If licensed to carry, will the Feds come get my gun?

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Re: If licensed to carry, will the Feds come get my gun?


Post by glbedd53 »

OK, just let the party in power stay in power til 2016 and watch what happens.
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Re: If licensed to carry, will the Feds come get my gun?


Post by pops1982 »

Jeremae wrote:The only defense against the government pulling something as raw as gun confiscation is instilling fear in the politicians that the people will resist.

The MORE people that the government knows own guns openly, the less likely it is that the politicians will risk inciting rebellion. By getting your CHL you are stating openly that you are an advocate of the second admendment and are will to invest your own time and money to insure your ability to exercise the right.

Of course having a few firearms with no paper trail to you stashed somewhere with sealed ammo is a good backup plan just in case.
I also agree 100% with Jeremae. We must stand up and be counted for the very reasons he/she listed. CHL and CC - Use it or loose it.
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Re: If licensed to carry, will the Feds come get my gun?


Post by WildBill »

No, but they may ask you for money.

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Re: If licensed to carry, will the Feds come get my gun?


Post by VoiceofReason »

Let me try to put this into perspective. I was surprised and glad when concealed carry was passed in Texas and other states. I am not saying I carried before that but just let me say that when traveling, even through other states, I was able to protect my family. I wish this law had been passed forty years ago. A lot of progress has been made.

If the government tried to confiscate guns they would probably get very few. Does anyone know how the disarmament was carried out in New Orleans? Did law enforcement just ask if you had guns or did they search each house? What happened if a person just said no, they didn’t have any guns?

In order to confiscate firearms the second amendment would have to be suspended and to make it affective, If people just said "no I do not have any firearms", a warrant would have to be issued for each house or the fourth amendment would have to be suspended also.

To paraphrase a previous post, if they started suspending the constitution on a large scale, they would not have to look very far to find guns.

As for armed foreign troops on U.S. soil, if that happened, those troops would not only have to fight civilians but they would have to fight large portions of the U.S. military and law enforcement.

On top of all this there would be the problem of many states seceding from the Union.

I am not saying it is impossible but I firmly believe it is extremely unlikely the U.S. government will ever try to confiscate guns on a large scale.

The Fourth Amendment

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
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Re: If licensed to carry, will the Feds come get my gun?


Post by seamusTX »

As I said earlier in different words, they don't need to confiscate weapons. That would be costly and messy. No government that is run by sane people wants to kill taxpayers.

They just need to make it extremely expensive to shoot, so that only the privileged classes can do it. That is how these things are done.

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Re: If licensed to carry, will the Feds come get my gun?


Post by VoiceofReason »

seamusTX wrote:As I said earlier in different words, they don't need to confiscate weapons. That would be costly and messy. No government that is run by sane people wants to kill taxpayers.

They just need to make it extremely expensive to shoot, so that only the privileged classes can do it. That is how these things are done.

- Jim
I agree.
I was attempting to apply a little reason to the numerous theories posted on this thread. :tiphat:
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Re: If licensed to carry, will the Feds come get my gun?


Post by bdickens »

VoiceofReason wrote:...As for armed foreign troops on U.S. soil, if that happened, those troops would not only have to fight civilians but they would have to fight large portions of the U.S. military and law enforcement.

On top of all this there would be the problem of many states seceding from the Union....
I wish I could be so optimistic. My experience tells me that probably 99% of the US troops will do what they are ordered.
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Re: If licensed to carry, will the Feds come get my gun?


Post by seamusTX »

If you have experience with U.S. military personnel performing illegal and unconstitutional actions, maybe you should talk to someone about it.

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Re: If licensed to carry, will the Feds come get my gun?


Post by philip964 »

In the movie Red Dawn the communist commander, orders his man to find the gun records and to go out in the town to confiscate all the weapons. The sporting goods store owner is executed because his records show missing rifles he gave to the young heros of the movie.

So yes if the United States is invaded by a foreign power this could happen. However I would expect patriots at the State government to have destroyed this information long before this happens. In Red Dawn it was a sudden communist Cuban sneak attack from South of the border, I'm not holding my breath.

My understanding all the records of gun purchases in Texas are not sent anywhere and are simply retained in a dusty filing cabinet by the gun seller in case someone comes looking. I assume many states have gun registrations laws where any gun you own is registered with the state by serial number. This would be a much easier way to find your gun.

In Texas, I think your pretty safe.

I want to say I am very proud to live here. Yesterday on the talk radio, I think it was Rush, needed to name a place that was free in the United States and he said Texas. He was trying to compare us with folks in Chicago and Washington. He is right, we live a much more free life than many Americans.

We need to remember that and continue to elect representatives that want to keep it that way. :txflag:
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Re: If licensed to carry, will the Feds come get my gun?


Post by drjoker »

TXlaw1 wrote:As I've been talking with folk about getting a Concealed Handgun License, I'm being asked questions like this --

If I have a CHL, the Feds will know I have a gun and come first to my house to confiscate it and put me in jail.
If I don't have a CHL, I'll not be their target. What should I do?

So how are you answering such questions? I want some good responses to convince my friends of the benefits of being licensed and carrying their guns concealed away from their homes to protect themselves and their loved ones and others.

