Now, 2 years later: I recently decided (despite having been laid off a few weeks ago) to treat myself to a trip to the range. What the heck happened to ammo prices!! So I decided a .22 pistol made sense and after some consideration purchased a SIG Mosquito. Cheap ammo but still feels like a "real" pistol. I can get a lot of practise for a few $$ and use it to train my 12 yo son in gun safety. No problems with it yet despite their mixed reputation for reliability.
But, now I'm thinking getting a CHL might be a good idea. I don't feel threatened unarmed but think it would be good to be able to carry if need arose. Better to have the CHL and not use it than to need it and not have the ability. I'd like to be able to carry something in the car without any question of my right to do so. I know some recent laws have changed things in this regard but they seem ambiguous to me and as a green card holder I can't risk any legal issues or y'all will kick me back!
I know I can't use the Mosquito for the CHL test (someone even told me you can't carry a .22 as a CHL, but I believe that to be inaccurate?). So another pistol is in order (oh dear

So here's my issue. I want to buy something small and concealable to carry. A SIG 232 or Bersa 380 maybe? But are these pistol going to be accurate enough for the CHL test? Should I get a full size pistol to qualify on the test? Maybe another XD? Always wanted a 1911.... Cost is an issue, and I don't feel the need to own an arsenal, so I'd prefer to make one purchase. I'd like to be familiar and accurate with any carry pistol so I'd prefer to use the same pistol for the CHL test and afterwards. I have seen a good deal on a Bersa 380 and I'm very tempted (although 380 auto ammo availability seems questionable)
So the question is: Would you advise taking the CHL test with a smaller "carry" pistol or with a full size pistol?
Apologies for the long post, I appreciate any advice offered.