They CALLED you? How big of a pest have you been?Finally, DPS called today and my Harris county BG check came in yesterday

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They CALLED you? How big of a pest have you been?Finally, DPS called today and my Harris county BG check came in yesterday
I just checked my application ("Processing") and did note the lock up by the address bar. That does make me feel a little better.usa1 wrote:everytime ....i dont recall seeing the little lock symbol either .quoheleth wrote:
As an aside, does anyone else get nervous constantly plugging in a SSN into a website?
i only see the lock on the display page after punching in the info and then clicking the log in button .quoheleth wrote:I just checked my application ("Processing") and did note the lock up by the address bar. That does make me feel a little better.usa1 wrote:everytime ....i dont recall seeing the little lock symbol either .quoheleth wrote:
As an aside, does anyone else get nervous constantly plugging in a SSN into a website?
I haven't been too much of a pain. In the last month I called DPS twice(got ahold of the tech running my app) to find out if thry got the Harris County BG check back. Monday they still had not, so I called my state senators office. The lady seemed like she wanted to help and called DPS on my behalf. Tuesday she called me back and said DPS would be calling me. The lady from DPS called Wednesday and said my BG check came in yesterday(tuesday) and she was sending it to the printer that afternoon, and said I should expect it within two weeks. I think it will be more than two, maybe three or four, but I can see light at the end of the tunnel.quoheleth wrote:Quickdraw:They CALLED you? How big of a pest have you been?Finally, DPS called today and my Harris county BG check came in yesterdayHow do I get on the list to rate a call?
quickdraw wrote:I haven't been too much of a pain. In the last month I called DPS twice(got ahold of the tech running my app) to find out if thry got the Harris County BG check back. Monday they still had not, so I called my state senators office. The lady seemed like she wanted to help and called DPS on my behalf. Tuesday she called me back and said DPS would be calling me. The lady from DPS called Wednesday and said my BG check came in yesterday(tuesday) and she was sending it to the printer that afternoon, and said I should expect it within two weeks. I think it will be more than two, maybe three or four, but I can see light at the end of the tunnel.quoheleth wrote:Quickdraw:They CALLED you? How big of a pest have you been?Finally, DPS called today and my Harris county BG check came in yesterdayHow do I get on the list to rate a call?
QOf course sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is a train.
by bbuchanan » Thu Jul 09, 2009 4:20 pm
seems like there are alot of people that turned their paperwork in later than I did and they already have their plastic back. I have a government issued ID that required a extensive background check, you would think since that was done less than a year ago that it would make the process speed up some. I know its not the same agency that worked on my federal ID since this is a state thing. but it should be sufficient for texas to use alot of that info to move the process along wouldnt you think. I have a flawless background, no arrest, charges filed, etc.... COME ON ALREADY PEOPLE!!!! sorry for the rant.......
dwdog wrote:by bbuchanan » Thu Jul 09, 2009 4:20 pm
seems like there are alot of people that turned their paperwork in later than I did and they already have their plastic back. I have a government issued ID that required a extensive background check, you would think since that was done less than a year ago that it would make the process speed up some. I know its not the same agency that worked on my federal ID since this is a state thing. but it should be sufficient for texas to use alot of that info to move the process along wouldnt you think. I have a flawless background, no arrest, charges filed, etc.... COME ON ALREADY PEOPLE!!!! sorry for the rant.......
I told them I was military and an LEO, they said they would put me on a rush list. They tell alot of people about the rush list, but no one really believes it, because it still takes weeks or months after. I even sent a copy of my ID and LES, to guarantee I don't have to pay the fee (Military Free). They should have caught all that then.
Ah! A Fellow District 7 resident. I too have contacted Senator Patrick's office. Spoke to a nice staffer there. He seems to be well aware if the problem in Austin, and is keeping an active list of his constituents with issues.p111hou2 wrote: Add me to February still waiting after 136 days. Still shows processing application. Contacted Dan Patrick my State Senator by email on June 26 and asked for help getting Harris County applications processed sooner. Been two weeks and haven't heard from him except that email was received.
I thought you called them mormons lolSpanky wrote:well those morons finally sent my plastic.
I live in Montgomery County but worked in Harris County last year, hence the five+ month waitbbuchanan wrote:quickdraw wrote:I haven't been too much of a pain. In the last month I called DPS twice(got ahold of the tech running my app) to find out if thry got the Harris County BG check back. Monday they still had not, so I called my state senators office. The lady seemed like she wanted to help and called DPS on my behalf. Tuesday she called me back and said DPS would be calling me. The lady from DPS called Wednesday and said my BG check came in yesterday(tuesday) and she was sending it to the printer that afternoon, and said I should expect it within two weeks. I think it will be more than two, maybe three or four, but I can see light at the end of the tunnel.quoheleth wrote:Quickdraw:They CALLED you? How big of a pest have you been?Finally, DPS called today and my Harris county BG check came in yesterdayHow do I get on the list to rate a call?
QOf course sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is a train.
where are you from quickdraw?