What to do when Obama wins?
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Re: What to do when Obama wins?
I refuse to give up until it is over.
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Re: What to do when Obama wins?
I hope you're right but fivethirtyeight.com is not a poll site and they have me worried.galvestonredneck wrote:These polls allways seem to favor the guy the PRESS wants to win!
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Re: What to do when Obama wins?
It is strange to find myself rooting for a RINO who I have never liked. If "we" loose, it will be because the nominee was McCain, not because of Obama. I read a intersting article by Ann Colter reguarding people lieing to pollsters that gives me some hope, that said it will be a sweeker if McCain does pull it off and if he were to win, it would be solely due to his pick for VP.
My Two Cents
Galveston Redneck
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Re: What to do when Obama wins?
I agree with you 100% there.galvestonredneck wrote:It is strange to find myself rooting for a RINO who I have never liked. If "we" loose, it will be because the nominee was McCain
But I blame Bush and his handlers for the house and senate seats the GOP loses next week.
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Re: What to do when Obama wins?
I think i mentioned earlier in this thread that history should be unkind to our media's coverage of this election, or something to that effect.
Well... Here is an article that should be read by all Americans before they just blindly vote for Barack Obama. Obama's election will be a turning point in our history, a path to a predictable future. Not a path that we should willingly take and not a path that is being honestly portrayed by the candidate or the media. Obama is not a black man running for president, he is a socialist running for president.
Other than Fox, i have not seen a single news agency, TV News, that has examained BAM's past with any vigor. They all seem to just accept that this is not who BAM is:
http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/10/28 ... lege-days/
Well... Here is an article that should be read by all Americans before they just blindly vote for Barack Obama. Obama's election will be a turning point in our history, a path to a predictable future. Not a path that we should willingly take and not a path that is being honestly portrayed by the candidate or the media. Obama is not a black man running for president, he is a socialist running for president.
Other than Fox, i have not seen a single news agency, TV News, that has examained BAM's past with any vigor. They all seem to just accept that this is not who BAM is:
http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/10/28 ... lege-days/
Obama Affinity to Marxists Dates Back to College Days
Barack Obama shrugs off charges of socialism, but noted in his own memoir that he carefully chose Marxist professors as friends in college.
By Bill Sammon
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Barack Obama laughs off charges of socialism. Joe Biden scoffs at references to Marxism. Both men shrug off accusations of liberalism.
But Obama himself acknowledges that he was drawn to socialists and even Marxists as a college student. He continued to associate with Marxists later in life, even choosing to launch his political career in the living room of a self-described Marxist, William Ayers, in 1995, when Obama was 34.
Obama's affinity for Marxists began when he attended Occidental College in Los Angeles.
"To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully," the Democratic presidential candidate wrote in his memoir, "Dreams From My Father." "The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists."
Obama's interest in leftist politics continued after he transferred to Columbia University in New York. He lived on Manhattan's Upper East Side, venturing to the East Village for what he called "the socialist conferences I sometimes attended at Cooper Union."
After graduating from Columbia in 1983, Obama spent a year working for a consulting firm and then went to work for what he described as "a Ralph Nader offshoot" in Harlem.
"In search of some inspiration, I went to hear Kwame Toure, formerly Stokely Carmichael of …Black Panther fame, speak at Columbia," Obama wrote in "Dreams," which he published in 1995. "At the entrance to the auditorium, two women, one black, one Asian, were selling Marxist literature."
Obama supporters point out that plenty of Americans flirt with radical ideologies in college, only to join the political mainstream later in life. But Obama, who made a point of noting how "carefully" he chose his friends in college, also chose to launch his political career in the Chicago living room of Ayers, a domestic terrorist who in 2002 proclaimed: "I am a Marxist."
Also present at that meeting was Ayers' wife, fellow terrorist Bernardine Dohrn, who once gave a speech extolling socialism, communism and "Marxism-Leninism."
Obama has been widely criticized for choosing the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, an anti-American firebrand, as his pastor. Wright is a purveyor of black liberation theology, which analysts say is based in part on Marxist ideas.
Few political observers go so far as to accuse Obama, the Democratic presidential nominee, of being a Marxist. But Republican John McCain has been accusing Obama of espousing socialism ever since the Democrat told an Ohio plumber named Joe earlier this month that he wanted to "spread the wealth around."
Obama's running mate, Biden, recently contradicted his boss, saying: "He is not spreading the wealth around." The remark came as Biden was answering a question from a TV anchor who asked: "How is Senator Obama not being a Marxist if he intends to spread the wealth around?"
"Are you joking? Is this a joke? Or is that a real question?" an incredulous Biden shot back. "It's a ridiculous comparison."
But the debate intensified Monday with the surfacing of a 2001 radio interview in which Obama lamented the Supreme Court's inability to enact "redistribution of wealth" -- a key tenet of socialism. On Tuesday, McCain said Obama aspires to become "Redistributionist-in-Chief."
