Joe Xiden AKA Brandon- Not guilty by reason of mental disability

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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by Rafe »

Paladin wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 10:22 am Brandon being blatantly corrupt, incompetent, and a tyrant is not going to end well
Brandon is definitely the first two of those three things. Add cognitively challenged. But I think the biggest problem the nation faces is that he is not the tyrant. He's only a puppet...and not a very good one, at that.

The "socialist progressive" tyrant exists, but it's most probably a small consortium of individuals that lives behind but controls the "crown." It's full-on Game of Thrones stuff. If I had to pick one individual I believe is part of--if not the chief puppeteer of--that consortium, it would be Susan Rice.

But if we begin two years ago--and I'm starting at the Summer of Love BLM/antifa riots with multiple-felon George Floyd as the excuse--and write down every action taken by or influenced by the democrat party, it quite literally reads like a disassembling of our Constitutional Republic and 240 years of American values. It also reads like a litany of transparent lies and at-whim policy shifts. Offhand, the only thing I can think of that I was in agreement with was Nancy Pelosi standing up and being unwilling to change her plans to visit Taiwan just because Xi Jinping huffed. If not for Trump appointing level-headed SCOTUS justices, we'd be in an even deeper hole already.

Biden may not even know he's lying...or no longer has the functional gray-matter to care. He most probably can't remember what he said last Sunday much less what he proclaimed in his way-too-many years as a career politician. But his ruling consortium is pulling out all the stops in front of the midterms in hopes that some of the effluvia sticks to the wall, and that the majority of November voters have an IQ closer to room temperature than the middle of the bell curve.

If the dems don't lose the House and Senate in the midterms so that there can be at least some legislative checks and balances applied to this out-of-control administration, at this rate we won't be able to recognize our country come the 2024 elections.
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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

crazy2medic wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 10:34 am I always laugh at the F-15 Statement, a bunch of Afghan Tribesmen pushed the Soviet Union out of their country using AK-47s and Guerilla Warfare!
They obviously have not watched Red Dawn parts one or two.

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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by philip964 » ... cerpt.html

Brandon is the man, more accomplishments than Obama.

He knows how to get things done!

The Babylon Bee quote about Emporor Palpitine asking rebels to turn in blasters because you need a Death Star is hilarious in previous post a few posts back.

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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by srothstein »

I guess no one has pointed out to Biden that the F-15 does him no good at all if I shoot the pilot on his way to work. A pistol is all it takes.
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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

srothstein wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 8:30 pm I guess no one has pointed out to Biden that the F-15 does him no good at all if I shoot the pilot on his way to work. A pistol is all it takes.
:iagree: :tiphat:

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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by Chemist45 »

Brandon says that a bullet fired from an AR-15 travels five times faster than a bullet from any other gun: ... 0-n1625653

Let's take a look at that, shall we?
The .22-250 is right around 4000fps. I'm sure there are faster rounds, but this is a good one to work with.
5 X 4000 = 20,000 feet per second. Changing that to miles per hour gives 13,636 mph.
The speed of sound at sea level is 761mph. That means your AR-15 is spitting out bullets traveling at almost Mach 18!
Well heck, no wonder it will "Blow the lungs out"! ... dy-1711551
(No wait. Sorry - that was a 9mm.)

OK, back to the calculation. Assume a FMJ bullet traveling at Mach 18 - how hot would that get?
I confess that I don't know.
I do know that the Apollo space capsules re-entered the Earth's atmosphere at around Mach 20 and they exceeded 1100 degrees C.
Copper melts at 1084 C.
So, you best not be shooting any lead tipped ammo out of your AR-15 or it will melt. The copper will be almost to the melting point and probably deforming under that speed and temperature.
That must account for the expansion when it hits the target!

Seriously - why does anyone listen to anything that comes out of this man's mouth?

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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by philip964 »

So this is a post from a pro left Facebook group.

They are apparently quite proud of Brandon’s nationwide warning to America last night about the group in the U S called MAGA.

One tenet of Fascism is to demonize a group in your country.

