Nooooooooo! Don't you dare! You've got a valuable collector's item there buddy! Besides, you already have 2 fantastic carry guns already! Please don't devalue the worth of that gun by shooting it.neiltus wrote:Ahh, got mine today too....a mere 125 days from mail to door.
Just in time for dinner too...
so which gun to carry, P232 or G33? More than likely the G33 most of the time.
Grandfather gave me a colt cobra circa 1968 the other day, brand new with box, would be a great carry gun, but the cylinder has not even been cycled. Very tempted to carry it though.
Good luck to everyone that is still patiently or not so patiently waiting.
Note: I said that with a bit of friendly sarcasm, but not much! That old Colt IS valuable, And it's yours to do what you want with it. If you DO shoot it, know that you are shooting a piece of history. I don't think they make those anymore, especially not in that serial number range!