$200 shipped
Will accept personal check(will wait for check to clear before shipping) or postal money order.
PM or email mkjbike2@sbcglobal.net
Here are some pics of the laser

Arrow indicates activation switch

OK, I have it advertised on a couple of other boards. I will let you know if it sells.xdfanatic wrote:Thanks for the pics Marty, I am definitely interested I just have to justify to my fiance spending more money on my guns because she wants another gun soon too.
If it is not sold by the first I may be sending you a money order. Btw those are some good pics.
I am sorry, I don't understand your question about how well regulated it is? You are correct there are no adjustments. This assembly takes the place of the guide rod/captive recoil spring assembly.orionengnr wrote:I am interested, and I am local (Lewisville).
I have not tried this brand, although I have exprience with the CT laser.
It appears as if there is no adjustability to the LaserMax. How well regulated is it as-delivered?
orionengnr wrote:My question is, how close to the sights' point of aim is the laser?
To put it another way, if you fire five rounds using iron sights, and then fire five rounds using the laser, do they hit in about the same place?
Is the seven inch group due to the laser? Do you shoot a tighter group with iron sights?
I am used to the Crimson Trace laser, which is very "repeatable" and adjustable as well. But the wife owns a mini-XD9 and I wouldn't mind putting this under the tree in December...
A 7-inch group at 7 yards is the reult of one of two things.I still shot about 2 to 3 inch group at 3 yards, and about a 7 to 8 inch group 7 yards.
I am sorry if you think I was "copping a Attitude" I simply did not understand your question. I am a fairly new shooter, having only started about a year ago. I also know that I am a noob on this forum, but I am here to learn. I am sorry my shooting does not meet your standards, but I did qualify for my CHL shooting a 233 out of 250. I and my wife are lots better than when we first started back in September of '09, and yes I understand that I need more practice. I get to the range as often as I can which is 2 to 3 times a month.orionengnr wrote:Since you choose to cop an attitude, I will be a bit more direct:
No, you did not answer my question at all. What you said was:A 7-inch group at 7 yards is the reult of one of two things.I still shot about 2 to 3 inch group at 3 yards, and about a 7 to 8 inch group 7 yards.
One, the laser is such a shot-to-shot variable that POI is within +/- 3.5 inches at 7 yards, (which is atrocious), or;
Two, that 7-8 inch grouping is indicative of your shooting, which is atrocious.
That is why I tried to ask (in a tactful way) how the POI of the laser compared with your use of the same gun with iron sights.
If you shoot the same with irons as you do with the laser, I'd be tempted to buy it and try it. You could use the money for ammo and range time.
If you shoot 1" groups at 7 yards with irons and 7" groups at the same distance with the laser, it would be reasonable to conclude that the LaserMax is poorly designed or executed.
Now, would you like to try again?