Hitler chose the Jews. Mussolini chose the Marxists in Italy.

Another tenent would be to weaponize the state’s police against that group. Somewhere in there I believe is seizing guns.

Just so your aware.

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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by philip964 »

The man in High Castle. Dark Brandon.

CNN seemed to be critical of the use of the military in a speech critizing a political group in the US.

Maybe this is the new CNN I’ve been hearing about.
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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by Rafe »

This was a historic speech.

But not in the way any Biden administration official or crony would describe it. I can't wait to see the incompetent press secretary Jean-Pierre try to spin this one when questioned.

Neve before in this nation's history has any president used prime-time TV to make such a blatantly, politically-targeted assault on half of America. And who in their right mind would pick that visual setting for it? One description by Dave Portnoy was that the background "looks like the Soviet Union and Hitler had a baby." Others likened it more to something even more satanic.

Do Biden's handlers actually want to start a civil war? I can't fathom that they possibly could, but most everything that comes out of this White House almost looks like that's the goal. But I'm more shocked after last night than ever before.

Ben Shapiro Tweeted a photo of Biden in front of the creepy red and, yes, fascist-looking background and said, "That was the most demagogic, outrageous, and divisive speech I have ever seen from an American president. Joe Biden essentially declared all those who oppose him and his agenda enemies of the Republic. Truly shameful."

A fascinating correlation that I'd have to research to see if it's correct, but I heard someone on Fox remark that when Biden stays away from the White House (and he's spent about 40% of his time away so far during his administration), his poll numbers go up. When he's back and opening his mouth, his poll numbers go down. He spent most of the month of August away, and his approval rating inched up to least as of the end of August and before he made that horrendous speech in Philly. He was at 38% as of August 1.

But even so, does this administration realize that the Mussolini-like assault against those who disagree with Biden's handlers is attacking over half the U.S. voting population? At the beginning of August, 55% expressly disapproved of the job Biden is doing.

From a piece by Harold Maas this morning for The Week:
If anyone has gone authoritarian, it's Biden, says David Harsanyi at The Federalist. He's the one with a tendency to rule by fiat when he can't get the people's elected representatives to bend to will, like last week when he "unilaterally 'forgave' student loans by executive decree." His use of the word "fascism" was the latest example of the left confusing, or conflating, "the blood-and-soil European variety with American nationalism — the kind that a few Nazis in Charlottesville embraced, but which is not even close to the predominant position of Republican voters." He seems to be forgetting that "it is the left that champions government intervention in the economy, with never-ending regulations, subsidies, and mandates that effectively allow for controlling the means of production." Leftists are the ones who want to nationalize things like health care and the energy sector. "If progressives have any limiting principles when it comes to intervention in our economic lives, I'd love to hear about them."

It's pretty clear what Biden is trying to do with his "deeply cynical" and historically inaccurate name-calling, says Tim Black at Spiked. "He is trying to position the Democrats as all that stands between America and fascism. A tactic that turns voting in the midterms from an important but mundane political act into a hyper-moralized choice between Good and Evil, between liberal democracy and fascist tyranny." He's pulling a fire alarm to distract Americans from the "actual issues at stake." When pressed, Biden couldn't even explain what "semi-fascism" means. That's because what he and other Democrats are trying to do by dismissing anyone who challenges them as fascist is remove "the need for Biden and Co. to defend their actual policies, not to mention the incumbent president's wretched record in office."

During the speech, Town Hall reporter Mia Cathell Tweeted: "Nothing screams unity like a backdrop of blood red lighting and Marines positioned behind Biden as he shouts with raised clenched fists from the podium."

On Truth Social, Donald Trump responded:
"If you look at the words and meaning of the awkward and angry Biden speech tonight, he threatened America, including with the possible use of military force. He must be insane, or suffering from late stage dementia! Someone should explain to Joe Biden, slowly but passionately, that MAGA means, as powerfully as mere words can get, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! If he doesn’t want to Make America Great Again, which through words, action, and thought, he doesn’t, then he certainly should not be representing the United States of America!"
From where I sit, I do agree with Joe Biden on a pivotal, fundamental issue.

