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Asbestos suit required for entry


Post by Moonpie »

Everyone has their favorites.
Thought it might be fun to discuss guns that you REFUSE to own.
We can all assume stuff like Lorcin, Jennings, Bryco,TEC9, etc can be left out.
What are the brands of guns you just will not have?
Be civil. No yelling or damaged egos allowed.

Me: Taurus and Rossi. Both have given me lots of trouble.
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Post by HighVelocity »

I'll go first, but I'll take my nomex drag racing suit over asbestos. :lol:

I've owned a few pistols over the last 20+ years and I can confidently say that Kel-tec is highly unlikely to get any of my money in the future.
Two guns = two duds. Thanks but no thanks. However, their customer service was top notch so I'll give them credit for that.

Flame away.. :razz:
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Post by Liberty »

Colt 1911
Tried once didn't like at all. Guess I like new techy type things, Old traditional things are best for values and beliefs. Maybe someday though I will get a revolver, but no desire for those old Colt autos.
Not enough plastic What good good is a gun without some plastic.
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Post by Abraham »

I've shot a number of the 1911 model and always had stovepipes in each one.

I've NEVER had a single one with my Glock with hundreds of rounds shot.

Or any Glock for that matter.

So, no one's 1911 for me.

Kimber, Wilson or any of them.

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Post by txinvestigator »

I won't own a Glock. One of the most ucomfortable guns made, and you have to press the trigger to take it apart to clean? No thanks.

Other than that, it is just the cheapies; Bersa, Kel-Tec, High Point, High Standard, Rossi, Jennings, Charter, etc.
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Post by jbirds1210 »

HighVelocity wrote:I'll go first, but I'll take my nomex drag racing suit over asbestos. :lol:

I've owned a few pistols over the last 20+ years and I can confidently say that Kel-tec is highly unlikely to get any of my money in the future.
Two guns = two duds. Thanks but no thanks. However, their customer service was top notch so I'll give them credit for that.

Flame away.. :razz:
I would not take one for free(seriously...I would not give it to a friend after shooting one) put the flames off on my back and I will return the favor! :grin:

Funny how we all have different opinions....if it is not a Glock, chances are I am not going to buy it. Most comfortable gun out there for me.
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Post by lrb111 »

I stay away from the high dollar guns that have "great customer service" as their sole redeeming quality. Kimber comes to mind as an example.
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Post by HankB »

I have a Colt NM . . . but after a bad experience with a Colt Mk IV Series 70 Jammamatic and Colt's warranty NON-service, I will never purchase another Colt of any type.

I will not own a polymer Kahr, after the multitude of problems I had with a P9.

The majority of SIG and S&W autos don't fit my hand, so I have no interest in them. (Especially the S&W's with mag disconnects.)

Despite the near-religious fervor of Walther fans, the guns don't impress me since I've seen more than a few with problems, and Walther tends to discontinue spares and service as soon as a new model is introduced.

Wilson Combat 1911s are overpriced and tend to have a lot of sharp edges; I've been in high-round-count classes where by the second day EVERY shooter with a Wilson Combat pistol had bandaged hands! :shock:
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Post by nitrogen »

I'll never own another keltec.

I had a P3AT, and didn't like it. Too many others I know had horrible problems with kel-tec guns; and I will never own one again.

There are also perfectly good guns out there i'll never own.
For instance, I don't like Sigs.
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Post by seamusTX »

I won't own anything with a warning label. Everyone over the age of four knows it's an [emphatic adjective] deadly weapon.

I also won't buy anything from China unless it was a battlefield pickup (purely hypothetical at this point).

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Post by nuparadigm »

A 1911. They're fun to shoot, but as a CHL piece, they're like a boat anchor.... even with a good belt.
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Post by lws380 »

seamusTX wrote:I won't own anything with a warning label. Everyone over the age of four knows it's an [emphatic adjective] deadly weapon.

I also won't buy anything from China unless it was a battlefield pickup (purely hypothetical at this point).

- Jim
I've got a chinese carbine that my dad brought back from Vietnam, does that count? It looks realy bad (condition) wise.
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Post by Liberty »

seamusTX wrote:I won't own anything with a warning label. Everyone over the age of four knows it's an [emphatic adjective] deadly weapon.

I also won't buy anything from China unless it was a battlefield pickup (purely hypothetical at this point).

- Jim
I just looked both my guns have warnings that one should read the manual. I never really paid attention before.
MY Ruger says"
I suppose this is useful in that it is telling a non original owner that there is a free manual available for the asking. while I don't find it offencive it is silly. All the same its prettty inobtrusive and carved into the purty black plastic in small letters I had a hard time reading it even with my glasses.
My Beretta has carved into frame just under the slide
This is stamped into the genuine black anodized aluminum. at any rate it could be somewhat useful information to a second owner. Are these the types of labels you don't want? Does any gun come today without some kind of read the manual label?
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Post by Skiprr »

seamusTX wrote:I won't own anything with a warning label.
But, but... I am particularly proud of the high-capacity pistols I own whose cases bear a great big sticker that reads: "NOT LEGAL IN CALIFORNIA." Warms the cockles of my little heart, and reminds me every time I see them that I have the good fortune of living in Texas. :grin:

Add me to the Kel-Tec list. I own one, and am currently studying schematics to see how easily I can turn it into a $300 cigar lighter.
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Post by seamusTX »

lws380 wrote:I've got a chinese carbine that my dad brought back from Vietnam, does that count? It looks realy bad (condition) wise.
That's a battlefield pickup. If I had the spare change I would buy one because of what it represents: The fight for freedom.

Also, the Chinese government did not profit from those weapons. They provided them to North Korea and Vietnam.
Liberty wrote:Are these the types of labels you don't want?
Yes, and I'm sorry if you're offended, especially because you are good guy and let me shoot your Ruger, which is a fine pistol otherwise.

The warning labels bother me on principle. To me, they imply "You're too stupid to know that this is a weapon."
Does any gun come today without some kind of read the manual label?
I looked at about 1,000 handguns at the NRA convention in 2005, and only a few brands had warning labels engraved or stamped into them.

I think our Remington shotguns had peel-off labels, but it's been a while since I bought them.
Skiprr wrote: I am particularly proud of the high-capacity pistols I own whose cases bear a great big sticker that reads: "NOT LEGAL IN CALIFORNIA."
Is that on the pistol itself or the magazine?

I can understand why you're proud, but the fact that such a thing can happen in the United States is sad.

- Jim
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