I have always had a loaded gun in the house (29... er, OK 49 years.

). My Dad was an NRA Hunting Safety Instructor so we had firearms around even when I was born. We lived within a couple of blocks of the main train yard, so Dad always kept a loaded shotgun or handgun available in case a vagrant rode in on one of the freight trains and decided to come into our neighborhood looking for trouble. I really don't ever remember
not thinking you needed a gun to protect your home from potential invaders, especially after dark.
As I got older, I was given or bought my own firearms. I started shooting BB guns at about age 5, then was on a City Police Junior Rifle team shooting .22's and hunted with my Dad and Uncles from the age of 8. From there I went on to shoot on an NRA Junior team. When I joined the Police Department as a reserve officer, I already owned my own pistols. I was asked to join and became part of their PPC (Police Pistol Competition) team and also shot bowling pin matches. As an officer, even in a small town of about 25,000, I saw more of the dark and evil side of the world and knew that you should be able to protect yourself.
Even since being married for almost 27 years, there has always been at least one loaded firearm available at the house. I used to travel frequently for extended periods, so my wife would be there at night alone. She can shoot (almost out-shoot me!) and is not afraid to properly use the handgun in a self defense mode. Until recently I didn't see a lot of need to carry concealed, but as things in our society continually deteriorated, I decided about 2 years ago to get my CHL. Have not regretted the choice one bit.

Now, if I can just get her to feel she may need a handgun to protect herself someday outside of the home.....