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Post by stevie_d_64 »

Zee wrote:
android wrote:
Zee wrote:Jesus is one of my favorite Liberals.

Truly I say to you, Inasmuch as you have done it to one of the least of these my brothers, you have done it to me.
If the government does it, it deprives you of your individual responsibility to help out the unfortunate.
I think there's enough unfortunate to go around.
Thanks to those in the majority now...

But you should rejoice, you are a part of the "establishment" now...unfortunately...

And the "least" of these that Christ was talking about, was not the same as the people (today) who look forward to someone elected to spread the wealth of those who actually "do", to those that "do not"...

I will gladly give you a bigger shovel to dig that hole deeper that you're standing in... :thumbs2:
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Post by Zee »

The Book of Matthew has now been brought up to speed.
80% Liberal, 90% Democrat, 100% Responsible gun owner.

Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative. John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

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Post by mr.72 »

Actually, Jesus was apolitical. He had no interest in government or any real significant criticism of government. In fact, his own contemporaries were disappointed to find he was not going to be a political messiah, short-sighted as they were.

Jesus did not say that THE GOVERNMENT must feed the poor, care for widows, etc. He said YOU must. And he never advocated you being FORCED to do so with the threat of imprisonment. On the contrary he stood by and gently witnessed sinners of all stripes without advocating their imprisonment and even infamously intervened in what was (by the political class of the day) an execution of justice against an adulterer. So I suggest that if you failed to pay your taxes so that some other person could be fed or paid by the government for something they did not earn, Jesus today would be just as likely to come to your aid, pointing out that those who seek to imprison you are hypocrites, as he was to prevent the stoning of an adulterer with the "cast the first stone" bit.

The big difference between the liberals and conservatives is liberals think the government solves all problems best, and conservatives think individuals should solve their own problems and leave government out of it. As soon as you want to force me to care for someone else, you are a liberal.

Now, Democrats want government to restrict your freedom because they think your freedom is unfair. Republicans want government to restrict your freedom because they think your freedom is immoral. Libertarians do not want government to restrict your freedom until you are transgressing the rights of another.
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Post by bdickens »

:iagree: :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: :iagree:
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Post by Oldgringo »

mr.72 wrote:

Now, Democrats want government to restrict your freedom because they think your freedom is unfair. Republicans want government to restrict your freedom because they think your freedom is immoral. Libertarians do not want government to restrict your freedom until you are transgressing the rights of another.
:iagree: , well said. :patriot:

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Post by Zee »

As soon as you want to force me to care for someone else, you are a liberal.

80% Liberal, 90% Democrat, 100% Responsible gun owner.

Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative. John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

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Re: Thanks a LOT. No, really. THANKS.


Post by mgood »

mr.72 wrote:Now, Democrats want government to restrict your freedom because they think your freedom is unfair. Republicans want government to restrict your freedom because they think your freedom is immoral. Libertarians do not want government to restrict your freedom until you are transgressing the rights of another.
I've generally tried to stay out of this sort of thing on this forum, but I can't help but saying :iagree:
This illustrates why I am not a fan of either the Democratic Party or the Republican Party.
I generally see the Democratic Party as the greater threat. And the best way I know to fight Democrats is to support Republican candidates. That certainly doesn't mean I agree with everything the Republicans push.
If I thought the Libertarians had a snowball's chance, I'd back them more than I do.
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Re: Thanks a LOT. No, really. THANKS.


Post by Oldgringo »

mgood wrote:
mr.72 wrote:Now, Democrats want government to restrict your freedom because they think your freedom is unfair. Republicans want government to restrict your freedom because they think your freedom is immoral. Libertarians do not want government to restrict your freedom until you are transgressing the rights of another.
I've generally tried to stay out of this sort of thing on this forum, but I can't help but saying :iagree:
This illustrates why I am not a fan of either the Democratic Party or the Republican Party.
I generally see the Democratic Party as the greater threat. And the best way I know to fight Democrats is to support Republican candidates. That certainly doesn't mean I agree with everything the Republicans push.
If I thought the Libertarians had a snowball's chance, I'd back them more than I do.
:iagree: In fact, I voted for Ron Paul in the Primary while Mrs. Oldgringo voted for Mike Huckabee.

