CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco

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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by Excaliber »

BrianSW99 wrote:
Beiruty wrote:Then, the evidence is clear, the officer overreacted and shot Erik when he was disarming himself. Any one asked the officer how one is supposed to disarm himself?
When the police are pointing guns at you, you don't. The last thing you want to do is make a movement toward your own gun. The officers will take care of the disarming, most likely after you're on the ground.
I agree you shouldn't disarm yourself when being held at gunpoint, but someone who hasn't thought this through beforehand might very well do so in an attempt to comply with the command "Drop it!" as was reportedly used by at least one of the officers on scene.

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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by baldeagle »

A witness is now testifying. She was in a wheelchair, in the center of the exit door, three to four feet from Officer Mosher. She has testified that Erik was on his knees, trying to stand up again, falling forward, when the second officer shot him. Then the third officer shot him. So, based on testimony as it now stands, Officer Mosher shot three times; once to the chest, through the heart, once in the upper thigh, and once through Erik's left armpit and through his heart. The second and third officers account for the four shots to the back. This witness states that she heard three shots. I believe she heard three sets of shots; Mosher first, then the second officer, finally the third.
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by Terlingueno »

There is some interesting testimony in this Las Vegas Sun blog:

Note the 9:43 and 10:12 testimony of Steven Novotny'

The 2:50 testimony of Jason Swords of Vegas Valley Locking Company that Shai Lierley(Costco employee) called on July 8th, two days before the shooting about a problem with the drive ... cott-day2/" onclick=";return false;
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by baldeagle »

This is my attempt to portray the locations of the various actors based upon the inquest testimony. Click on the image to view it in a separate screen
Does anyone think it was wise for the Officer to fire?
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CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by seniorshooteress »

Guess the LVPD didn't care who got shot, knowing they would never get into any kind of serious trouble. They get no-billed every time, it seems, no matter what the circumstances.
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by philip964 »

Thanks for the sketch, excellent, you have done so more than the DA, I was hoping for a 3d computer simulation from the DA with each person shown, so that each witness could then confirm on the stand where they were located. We would then understand what they could see and not see based on where they were. Yes, very lucky no one else was hurt or killed.

The physician in your sketch was reported to have testified today that "He didn't see Scott point anything at the officer or take an aggressive stance at the officer"

He later was reported to have said this "He was so shocked and surprised that he was afraid to approach and offer assistance"

Earlier he was reported to have testified "When he got outside, he saw a police officer with his gun drawn. He walked around a post, then came back and saw Scott at the entrance. He heard the officer tell Scott to “drop it,” even though he couldn’t see anything in Scott’s hands"

Then it was reported he said "He saw Scott reach toward his side and his shirt came up, then he was shot"

Then it was reported he testified "After he was shot, he saw Scott’s hands above his head before he fell to his knees and then fell face-down on the ground"

Later then it was reported he testified that " he didn't see anything drop from Scott’s hands or anything laying on the ground near him".

After the shooting he was reported to have testified today that "He was so shocked and surprised that he was afraid to approach and offer assistance"

Seems to be the most damaging witness so far to the Police officers case. He is a doctor, too afraid to render aid to a dieing man.
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by Terlingueno »

I am seeing a lot of:

armchair theorists
non witnessess
people who aren't LEO
conspiracy theorists
chest thumping

in this thread...
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by baldeagle »

Terlingueno wrote:I am seeing a lot of:

armchair theorists
non witnessess
people who aren't LEO
conspiracy theorists
chest thumping

in this thread...
Meaning what? Exactly?
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by Terlingueno »

baldeagle wrote:
Terlingueno wrote:I am seeing a lot of:

armchair theorists
non witnessess
people who aren't LEO
conspiracy theorists
chest thumping

in this thread...
Meaning what? Exactly?
That most of the posts here are exactly like what I said.
I don't recall seeing any posts from a Texas Peace Officer
how about putting yourselves in the Metro officers shoes
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by Kevinf2349 »

Terlingueno wrote:I am seeing a lot of:

armchair theorists
non witnessess
people who aren't LEO
conspiracy theorists
chest thumping

in this thread...
Officer Mosher? Welcome to the forum. :smilelol5:

Armchair terrorists? Where? I must have missed that? I have read no terroristic threats on this, or any other thread.
Non- witnesses? Really? In a Texas CHL forum nobody was in Las Vegas? Imagine that!
People who aren't LEO? Meaning? That only LEO's have an opinion? It may not have come to your attention but this isn't an LEO forum, it is a CHL holders forum.
Conspiracy theorists? Not really. Passing opinion that this will be a whitewash? Yes.
Blather? In a forum? Image that!
Chest thumping? Please give an example of where this is the case?

Please understand everyone is welcome in this forum and everyone is entitled to their opinion, if you don't like that, use the big black X in the top right corner of your browser and exercise your right to leave.

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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by Keith B »

He posted theorists, not terrorists.

And, keep this civil without in-fighting or the thread will be locked. Discussion is fine, but everyone needs to keep open minded on all sides of this. None of us were there, and as much as it stinks, theories are just that until the evidence is put in front of everyone. Until that time, opinions are just that.
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by Kevinf2349 »

Oh we have lots of those. :mrgreen:

But then what do you expect in an online forum? :shock:

That'll teach me to post without my glasses on while watching football :oops:
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Re: CHL holder killed by police in Las Vegas at a Costco


Post by Terlingueno »

Kevinf2349 wrote:
Terlingueno wrote:I am seeing a lot of:

armchair theorists
non witnessess
people who aren't LEO
conspiracy theorists
chest thumping

in this thread...
Officer Mosher? Welcome to the forum. :smilelol5:

Armchair terrorists? Where? I must have missed that? I have read no terroristic threats on this, or any other thread.
Non- witnesses? Really? In a Texas CHL forum nobody was in Las Vegas? Imagine that!
People who aren't LEO? Meaning? That only LEO's have an opinion? It may not have come to your attention but this isn't an LEO forum, it is a CHL holders forum.
Conspiracy theorists? Not really. Passing opinion that this will be a whitewash? Yes.
Blather? In a forum? Image that!
Chest thumping? Please give an example of where this is the case?

Please understand everyone is welcome in this forum and everyone is entitled to their opinion, if you don't like that, use the big black X in the top right corner of your browser and exercise your right to leave.

So what you are saying is that if someone challenges your opinion, they are free to leave.
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