Obama has managed to cultivate the image of a political moderate in spite of his consistently liberal voting record. In 2006, he published a second memoir, "The Audacity of Hope," that leaves little doubt about his adherence to the left.
"The arguments of liberals are more often grounded in reason and fact," Obama wrote in "Audacity." "Much of what I absorbed from the sixties was filtered through my mother, who to the end of her life would proudly proclaim herself an unreconstructed liberal."
National Journal magazine ranked Obama as the most liberal member of the Senate. The publication is far from conservative, employing such journalists as Linda Douglass, who resigned in May to become Obama's traveling press secretary.
Bill Sammon is the Washington deputy managing editor for FOX News
Re: What to do when Obama wins?
OK, it's over. The good guys lost. We have to accept that and prepare for what will happen next.
If the AWB of 1994 is re-enacted, I think we will live. If ammo is taxed, we will still live. Does anyone believe there will be door-to-door confiscations of weapons?
Has anyone read the proposed HR 1022 : http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c110:H.R.1022" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;:
It looks like AWB plus; adding more firearms by name. I can't parse the grandfather clause statement. I hope it means that you can keep what you already have.
If the AWB of 1994 is re-enacted, I think we will live. If ammo is taxed, we will still live. Does anyone believe there will be door-to-door confiscations of weapons?
Has anyone read the proposed HR 1022 : http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c110:H.R.1022" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;:
It looks like AWB plus; adding more firearms by name. I can't parse the grandfather clause statement. I hope it means that you can keep what you already have.
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Re: What to do when Obama wins?
First of all I want to start off by saying I voted Republican and always have. But that does not make me blind to both sides as I see it. Yes Obama has his views whether I agree or not, but I keep seeing people here blaming everyone but the Republican Americans who did not vote for McCain.... I mean its their right to vote for who they wish but folks do not think that we all voted Republican many have crossed party lines... that is why he won with so many votes.... Look at the polls... people are tired of what as become of Bush... I am too... I have become very concerned with him... I dont have a problem with Obama or McCain because at the end of the day they both could care less about you and me... if you have been in politics long you should know this.... All these acusations that keep getting posted here are just that and nothing more... dont get caught up in the bull... give the guy a chance then make your call as to good or bad... DW
Thanks David
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Re: What to do when Obama wins?
[quote="jdm"]......If the AWB of 1994 is re-enacted, I think we will live. If ammo is taxed, we will still live. Does anyone believe there will be door-to-door confiscations of weapons?
Is it possible things could go that far? Im still waiting to hear if you guys think CHL's will be banned.
Is it possible things could go that far? Im still waiting to hear if you guys think CHL's will be banned.
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Re: What to do when Obama wins?
Barry has stated that he favors banning CHL nationwide.maximus2161 wrote:jdm wrote:......If the AWB of 1994 is re-enacted, I think we will live. If ammo is taxed, we will still live. Does anyone believe there will be door-to-door confiscations of weapons?
Is it possible things could go that far? Im still waiting to hear if you guys think CHL's will be banned.
But of course, we need to give the guy a chance and then make the call as to whether it is good or bad.
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Re: What to do when Obama wins?
Respectfully disagree... it we wait, it will be too late. Concerted efforts via. letter writing and lobbying have to start quickly. Have we made it to the denial stage already? We've suffered a huge loss. I know i've stated elsewhere on this forum that we can change things in two years, but cannot wait until then to let our collective voices be heard.anygunanywhere wrote: Barry has stated that he favors banning CHL nationwide.
But of course, we need to give the guy a chance and then make the call as to whether it is good or bad.
We can't let Obama say he is for our second amendment rights and say gun ownership is a state issue and then say he wants to ban CHL. That is double speak and we'll be drinking "Victory Gin".
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Re: What to do when Obama wins?
Obviously either my attempt at sarcasm was not strong enough or your sarcasm meter is broken. Do you actually expect me, anygunanywhere to wait on the anointed one, the great merciful obamassiah to do his dirty deed to the 2A????John wrote:Respectfully disagree... it we wait, it will be too late. Concerted efforts via. letter writing and lobbying have to start quickly. Have we made it to the denial stage already? We've suffered a huge loss. I know i've stated elsewhere on this forum that we can change things in two years, but cannot wait until then to let our collective voices be heard.anygunanywhere wrote: Barry has stated that he favors banning CHL nationwide.
But of course, we need to give the guy a chance and then make the call as to whether it is good or bad.
We can't let Obama say he is for our second amendment rights and say gun ownership is a state issue and then say he wants to ban CHL. That is double speak and we'll be drinking "Victory Gin".
"When democracy turns to tyranny, the armed citizen still gets to vote." Mike Vanderboegh
"The Smallest Minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities." – Ayn Rand
"The Smallest Minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities." – Ayn Rand
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Re: What to do when Obama wins?
sorry anygunanywhere my sarcasm meter is broken today...
Thank you for setting me straight.