OTOH, I have to wonder what Jesus has to do with this discussion? I'm also pretty much in agreement with the notion of separation of church and state.
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Re: Thanks a LOT. No, really. THANKS.


Post by marksiwel »

What Republicans SAY they stand for
Small Government, Pulling yourself up by your boot straps, Small Business, Gun Rights, Pro-life
What Republicans REALLY Stand for
Small government in programs that arent "profitable" (Healthcare, food stamps, ect) but big Government in programs that are profitable for them (Homeland security, the Military Industrial Complex, Oil). Pulling yourself up by your boot straps= As long as you dont cost us money or expect Good Treatment from your job (whens the last time a Republicans pushed for mandatory vacation days or more maternity leave?), Take the SMALL out of business and you can see them supporting BIG business even if it costs people jobs or is harmful to the local economy/environment, or they make it almost impossible for a smaller business to compete for government contracts that its almost impossible for anyone but the big business that backs them to get that contract. George Bush was THIS close to reapplying the "assault weapon" ban, they just know not to mess with the NRA because it will cost them votes, you rarely see Republicans push for more gun rights. Prolife is only important to republicans because it guarantees a large Religious Right vote.

What Democrats SAY stand for
A Larger Goverment thats there to HELP you! Not being too proud to admit you need help. Small Business, Reasonable gun laws, Pro-Choice
What Democrats REALLY Stand for
A Large government that controls a large protion of your life or is involved, but for your own good of course, be it National HealthCare, Taxes, pollution control, political correctness, education, sex ed, ect. Small business that THEY Like but otherwise could exist without goverment help or without attracting a large number of Democrats (think whole foods). They want to ban guns, plain and simple, they honestly believe that they serve no purpose in modern society and cause more harm than good. Pro-choice because it gets them alot of women voters.
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Re: Thanks a LOT. No, really. THANKS.


Post by mr.72 »

Zee wrote:As soon as you want to force me to care for someone else, you are a liberal.

I should have said, as soon as you want THE GOVERNMENT to force me to care for someone else, you are a liberal.

Jesus never forced anyone to do anything. He didn't even resist his own unlawful arrest and execution.
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Re: Thanks a LOT. No, really. THANKS.


Post by mr.72 »

marksiwel wrote:What Republicans SAY they stand for
Small Government, Pulling yourself up by your boot straps, Small Business, Gun Rights, Pro-life
What Republicans REALLY Stand for
Small government in programs that arent "profitable" (Healthcare, food stamps, ect) but big Government in programs that are profitable for them (Homeland security, the Military Industrial Complex, Oil).
I didn't realize "Oil" was a Republican-sponsored government program :roll:

As for the other two, you might note that the Constitution actually authorizes the government to provide a military. I am pretty sure this is a "government program" that is supported by all Americans who actually have read the Constitution.
Pulling yourself up by your boot straps= As long as you dont cost us money
yeah, that's what "pulling YOURSELF up" means... otherwise it's "someone else pulling you up". If it costs me money, then it's me pulling you up. And by the way, that's depriving me of my own ability to pull myself up.
or expect Good Treatment from your job (whens the last time a Republicans pushed for mandatory vacation days or more maternity leave?),
Right, that's because your job is between you and your employer. Maybe if you found yourself in the position of being the employer you would realize that mandatory vacation days or maternity leave deprives you of freedom as an employer.

Or look at it another way: if I am a business owner and I am forced to provide you with paid vacation days and maternity leave, then I simply will not hire you. Period. So what would you rather have? No job, or a job without these forced perks?

