Seems illegal to secretly attack our constitutional rights using taxpayer money:
Suspicions Confirmed. Taxpayer Dollars Funded Gun Control
The maze of money shuffling is being mapped out by That site offers tools to track how tax dollars moved to gun control groups. That includes the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, which took in $12,809,748 in contributions, which started with the Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening reporting $186,143739 in taxpayer funds that was moved through many as five layers of “charities” to fund their efforts. Bloomberg’s March for Our Lives, showed $1,407,153 in donations that started with $165,142,739 in taxpayer funds. Sandy Hook Promise, a Connecticut-based gun control group, reported $1,417 049 us taxpayer funds in their coffers, according to Everytown’s mapping shows $31,802,725 in contributions with $4,963,214 in grants. shows Giffords with $8,292,189 in contributions, that started with the same Consortium for Election and Political Process Strengthening tax dollars, moving through, again, at least five layers of charities.
Adding all these up starts to total massive sums of money.
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