Another great reason to carry during the holidays...

CHL discussions that do not fit into more specific topics

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Re: Another great reason to carry during the holidays...


Post by Excaliber »

flintknapper wrote:
Excaliber wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:I am bothered by the comment made questioning what kind of person goes toy shopping with a gun. The next move I expect is for Toys R Us to post no gun signs on their stores, as if this will magically make guys like this not come into the store. :headscratch
You'd be pretty safe betting that these were not CHL holders, and the nature of the incident supports why you should carry a gun while toy shopping - because thugs do.

You can take the gangbanger out of the 'hood, but you can't take the' hood out of the gangbanger.


As news of this unfolds...I wager we will find this incident was simply a couple of gang bangers killing one another (so whats new).
When I worked in the New York metro area, folks up there in their inimitable way with words called one gangbanger taking another gangbanger out "misdemeanor homicide" because, while it was clearly against the law, the impact on society was seen as positive - there was at least one less bad guy out making more innocent victims. If the survivor was found and prosecuted, or if both gangbangers took each other out, it became a "twofer" as in "two for one."

Kinda hardhearted? Yes - but folks get that way when they see these things happen over and over, and they've found themselves on the wrong end of gang violence themselves.

Homicides over virtually nothing attract little attention when they occur in the 'hood, but folks and reporters get in a tizzy when these events intrude on areas where suburbanites, who are trying to pretend that theirs is a safe world, congregate. They find it upsetting to have fantasies demolished in ways that are hard to deny, like listening to bullets whizzing by in a toy store and looking at dead people lying in pools of blood on the floor at the checkout.

When people ask why I carry in places like toy stores, I tell them it's for the same reason I wear a seat belt. I just never could get the hang of figuring out ahead of time which days and places were going to bring accidents or criminal confrontations, so being prepared all the time is the only way I can be prepared when I need to be.

If I could just develop a little more skill with my crystal ball so I'd know which days those were, I wouldn't carry any less - I'd just stay home on those days.

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Re: Another great reason to carry during the holidays...


Post by Venus Pax »

03Lightningrocks wrote:I am bothered by the comment made questioning what kind of person goes toy shopping with a gun.

I was in Toys R Us yesterday with Mom. We behaved ourselves.
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The NRA & TSRA are a bargain; they're much cheaper than the cold, dead hands experience.
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Re: Another great reason to carry during the holidays...


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

KD5NRH wrote:
"We are working closely with local law enforcement officials to determine the specific details of what occurred," the statement said. "Our understanding is that this act seems to have been the result of a personal dispute between the individuals involved. Therefore, it would be inaccurate to associate the events of today with Black Friday."
Translation: "Befoul not the name of this Holiest of Sale Days with suggestions that such things are more likely to happen when you pack half the town into one store."
Funny isn't it. Many years ago, there was a doll introduced at Christmas, called cabbage patch. Every parent had to have one for their little girl...LOL...even my crazy ex wife. People would wait at the stores for hours before they opened hoping to grab one of these ugly little dolls for their kids. These woman would get all cranked up and when the store opened the door, they would all turn crazy and make a mad dash for the four or five dolls on the shelf. My ex got into a fist fight with some big buffarilla black woman who was about to beat her good. Cops interupted and sent them both home with no doll as punishment. LOL...times were different 25 years ago. So my ex walks in with a shiner and she is boohooing and crying about not getting this stupid doll. She couldn't give a crap about the fact that she could have been in jail or that she just about got wooped. It is amazing the tension created by these stores when they play games with peoples emotions.

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Re: Another great reason to carry during the holidays...


Post by smyrna »

03Lightningrocks wrote:Funny isn't it. Many years ago, there was a doll introduced at Christmas, called cabbage patch. Every parent had to have one for their little girl...LOL...even my crazy ex wife. People would wait at the stores for hours before they opened hoping to grab one of these ugly little dolls for their kids. These woman would get all cranked up and when the store opened the door, they would all turn crazy and make a mad dash for the four or five dolls on the shelf. My ex got into a fist fight with some big buffarilla black woman who was about to beat her good. Cops interupted and sent them both home with no doll as punishment. LOL...times were different 25 years ago. So my ex walks in with a shiner and she is boohooing and crying about not getting this stupid doll. She couldn't give a crap about the fact that she could have been in jail or that she just about got wooped. It is amazing the tension created by these stores when they play games with peoples emotions.
Interesting story...You mention the stores playing with people's emotions. What does it say about people who allow themselves to be "played"? No doubt this is what happened in the trampling death at the NY Wal Mart on Black Friday. What kind of people would trample a dude to death in order to save 5 bucks on the latest gadget that they can't seem to live without? I'm sure the emotional "herd mentality" kicked in and all they could think of was getting a bargain.

I saw a lawyer on CNN earlier today commenting on the Wal Mart incident and he said something to the effect of how Wal Mart was responsible, the local police were responsible, etc. for this guys death. Never did he mention the savages whose feet trampled this guy. What a jerk! I think his comment was code for, "I am a lawyer and I see deep pockets of $$$." I find his comment much like the "...what kind of people carry guns while shopping for toys..." that others have mentioned regarding the Toys R Us incident. Comments like these are lame attempts to remove the responsibility of dispicable acts from those who perpetrate them. The sad thing is, there are a lot of people who buy into these comments because they appeal to emotions and make people "feel better" in the moment.

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Re: Another great reason to carry during the holidays...


Post by KD5NRH »

smyrna wrote:Interesting story...You mention the stores playing with people's emotions. What does it say about people who allow themselves to be "played"?
When it's WalMart or some big toy or clothing store, it tells me they're weak-minded. If it was Cabela's gun department, it'd tell me they're TXCHLForum members :biggrinjester:
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Re: Another great reason to carry during the holidays...