In other words, what you are describing is plain old capitalism. Yeah, I really hope Republicans actually don't support forcing employers to pay employees for time when they don't actually work.
Take the SMALL out of business and you can see them supporting BIG business even if it costs people jobs or is harmful to the local economy/environment,
I suppose you think there is something wrong with big business? I don't understand this statement. More profit for my business, whatever it is, means more jobs. More things I sell means more things I have to make which means more people who have to be employed making them. More taxes and pay for things I don't get (like, paying you for hours while you are not at work, for example) means less profit which means less money with which to pay employees.

Do they not teach economics in school anymore? Or even arithmetic?
or they make it almost impossible for a smaller business to compete for government contracts that its almost impossible for anyone but the big business that backs them to get that contract.
Howabout no government contracts?
What Democrats SAY stand for A Larger Goverment thats there to HELP you! Not being too proud to admit you need help. Small Business, Reasonable gun laws, Pro-Choice.
Small business? give me a break. If by "small business" you mean illegal immigrants being paid in cash, then maybe.
What Democrats REALLY Stand for
A Large government that controls a large protion of your life or is involved, but for your own good of course, be it National HealthCare, Taxes, pollution control, political correctness, education, sex ed, ect. Small business that THEY Like but otherwise could exist without goverment help or without attracting a large number of Democrats (think whole foods). They want to ban guns, plain and simple, they honestly believe that they serve no purpose in modern society and cause more harm than good. Pro-choice because it gets them alot of women voters.
Whole Foods is not a small business...

And there is nothing Democrats do to support ANY small business. NOTHING. Trust me, I am a small business owner. The one and only single most important thing the government could do to support small business is reduce taxes, and subsequently reduce their controls on what I do. Get out of my way and let me do my thing.

Let's see how the local, small banks who were not "too big to fail" feel about the Dems supporting "small business" by bailing out their failing competitors. Give me a break. My wife works for a bank and the amount of money they spend (in labor hours) on meaningless, government-required paperwork is truly immense. The smartest thing the government can do for business is get rid of all of this ridiculous regulation and then stop handing out money to businesses they think are "too big to fail".

Of course you can't buy votes unless you are willing to hand out money. Since most true small businessmen are Republicans or Libertarians, it is going to be quite unlikely for the Dems to give them any money.
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Post by The Annoyed Man »

Well said, Mr. 72.

I would add the following in response to this:
What Democrats SAY stand for A Larger Goverment thats there to HELP you! Not being too proud to admit you need help. Small Business, Reasonable gun laws, Pro-Choice.
Here we go again...

Here is the ONLY "reasonable" gun law:
The Framers of the Constitution wrote:A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Anything else is unreasonable.
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Re: Thanks a LOT. No, really. THANKS.


Post by chabouk »

mgood wrote:This illustrates why I am not a fan of either the Democratic Party or the Republican Party.
I generally see the Democratic Party as the greater threat. And the best way I know to fight Democrats is to support Republican candidates. That certainly doesn't mean I agree with everything the Republicans push.
If I thought the Libertarians had a snowball's chance, I'd back them more than I do.
By voting against someone you fear, instead of for someone you want, you're playing defense. No war has ever been won by fighting defensively.

I even saw that within the GOP primary. There was a lot more worry about who was "electable", and who could beat the Democrat, than about who had the best vision and the strongest devotion to the GOP platform.

I have quit voting against anyone. I will only vote for someone now.

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Re: Thanks a LOT. No, really. THANKS.


Post by bdickens »

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11. Off-topic posts/threads: Since they tend to cause the most problems for other boards, our "off-topic" sub-forum is not an "anything goes" area. Absolutely no discussions of religion, immigration/border security, abortion, race matters, or any other hot-button political issues. (Gun-related political issues can be discussed in other areas.)
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Re: Thanks a LOT. No, really. THANKS.


Post by OPossumTX »

Any excuse will do when your mind is already made up. :rules:
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