We are experiencing what is shaping up to be an existential threat to our democracy. To the very history, nature, and spirit of our great Republic.

But Biden is gaslighting, naming the wrong villain. The threat is from his very administration, the puppet-master handlers behind the scenes, the leftist faction of the democrat party, and their obsequious mouthpieces, the mainstream media.
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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by philip964 »

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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by Rafe »

The ever-colorful (like his comment, referring to Washington: "You can't clear the water until you get the pigs out of the creek") Senator Kennedy on Biden's speech last night:

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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by philip964 » ... 39767.html

Brandon’s speech which called half of America a threat to democracy, has brought the loonies out of the woodwork.

Unfortunately Brandon is getting threats.

This does not help America.

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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by Chemist45 »

Philip964 wrote:
Unfortunately Brandon is getting threats.

This does not help America.
This is the desired result. They want another Jan 6th.
That is, they want a bunch of well meaning, protestors (Armed is preferred, but unarmed will do) to be tricked into doing something that is in some way illegal so that they can arrest them and have a Kangaroo court trial just in time for the mid-terms.
Oh, and cry on TV about how scared they were by the guy carrying a flag pole and wearing a buffalo head dress.

But seriously - they want to cause an incident so that they can exploit it and paint us all as criminals.

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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by srothstein »

Chemist45 wrote: Fri Sep 02, 2022 9:47 pmThis is the desired result. They want another Jan 6th.
That is, they want a bunch of well meaning, protestors (Armed is preferred, but unarmed will do) to be tricked into doing something that is in some way illegal so that they can arrest them and have a Kangaroo court trial just in time for the mid-terms.
Oh, and cry on TV about how scared they were by the guy carrying a flag pole and wearing a buffalo head dress.

But seriously - they want to cause an incident so that they can exploit it and paint us all as criminals.
I can't help but think of the old saying: Beware of what you wish for, you might get it. I do not think there will be another riot put on by right wing extremists as there was on January 6th. If it was an insurrection, it must have been the most poorly planned insurrection in history since almost no one was armed. The next time there is an insurrection in the US, that mistake will not be made again. Looking at our history (which some do not understand and are bound to repeat), I see the Jan. 6th riot as a modern day version of the Boston Massacre. Only one was killed this time, instead of 5, but it was the warning that the government will kill protestors. It took six years for that to build up into the revolution, but the time frame is being escalated now. Many forget that the first battle of the revolution was fought when the government went to seize the citizen's weapons stored in common armories in Lexington and Concord. We are seeing the push now to try to seize our guns.

I would hate to be in any police or military group that started trying to seize our weapons of war. They will get them lead first this time, much as they did in 1776. This was repeated here in Texas when they tried to seize the cannon in Gonzales. It appears destined to happen again now.
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Re: Joe Xiden AKA Brandon


Post by Grayling813 » ... en-speech/
This imagery is so overwhelmingly antichrist that even a wife-beating whiskey drunk can immediately see it. But perhaps that’s a lousy analogy; the devil knows his own. How about a normie nine to fiver, a decent guy who doesn’t think much about politics, just trying to raise his family in suburbia? We have zero doubt he can see it too. You don’t have to be Christian for it to catch your eye and prick your conscience.

It’s a spiritual war waged in the heavens and played out among nations and men. The imagery may very well be a call to boldness by evil without the specific knowledge of those that choreographed the event. Anybody can see the image. Still, the event planners didn’t intend for the mouthpiece of the “free world” to appear as Satan. Let that sink in, dear friends. The devil’s greatest deceit is convincing you that he doesn’t exist. All was carefully planned, and their eyes were blinded.

The subtlety of the setting is extraordinary; “The Antichrist” standing at the place of the founding of Christian America. The scene is straight out of Mark 13:14. If you don’t read your Holy Bible, you can’t even understand what is being done to America and Western Civilization. It’s being shoved in your face, dear Christians!

There are those that saw the imagery exactly as you do, but they liked it and were spurred on in hatred by it. Those types will have to be dealt with.
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