This is not uncommon w/ folks young or new to carry.
Make a habbit of what I teach & call "Pat Check".
I started this long before CC & it has adapted very well. As a young preacher & new to that I realized I would often leave the house for hospitals, home visits, singings,... & OH No

I started a "Pat Check" then & extended it to billfold & keys the 1st time I locked my keys in the truck as a young man.
When I get dressed & arm of a morning I pat it all. ID (around my neck Dogtag type), church tapes in vest pocket, pen, (elbow to side to pat shoulder rig if that is today) AD flyers, cell phone, (as I pat phone right elbow goes to gun if on my belt), keys, bill fold, as I go to billfold I brush belt on left side & touch flashlight & extra mag.
Every time I get out of the truck I do the short version. Upper vest pockets - tapes & pen, ( church tapes are what I forget more than anything now), clamp left elbow to side if shoulder carry, go to lower vest pockets, phone in right pocket & elbow gun butt at the same time if belt carry, keys & lock the vehicle.
I can do these & talk if necessary, I cant think

For those that think this is too obvious & someone will know you are "feeling of your gun" Not so. There are several of the old hands here that I see occassionally & I will bet none of them has ever noticed. The sheep sure wont.
Try it. You will never leave home w/o gun billfold, ID, cell phone,.....lock keys in the truck either.
Any way it works for an old man. YMMV.