year: ... -bags.html
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Re: Kamala Harris - I’m not making this up


Post by Rafe »

philip964 wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 4:39 pm ... -her-book/

Illegal alien kids who are picked up are getting Kamala’s children’s book in their cage welcome gift bags.

How is this even legal?

Maybe they could advertise this in Central America.

Maybe Nike could supply new shoes. Apple could include an Xiden phone. Amazon gift card?

Here are more ideas from the Oscar gift bags this year: ... -bags.html
G r o a n!

Maybe our tax dollars could also pay for all illegal immigrants over the age of 16 to get free hardcover copies of Barack Obama's A Promised Land, and Joe Biden's Promise Me, Dad. Wouldn't that be great? Maybe Dr. Jill Biden could include a signed copy of her 8th-grade-quality doctoral thesis...math errors, lazy research, lame thesis statement, and all.

Oh, and a free Blu-ray copy of the new HBO "docuseries," Exterminate All the Brutes. You know, the one Time Magazine calls a "Radical Masterpiece About White Supremacy, Violence and the History of the West." Where history is rewritten and atrocities exposed like "John Wayne’s The Alamo, that mythologize shameful moments in our history." And about which The New Yorker writes: "Throughout, he [series producer Raoul Peck] refers to the anti-immigrant hostility of the current nationalist right wing and the prevalence of neo-Nazis and overt white supremacists in the United States.... [showing] clips from movies, made in Hollywood and elsewhere, whether showing John Wayne in The Alamo or Adolf Hitler in Leni Riefenstahl’s Olympia."

Wow. Who ever would have thought that neo-Nazis and overt white supremacists were prevalent in my country. I'm a not-young guy and travel around a fair bit; I don't think I've ever met a neo-Nazi. And--oh you many misguided masses--you thought that you would never see John Wayne and the Alamo linked to Adolf Hitler.

Oh. But of course if we include a Blu-ray disc in the gift bag, we'd need to include a decent Blu-ray player and a good flat-screen TV. Hm. Sound system. Do you think we should include a home entertainment sound system?
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Re: Kamala Harris - I’m not making this up


Post by philip964 »

philip964 wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 4:39 pm ... -her-book/

Illegal alien kids who are picked up are getting Kamala’s children’s book in their cage welcome gift bags.

How is this even legal?

Maybe they could advertise this in Central America.

Maybe Nike could supply new shoes. Apple could include an Xiden phone. Amazon gift card?

Here are more ideas from the Oscar gift bags this year: ... -bags.html
Apparently it was a fake story. So I was making it up. The single book was donated by a non profit group that provides toys for illegal children.
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Re: Kamala Harris - I’m not making this up


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

philip964 wrote: Wed Apr 28, 2021 12:28 pm
philip964 wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 4:39 pm ... -her-book/

Illegal alien kids who are picked up are getting Kamala’s children’s book in their cage welcome gift bags.

How is this even legal?

Maybe they could advertise this in Central America.

Maybe Nike could supply new shoes. Apple could include an Xiden phone. Amazon gift card?

Here are more ideas from the Oscar gift bags this year: ... -bags.html
Apparently it was a fake story. So I was making it up. The single book was donated by a non profit group that provides toys for illegal children.
Someone still had to purchase the books. Putting money right in the pockets of ole Kamala.

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Re: Kamala Harris


Post by philip964 » ... -the-joker

Warner Bros casts Kamala as the Joker for upcoming Batman movie.

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Re: Kamala Harris


Post by philip964 »

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Re: Kamala Harris


Post by Rafe »

Brilliant. Leadership in the White House has got to be the best and strongest in our nation's storied history!

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Re: Kamala Harris


Post by Maxwell »

Remember, it's officially referred to as the Biden-Harris Administration for more than one reason.
1: He can't do it.
2: She was set up to be next in line.
3: We're screwed for the next couple of years (maybe a lot longer...).
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Re: Kamala Harris


Post by powerboatr »

Maxwell wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 4:36 pm Remember, it's officially referred to as the Biden-Harris Administration for more than one reason.
1: He can't do it.
2: She was set up to be next in line.
3: We're screwed for the next couple of years (maybe a lot longer...).
harris is Biden's dan quayle
no body wanted dan to be president, and no one wants harris to be president. she has zero qualifications, never actually authored legislation the whole time she paraded in the senate

she was chosen as a token female with some color in her background so they could sell her as a NON white women.

and now the anti hate against asians and pacific islanders commercial has harris in them...when did she become asain or P I?
she is jamacian and indian decent ...right
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Re: Kamala Harris


Post by KC5AV »

powerboatr wrote: Tue May 25, 2021 1:28 pm
Maxwell wrote: Mon May 24, 2021 4:36 pm Remember, it's officially referred to as the Biden-Harris Administration for more than one reason.
1: He can't do it.
2: She was set up to be next in line.
3: We're screwed for the next couple of years (maybe a lot longer...).
harris is Biden's dan quayle
no body wanted dan to be president, and no one wants harris to be president. she has zero qualifications, never actually authored legislation the whole time she paraded in the senate

she was chosen as a token female with some color in her background so they could sell her as a NON white women.

and now the anti hate against asians and pacific islanders commercial has harris in them...when did she become asain or P I?
she is jamacian and indian decent ...right
The bolded section, I think, is where you are mistaken. There are many people who want her to be president, and they will do whatever it takes to make sure she succeeds Joe.
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