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

KD5NRH wrote:
smyrna wrote:Interesting story...You mention the stores playing with people's emotions. What does it say about people who allow themselves to be "played"?
When it's WalMart or some big toy or clothing store, it tells me they're weak-minded. If it was Cabela's gun department, it'd tell me they're TXCHLForum members :biggrinjester:

So true. "rlol"
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Re: Another great reason to carry during the holidays...


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

smyrna wrote: Interesting story...You mention the stores playing with people's emotions. What does it say about people who allow themselves to be "played"?
I couldn't agree with you more. Americans are easily played these days. heck, the media played over half the country into voting for an inexperienced socialist president. Nothing the sheeple buy into surprises me anymore.

But I have to tell the truth, I would rather them blame it on the stores than to hear them blaming guns for these two idiots. My bet is that the media out there will end up blaming the guns.
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Re: Another great reason to carry during the holidays...


Post by Liberty »

My wife and I got up early Friday and arrived at Sam's Club at around quarter of 5 They were handing out coffe and claim checks for a few of the items. Folks semed pretty happy, there were about 100 - 150 of us. Promptly at 5 we all went in orderly like. I wandered around for a few minutes found the little bitty laptop I wanted. We paid for it and commented how it was one of the shortest times in line at Sam's we ever had. They were serving coffee and breakfast sandwiches at the end of the line. We watched the folks at the checkout. We commented at how happy folks were seemed to be that they scored their big bargains. We chatted with the people at the next table they were thrilled at getting their brand new 52" TV. We left and got home befrore 5:45. My wife commented how she enjoyed the big adventure sneaking out like we were just chldren again :) I was armed with my P95.

Yeah, I know a boring story No shootings no injuries, no cops and No news at 7.

I guess that's my point this story could be repeated millions of times by millions of folks. Sometimes boring things are the most treasured events.
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Re: Another great reason to carry during the holidays...


Post by Excaliber »

03Lightningrocks wrote:
smyrna wrote: Interesting story...You mention the stores playing with people's emotions. What does it say about people who allow themselves to be "played"?
I couldn't agree with you more. Americans are easily played these days. heck, the media played over half the country into voting for an inexperienced socialist president. Nothing the sheeple buy into surprises me anymore.

But I have to tell the truth, I would rather them blame it on the stores than to hear them blaming guns for these two idiots. My bet is that the media out there will end up blaming the guns.
When folks bring this incident up, it might be worthwhile to point out that it is quite reasonable to carry when toy shopping because, in fact, thug on thug incidents like this occur even in toy stores, as this situation irrefutably proves.

If the aware realist carries in church because of the threat of violence, why wouldn't he (or she) carry in a toy store?

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Re: Another great reason to carry during the holidays...


Post by Plato »

KD5NRH wrote:Translation: "Befoul not the name of this Holiest of Sale Days with suggestions that such things are more likely to happen when you pack half the town into one store."
So true. Its actually hard to imagine this stuff NOT happening under the circumstances these stores setup = We're having a special sale price, only for a very limited time, with very limited supplies, and to get this product you must be one of the first customers in line... Now have a safe fun shopping experience :totap:

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Re: Another great reason to carry during the holidays...


Post by pedalman »

Plato wrote:I get that "why do you need to carry there" response from my family and friends. Logic and reason are not in favor especially when reason calls one to be prepared to deal with evil. It is much more comforting to pretend you will never face it, and thats the real basis for their ignorance. :banghead:

I know fellow church members who generally favor CHLs but can't understand why you should carry everywhere. My best response is that there is no place or time in this fallen world where one should choose to be unprepared. Walking out the door to go grab a bite to eat and leaving your pistol at home IS choosing to go unprepared. :waiting:
My older daughter and I had a short discussion about this on our way to go shooting. She respects my right to carry when and where I can. But she admits that if she had a CHL, she would feel strange being always armed. My response came in this fashion:

Me: Let's say for argument's sake that Texas repealed the seat belt law tomorrow. Would you stop wearing your seat belt?

Her: No.

Me: Why not?

Her: Because it would not be safe.

Me: Would you say that you would keep wearing it because you would have no advance warning of an impending accident?

Her: Yes.

Me: Do you think you would receive advance notice of a robbery or assault?

Her: No. ( a short pause) I guess I see your point.

On a different note, she shot better with my G22 than with my G19. I may have to take her gun shopping one these days. Sniff, sniff My little baby is growing up so fast.

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Re: Another great reason to carry during the holidays...


Post by subsonic »

nils wrote:Riverside County sheriff's Sgt. Dennis Gutierrez said the fight was not over a toy. He said handguns were found by the men's bodies, but he released little other information. He would not answer a question about whether the shooting was gang-related.
If it wasn't gang related he would have answered that question.
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Re: Another great reason to carry during the holidays...


Post by dihappy »

03Lightningrocks wrote: I have actually had members of my own family say things to me like, "we are only going to the restaurant, why are you carrying?"
Next time they say that, give them one number: 23

Tell them thats the number of people George Hennard killed in a Luby's "restaurant" in Killeen, Tx in 1991.

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Re: Another great reason to carry during the holidays...


Post by Shiner Bock »

At least they killed each other.
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Re: Another great reason to carry during the holidays...


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

Shiner Bock wrote:At least they killed each other.
Definitely the silver lining in the cloud. Two less thugs to prey on civilization. Hopefully they didn't reproduce before killing each other. I would be good with knowing their screwed up gene pool was stopped.
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