Thanks for your help.
Actually, this is a legitimate question, even though many other posters are trying to paint you as a paranoid kook. I have asked myself and others that exact question. The answer is, if you do NOT get a CHL, the Feds will come for your gun. The more CHL licensees there are, the more CONSTITUENTS there are voting for political candidates. Politicians will be afraid to take away your gun if lots of people become CHL holders. That's the main reason why I got one. I almost never carry. I don't even own any guns (wife hates them). I carry maybe 10 days a year (dad's or freind's gun), but I have a CHL because I want my politicians to be aware that I and many more like me support the constitution for the constitution and its supporters make America free.

I invite you to support freedom and get your CHL NOW, people!


Reasons to get a CHL;
1. support constitutional freedom
2. avoid long lines to get into the capitol building in Austin
3. get excused as a "good guy" from minor traffic infractions (or some people claim)
4. make gun purchases go faster at gun shows (or some people claim)
5. find FTF gun bargains (some sellers will not buy/sell with non-CHL)
6. protect you and your loved ones
7. possibly make it easier to get a job: show potential employers that you're don't have a criminal record so they won't waste money doing a $50 criminal background check on you (make sure that your employer is "into guns" first or he/she will freak).
8. CHL class is a great way to meet fellow "gun nuts", hunting buddies, other singles (if you're single), etc.
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Re: If licensed to carry, will the Feds come get my gun?


Post by pops1982 »

drjoker wrote: Actually, this is a legitimate question, even though many other posters are trying to paint you as a paranoid kook. I have asked myself and others that exact question. The answer is, if you do NOT get a CHL, the Feds will come for your gun. The more CHL licensees there are, the more CONSTITUENTS there are voting for political candidates. Politicians will be afraid to take away your gun if lots of people become CHL holders. That's the main reason why I got one. I almost never carry. I don't even own any guns (wife hates them). I carry maybe 10 days a year (dad's or freind's gun), but I have a CHL because I want my politicians to be aware that I and many more like me support the constitution for the constitution and its supporters make America free.

I invite you to support freedom and get your CHL NOW, people!


Reasons to get a CHL;
1. support constitutional freedom
2. avoid long lines to get into the capitol building in Austin
3. get excused as a "good guy" from minor traffic infractions (or some people claim)
4. make gun purchases go faster at gun shows (or some people claim)
5. find FTF gun bargains (some sellers will not buy/sell with non-CHL)
6. protect you and your loved ones
7. possibly make it easier to get a job: show potential employers that you're don't have a criminal record so they won't waste money doing a $50 criminal background check on you (make sure that your employer is "into guns" first or he/she will freak).
8. CHL class is a great way to meet fellow "gun nuts", hunting buddies, other singles (if you're single), etc.
:iagree: Its time to stand up (come out of the closet) :lol: and be counted/organize, which by our shear numbers will be a deterrent to anyone wanting to infringe on our 2nd amendment rights. (better not mess with them, there's a lot of em) If not, the left could start/continue (I don’t see anyone...CHARGE!) their assault and who knows what rights we will have left in the end.
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Re: If licensed to carry, will the Feds come get my gun?


Post by sjfcontrol »

pops1982 wrote: :iagree: Its time to stand up (come out of the walk-in gun safe) :lol: and be counted/organize, which by our shear numbers will be a deterrent to anyone wanting to infringe on our 2nd amendment rights. (better not mess with them, there's a lot of em) If not, the left could start/continue (I don’t see anyone...CHARGE!) their assault and who knows what rights we will have left in the end.

Fixed it for 'ya! :thumbs2:
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Re: If licensed to carry, will the Feds come get my gun?


Post by pops1982 »

sjfcontrol wrote:
pops1982 wrote: :iagree: Its time to stand up (come out of the walk-in gun safe) :lol: and be counted/organize, which by our shear numbers will be a deterrent to anyone wanting to infringe on our 2nd amendment rights. (better not mess with them, there's a lot of em) If not, the left could start/continue (I don’t see anyone...CHARGE!) their assault and who knows what rights we will have left in the end.

Fixed it for 'ya! :thumbs2:
Thanks sjfcontrol. :cheers2: Silly error on my part. :oops:
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Re: If licensed to carry, will the Feds come get my gun?


Post by Cobra Medic »

glbedd53 wrote:OK, just let the party in power stay in power til 2016 and watch what happens.
That's not the only other option.
This will only hurt a little. What comes next, more so.

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Re: If licensed to carry, will the Feds come get my gun?


Post by williamkevin »

bdickens wrote:
VoiceofReason wrote:...As for armed foreign troops on U.S. soil, if that happened, those troops would not only have to fight civilians but they would have to fight large portions of the U.S. military and law enforcement.

On top of all this there would be the problem of many states seceding from the Union....
I wish I could be so optimistic. My experience tells me that probably 99% of the US troops will do what they are ordered.
Don't be so quick to think that....my experience tells me that percentage is somewhat lower. I would venture a guess that not many in U.S. uniform today would answer to someone wearing a blue beret, especially on U.S. soil.
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