Nightshift....wait...what time is it

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Nightshift....wait...what time is it


Post by gigag04 »

This is a minor boo-boo. But I thought it was hilarous in the moment.....happened at approx 0500am this morning.

I knocked down a car early this morning for turning w/ no turn signal. I walk up the window and say "good evening sir" and so on. He looks at me, cocks his head to the side and says "umm...good morning officer...." and then gets his license and what not.

My shifts are from 6pm-6am so it's easy to get confused. Half way through the shift your date changes on everything...arrest reports, tickets, paperwork.

Off to bed. Enjoy a quick chuckle at my expense. Maybe later I'll share about trying to fly out of IAH with a pocket full of live ammo over Christmas 2009. That didn't go over well. :banghead:
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Re: Nightshift....wait...what time is it


Post by Abraham »

I'd like you to know I'm one of the last in the (U.S. anyway) who consistently uses his turn signal.

I actually assumed it was no longer on the books as a driving requirement as I see almost NO ONE using turn signals...

I wish there was a push for passing out tickets for failure to use a turn signal. It would make driving a whole lot safer.

Rant off.
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Re: Nightshift....wait...what time is it


Post by timdsmith72 »

Hmmm....I thought people were just buying cars without turn signals because they got a discount or something.
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Re: Nightshift....wait...what time is it


Post by shortysboy09 »

The people you see not using their signals are out of "Blinker Fluid". That section of your manual also contain things like muffler bearings as well. :tiphat: "rlol"

I would really like to hear your story about a pocket full of live ammo. That sounds like it may be a pretty good story.
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Re: Nightshift....wait...what time is it


Post by RiverRat »

Very funny. I know the only turn signals on in Austin are on the cars that they were accidentally left on at the dealership before they got sold or left on at the inspection station when tested sometime during the previous year.
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Re: Nightshift....wait...what time is it


Post by Keith B »

Turn signals in Texas are optional 'use' equipment. :banghead:
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Re: Nightshift....wait...what time is it


Post by Mack »

I see people using turn signals. It's after they have slammed on the brakes right in front of me and right before they execute the right hand turn. As far as I can see the turn signal was an after thought. I always thought it was turn signal first and then slow down. But that's doesn't seem to be the way it works around me. :mad5
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Re: Nightshift....wait...what time is it


Post by jcarouth »

I know where you're coming from, gigag. I used to pull all-nighters for school/work all the time. If my watch/phone did not have the date on them I would be completely lost as to what day (i.e., Monday, Tuesday, etc.) or date it was. I can't tell you the number of times I showed up for my Friday morning 8:00 a.m. classes on Saturday. I do not wish to relive those days.

Regarding the turn signals, thanks for doing your part to educate the citizens. I recently read some commentary from a guy/gal in my city that was upset with the PD for giving him or her two warnings in as many weeks for not using a turn signal. You'd think he or she would figure it out, but I guess it's an elusive concept to some. :headscratch
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Re: Nightshift....wait...what time is it


Post by OldSchool »

gigag04, I can empathize, been there, done that (only not as a LEO)!

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One of my many hot buttons.
Why aren't signals used by most drivers? Because the use of a turn signal well before executing a turn or lane change is for the benefit of any drivers nearby, as a courtesy to those other drivers. And we all know how often most drivers think about other drivers around them nowadays.
'Nuff said? :mad5 :banghead:

I made a habit long ago of using signals, especially as I've been amazed at how many cars suddenly appear out of nowhere on "empty" roads.

Sorry, I'll behave now....
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Re: Nightshift....wait...what time is it


Post by hheremtp »

The reason most people don't use turn signals is because they are essentially "gap fill indicators". I can't tell you how many times I have seen someone put their tun signal on to indicate a lane change and the person behind them speed up to block them from getting over. Why would you use your turn signal before changing lanes if you know your are just going to get cut off?
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Re: Nightshift....wait...what time is it


Post by timdsmith72 »

And, of course, anybody that's driven around the Dallas area for very long knows that turning your turn signal on to change lanes causes all of the drivers in the lane you want to change to, to suddenly speed up and try to block you from getting in the lane in front of them. :banghead:

Edited to say: hheremtp beat me to it. :tiphat:

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Re: Nightshift....wait...what time is it


Post by hheremtp »

timdsmith72 wrote:And, of course, anybody that's driven around the Dallas area for very long knows that turning your turn signal on to change lanes causes all of the drivers in the lane you want to change to, to suddenly speed up and try to block you from getting in the lane in front of them. :banghead:

Edited to say: hheremtp beat me to it. :tiphat:
Try coming down to Houston where even the nice little old ladies would rather run you off the road than let you over.
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Re: Nightshift....wait...what time is it


Post by OldSchool »

hheremtp wrote:The reason most people don't use turn signals is because they are essentially "gap fill indicators". I can't tell you how many times I have seen someone put their tun signal on to indicate a lane change and the person behind them speed up to block them from getting over. Why would you use your turn signal before changing lanes if you know your are just going to get cut off?
Primarily because I feel the responsibility to share the road; they don't. I can't bash them for not using one if I do not use it. At the very least, I hope I make driving a tiny bit safer for both of us. And, as I said before, I need to warn someone who I may not have seen (just happened to me yesterday).
I use the signal, and let the person beside me respond as they see fit, and I will move accordingly. It is their lane, after all (i.e., right-of-way).

Also, of course, the signal is a request and warning of intent, not a demand. That seems to be lost on a lot of folks.
And, there are so many drivers who do not leave nearly enough room in front of the adjacent car (or truck! :mad5 ), that it is simply not safe.

There is another issue, of course: Most drivers turn on their signal too late for me to do anything about it. People don't seem to realize that it takes time 1) for the blinker to come on (it can take a second or more, depending on the circuitry), and 2) for the nearby driver to notice it and respond.
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Re: Nightshift....wait...what time is it


Post by timdsmith72 »

heh. I'm not saying I don't USE a turn signal. I do. I'm just pointing out the response I usually get when I turn it on. :tiphat:
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Re: Nightshift....wait...what time is it


Post by OldSchool »

timdsmith72 wrote:heh. I'm not saying I don't USE a turn signal. I do. I'm just pointing out the response I usually get when I turn it on. :tiphat:
Agreed. Same here, unfortunately. Nice to know we're in the same boat! :tiphat:
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