Not a Good LEO Encounter

Most CHL/LEO contacts are positive, how about yours? Bloopers are fun, but no names please, if it will cause a LEO problems!

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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by tfrazier »

Captain Matt wrote: I bet the plan from the beginning was to steal his guns. I also bet this was not the first time they used threats and extortion to steal things.
If that is truly the case, it will be much easier to expose than if it's an overzealous agency and prosecutor.

In the department I worked in, evidence and property was so tightly controlled this could not happen without a large conspiracy between the arresting officer, his supervisor, and the property officer, at a minimum. Property and evidence were kept with a strict document trail, and after case disposition they had to be either returned to original owner, destroyed, or auctioned off by court order. Nothing was allowed to be taken by officers and law enforcement personnel were strictly banned from any resulting auctions. All weapons were always destroyed if not returned to original owners.

That was back in 1987-1995. I doubt there are many departments with less restrictive rules than that today.

I saw some mighty nice guns get ground into dime size pieces over the years.
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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by Trinitite »

Tireshred wrote:Now they are offering to drop all charges but keep the guns.
Now I understand the real reason he was arrested.
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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by ClarkLZeuss »

tfrazier wrote:I saw some mighty nice guns get ground into dime size pieces over the years.
Out of curiosity, how do they do this?
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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by tfrazier »

A "shredding machine". It uses hydraulics (basically a large bottle-jack type ram) and high strength (I'm guessing carbide or something?) blocks that press together in a scissor effect to cut the gun up. Feed it in a half inch at a time and in a few minutes you have a pile of little chunks that no one would even recognise as having been a gun.

I don't know if local departments still destroy them this way or not. The ATF does thousands at a time by dropping them into a huge shredding machine with front end loaders.
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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by boomerang »

gemini wrote:I just want to know in what town this happened. Your buddy shouldn't
have any quams about letting you know that info. I can't imagine he's
just "ok" with letting things drop. Find out what town and post it here.
Any chance it was in Tenaha or Shelby County? ... 83&t=24685" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by dac1842 »

Easy folks. On the surface this stinks I agree. But many many moons in law enforcement taught me there are three sides to every story, his side, the officers side and somewhere in the middel is the truth.
I agree with Charles, why spend 10-15k to prove you are right, when you can spend a whole lot less on buying two new guns. Just my 25 cents worth (adjusted for inflation)

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What a load of ...


Post by WeyaH »

It stinks.

I know "fighting it" may be a bit overburdensome (cost of guns vs cost of lawyer), but SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, in authority over the PD in question is willing to do the right thing.

He should start at the bottom, and work his way up the chain of command, letting everyone along the way know where he is willing to go with it. What they are doing is bunk. Letter writing takes little effort, and little time...heck, I'll help him compose the letter.

Sorry, but your friend already PURCHASED the guns, and they are HIS property. If there is no lawful reason for keeping them, then he should get them back.

He shouldn't HAVE to buy replacement guns.

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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by seamusTX »

The boss of the police chief is the city manager or mayor (depending upon the structure of this burgh's government. Ultimately the authority rests with the city council. Like all elected officials, they have no "boss" but the voters that elected them.

Ditto for the district attorney.

The safeguard against this kind of abuse in our system is the court, but going there costs money if you want to win.

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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

My comment was only directed at an attorney's duty to advise his client of the potential cost of litigation, to the extent it can be estimated. It's up to the individual to make a decision as to whether to proceed.

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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by Tireshred »

I just asked again where this was, he doesn't want it to get out till all charges are dropped (that's the route he's going), but as soon as it's done I'll post. I've never heard of this town either. Thanks for all the comments, but I think I'd do the same thing, get it behind me and spread the word after the fact and never go near there again.
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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by >whiplash< »

I would let them steal the guns in exchange for dropping the charges. Like the mugger who is holding a knife to your throat. Or the kidnapper holding your child for ransom.

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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by KRM45 »

Tireshred wrote:I just asked again where this was, he doesn't want it to get out till all charges are dropped (that's the route he's going), but as soon as it's done I'll post. I've never heard of this town either. Thanks for all the comments, but I think I'd do the same thing, get it behind me and spread the word after the fact and never go near there again.

I guess that's one way to handle it.
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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by Tireshred »

I will post as soon as its over. This guy is one upstanding pillar of our community, I know it's killing him.
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Re: What a load of ...


Post by pedalman »

WeyaH wrote:It stinks.

I know "fighting it" may be a bit overburdensome (cost of guns vs cost of lawyer), but SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, in authority over the PD in question is willing to do the right thing.

He should start at the bottom, and work his way up the chain of command, letting everyone along the way know where he is willing to go with it. What they are doing is bunk. Letter writing takes little effort, and little time...heck, I'll help him compose the letter.

Sorry, but your friend already PURCHASED the guns, and they are HIS property. If there is no lawful reason for keeping them, then he should get them back.

He shouldn't HAVE to buy replacement guns.

Is it possible that this has happened to others in that town? If so, a story about this from the media may bring others out. This could establish a pattern of corruption.

I see the point where it would cost more than the lost guns are worth. But then again, what is that old saw about evil flourishing where good men do nothing?

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Re: Not a Good LEO Encounter


Post by srothstein »

To go with the last post about the number of people, you might point out the recent news about Tenaha and their police. The man who started the case (both the lawsuit and with the news media) just got his money and jewelry back from the city.
Steve Rothstein
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